D'BOYZ 12-29-2005, 01:03 PM Well I posted for dallas to have a 10-6 season we're almsot there also phi 10 -6 but hey no one new donovan would get hurth on the second week, we all new TO will colapse but Phi was domminent before TO the problem they lose Donovan. Also I predicted 8-8 for you guys wich is close but not that close.
In the 1 that I really messed up is the Giants at 4 -12 wow was I wrong
D'BOYZ 12-29-2005, 01:07 PM ANd in the NFL I had Patriots, Colts, Pitt, Chargers DEN and CIN as Wild card verry close being that I only missed on the chargers. and had Eagles, MIN, CAR, SEAT, ATL and DAllas as wild cards.
here I was worse MIN and ATL are out and either car or dall are out (in my opinion) i believe you have the best chances of the 3
Never I tought of chicago and even less once grossman got hurth.
I placed Car vs INd with IND winning in the SB and that still can happen lol
skinsguy 12-29-2005, 01:09 PM I think alot of us were wrong about the Giants, but I betcha if Tiki was injured, this team would be hurting. Now, I have always said that a team wins and loses as a team, but Tiki has turned into a difference maker. I say alot of the Giants credit goes to Tiki and him taking alot of pressure off of Eli Manning.
D'BOYZ 12-29-2005, 01:15 PM I totally agree that's why I put the point of donovan, Tiki is to the giants what Donovan is to Phi. Wen he got hurth early i nthe season it all went downhill they still won some games before we put hi mon the ground but he wasn't the usual self and it showed in a lot of the games
If tiki had gone down I agree the giants would had had the season their having
skinsguy 12-29-2005, 01:22 PM I believe that is why it's best to have good depth at the quarterback and running back positions. I've have always preached that no matter what, you always have a good veteran quarterback on your team regardless if he is starting for you or not. That way, if the #1 guy goes down, you have someone who can come in and pick up the offense and move forward. Samething applies with the running game. We have three very good backs that can step in and keep our running game dangerous: Portis, Betts, and Cartwright. If any one of those guys goes down, there is someone there to pick up the slack.
I'm not sure if the Giants have a really good #2 guy as a running back. I believe Tiki is such an important part of the offense, that they tend to rely on him alot.
skinsguy 12-29-2005, 01:26 PM As you mention, D'Boyz, Philly is great when they have Mcnabb, but if he goes down, that puts alot of pressure on Westbrook. NcNabb, Westbrook, and Owens are all difference makers and are heavily relied on. There is so much that went into keeping them (well maybe not Owens,) that there was nothing left as far as depth for the Eagles. I'd rather have good depth at QB and RB, than to put all my marbles into the #1 positions.
D'BOYZ 12-29-2005, 04:14 PM yeah but somethimes you can't cover all your flaws with depth look at us we have servicible backups at wr, rb but have no depth at qb (thank god bledsoe can stand a beating), Oline (our mayor problem) and Safety heck we don't even have a quallity starter at FS.
It's the same with you; had Moss went down instead of trash or patten you might be singing a different tune.
And in the case of Tiki they have the rookie Jacobs that there was a lot of fuzz before the season but hasn't put the numbers and if tiki had gone down I don't believe jacobs would have produce enough to be the diference.
cpayne5 12-29-2005, 04:22 PM yeah but somethimes you can't cover all your flaws with depth look at us we have servicible backups at wr, rb but have no depth at qb (thank god bledsoe can stand a beating), Oline (our mayor problem) and Safety heck we don't even have a quallity starter at FS.
It's the same with you; had Moss went down instead of trash or patten you might be signing a different tune.
And in the case of Tiki they have the rookie Jacobs that there was a lot of fuzz befire the season but hasn't put the numbers and if tiki had gone down I don't belive jacobs would have produce enough to be the diference.
skinsguy 12-29-2005, 04:46 PM yeah but somethimes you can't cover all your flaws with depth look at us we have servicible backups at wr, rb but have no depth at qb (thank god bledsoe can stand a beating), Oline (our mayor problem) and Safety heck we don't even have a quallity starter at FS.
It's the same with you; had Moss went down instead of trash or patten you might be signing a different tune.
And in the case of Tiki they have the rookie Jacobs that there was a lot of fuzz befire the season but hasn't put the numbers and if tiki had gone down I don't belive jacobs would have produce enough to be the diference.
I agree about Moss...that would've been the same as Tiki going down with an injury. That is one area that I believe we still need improve on, although I will say that having Cooley helps us tremendously in the receiver/tight end category.
dmek25 12-30-2005, 02:32 PM cpayne,need a tissue?