12-30-2005, 06:13 PM
I wont quibble with the first part of statement but is it maybe possible that Lavar's snake agent lied to him? Maybe they discussed an extra bonus and the agent forgot to or coudln't get it included. You seem to accept the fact the the Skins made the mistake of leaving it out either intetionally or unintentionally and I would submit that I would trust an entire NFL organization about 100 times more than a snake oil agent. My biggest problme is that since it is impossible for Lavar to know who made the mistake he needs to treat both parties about equally. Don't stand by your agent when it is as likely he made the ultimate mistake. That's not layalty to your organization or your so called friend Dan Snyder. That is being greedy. I know 6.5 Mil is srious cash to you and me but the Lavar it means a whole hell of a lot less. Still a butt load of money but I think on principle he should have buttoned up on and worked with the FO to come up with a solution that was ameanable to everyone. First thing on that solution would be to fire and sue the agent for breach of contract for not doing his job and costing you 6.5 millions dollars. The buck stops at the guy who said "sign the deal".
I dont know who left the 6.5 mil, or lied about it. Fact was a grievence was filed and it pissed a lot of people off. LaVar tried to drop it but NFLPA wouldnt let him. It is just a mess on both sides that it has come down to this on the cusp of a really good season, possible great. I seriously doubt the players are focusing on it as much as we are. The other part of the that is the 6.5 bonus money is the only guaranteed part of the contract, other than any signing bonuses or workout bonuses that sort of thing. So when It comes down to these bonuses players and agents really fight for them. rightfully so. With the way its working out, he wont be here to get it anyway even if it was in the contract so I guess its not that important to bitch about is it?
Sammy Baugh Fan
12-30-2005, 06:18 PM
My take is this stuff happens all the time.
LaVar lacked "Tact".
Tack is doing things that actually bring you the result you seek.
If he seeks to be with Gibbs and this Team than what he did was not even in his own best interest.
Lavar now is singing the country song...
"I know what I was feeling but... WHAT WAS I THINKING?"
12-30-2005, 06:19 PM
So it's ok to dump some guys but not the ones you like? That's rationalization my friend. That is really what it sounds like.
I dont know what you are talking about. Trotter tried to get more money, got it in washington, got cut, then realized what he had in Philly and begged to go back, took alot less money, two years in a row in fact. I didn't say its ok to drop players I dont like, I just stated the facts regarding a few you mentioned. Tell me this, If Springs came to you and said (at age 31 mind you) 2 years into his deal that paid him 10 mil up front, I want a new deal or I am holding out and wanted 15 to 20 mil up front. what would you do? Pay an aging player that much money or cut your ties? Same w/ Milloy, not really sure how old he is but not a spring chicken. Kearse was a free agent and the Titans didn't have the money Philly had to offer him. So , I dont get your point about dropping guys I dont like being ok. i didn't think letting Cory Simon go by Philly was a good move, look what the guy has done in Indy, made the run D pretty damn good.
12-30-2005, 06:50 PM
I dont know what you are talking about. Trotter tried to get more money, got it in washington, got cut, then realized what he had in Philly and begged to go back, took alot less money, two years in a row in fact. I didn't say its ok to drop players I dont like, I just stated the facts regarding a few you mentioned. Tell me this, If Springs came to you and said (at age 31 mind you) 2 years into his deal that paid him 10 mil up front, I want a new deal or I am holding out and wanted 15 to 20 mil up front. what would you do? Pay an aging player that much money or cut your ties? Same w/ Milloy, not really sure how old he is but not a spring chicken. Kearse was a free agent and the Titans didn't have the money Philly had to offer him. So , I dont get your point about dropping guys I dont like being ok. i didn't think letting Cory Simon go by Philly was a good move, look what the guy has done in Indy, made the run D pretty damn good.
Just seemed like you were saying it was ok for the team to let those guys go elsewhere or cut them but not in this case. If that's not what you meant then I retract. But based on your post above it does seem like what you're saying.
12-30-2005, 06:52 PM
Just seemed like you were saying it was ok for the team to let those guys go elsewhere or cut them but not in this case. If that's not what you meant then I retract. But based on your post above it does seem like what you're saying.
12-30-2005, 07:17 PM
arrington can kiss my assssssss....he's a little bitch!!!! seeeeeeeeeeee....now i was misquoted lol
12-30-2005, 07:50 PM
Im a huge Lavar fan but this whole thing doesn't sit well with us as fans. We all love watching him play and couldn't wait to see what he could do in this system. Lavar made a statement regarding fan support like Ray Lewis. Ray is a free-lancer but he rairly misses tackles and plays hard and helps coach his fellow teammates. This is something I never saw Lavar do while in Denver sitting under a coat just like in KC he sits and sulks. To me if I was Dan,Joe, or Greg I would be lighting a fire under his ass. Lavar is a very emotional player and I listen to him on the John Thompson show and he is a cronic listner to the critics. Lavar loves seeing his Jersey and the fans cheering for him then why did it take so long for you to release your rights as a member of the NFLPA. You should have loved your new contract because in there Dan Snyder saw your earning potential and through that in there. He make millions and so doe's his advisors so I ask them this READ ALL PRINTED DOCUMENTS AND SIGN HERE>__________
Just a thought and my first post.
With the Possible Cap room Reggie Wayne Next Year???
Sammy Baugh Fan
12-30-2005, 08:15 PM
Good post JManorGC94 and welcome to the jungle.
Good folks around here with some sound thought at times. [note disclaimer]
EDIT/ added [s] to time making it times
12-30-2005, 09:12 PM
That's another thing that his agent screwed up. His first contract didn't have the NFLPA stuff but in his first restructure his agent forgot to have them remove it (it is common language that all teams put in for ease. they don't care either way.) so he magically became a member because his agent is apparently a moron.
The Drama Queen...
Every incident or opportunity, no matter how insignificant, is exploited, exaggerated and if necessary distorted to become an event of dramatic proportions. Everything is elevated to crisis proportions. Histrionics may be present where the person feels he is not the centre of attention but should be.