skinsguy 12-07-2005, 05:58 PM The only problem I have with the total optimists is that my life experience is that the squeaky wheel gets the oil. By that I mean, if Redskin fans would raise hell about Snyder's methods, maybe just maybe he would eventually have to listen. Snyder cares about public opinion, and he cares about the fans. If no one ever questions or bitches about moves made by this team, then that pretty much turns us all into Kool-Aid drinking fans who never question our team's moves. Id rather stop being a fan than to follow blindly, never questioning authority. Its easy to come on here and say "never question Joe Gibbs", but do those of you who are total optimists ever come to this site and say "yep, in hindsight, Gibbs was totally wrong" . If you are going to complain about the bitching and moaning on this board, don't you have to fess up when the bitching and moaning is legit?
But honestly Paul, I don't believe we have very many people like that. I might appear to be a "total" optimist sometimes because I choose to see if there is anything positive that has come from a bad situation. I don't believe that is being irrational. That is just a sense of being encouraging. As fans, it is our job to encourage our team to continue to fight through the rough times. Believe me, our team feeds off of us fans who attend the games each weekend. Naturally, those of us who are old enough to remember how it was when Gibbs was here the first time has a little more patience with the guy, because we know what he is capable of. It is not to say that we don't question him, because sometimes he does things that leave us scratching our heads. ALL coaches do that from time to time because they are not perfect creatures. However, for the most part, I would never question Joe Gibbs as far as his overall knowledge of the sport and what it takes to be a winner. He has proven to be a winner before in both football and NASCAR, and there is no reason to assume that he has all of a sudden forgotten how to coach.
What gets me, however, are those on here who actually seriously believe they know more about coaching than what Joe Gibbs does. To me, that is being irrational.
Longtimefan 12-07-2005, 09:22 PM This has been a very well discussed thread and I have actually taken something constructive from each and every post. We should take pride in the fact we do have some of the most intelligent fans of the game, and sometimes frustration with loosing breeds negativity and that's human nature."The nature of the beast" so to speak" However,
I continue to remain the eternal optomist bacause I truly believe Gibbs has this team heading in the right direction. I believe we're going to win every game we play, and try to maintain a positive attitude win or loose.
When I look back over our season thus far, there's only one game we had no chance of winning, and that was the Giants. That alone enables me to continue being optomistic despite the fact there are times in games when I don't think we play to our capabilities. With every team in the league, there are things we can improve on,and I have faith in this coaching staff that we can get it done. It will be a tremendous boost to this team if we can win our remaining games. Playofffs' or not, I have seen marked improvement over last year.
SmootSmack 12-08-2005, 12:57 AM But honestly Paul, I don't believe we have very many people like that. I might appear to be a "total" optimist sometimes because I choose to see if there is anything positive that has come from a bad situation. I don't believe that is being irrational. That is just a sense of being encouraging. As fans, it is our job to encourage our team to continue to fight through the rough times. Believe me, our team feeds off of us fans who attend the games each weekend. Naturally, those of us who are old enough to remember how it was when Gibbs was here the first time has a little more patience with the guy, because we know what he is capable of. It is not to say that we don't question him, because sometimes he does things that leave us scratching our heads. ALL coaches do that from time to time because they are not perfect creatures. However, for the most part, I would never question Joe Gibbs as far as his overall knowledge of the sport and what it takes to be a winner. He has proven to be a winner before in both football and NASCAR, and there is no reason to assume that he has all of a sudden forgotten how to coach.
What gets me, however, are those on here who actually seriously believe they know more about coaching than what Joe Gibbs does. To me, that is being irrational.
Nice post. It's important to remember that yes Gibbs did go to 4 Super Bowls (and win 3) but he didn't coach for 4 years. He was here for 12 years. And for the most part all those other years he was building the team toward the next title-usually, if not always, with a new running back and quarterback. So patience is key. Rome wasn't built in a day as they say.
Negativity is one thing. What bugs me is when certain people believe that if you're really vocal after a loss that makes you a more passionate fan. Or if you have the balls to question Gibbs regularly you're a smarter fan. Ramseyfan I know gets frustrated after a loss, the fact that he comes on here and is generally calm about doesn't mean he's an apathetic imbecile. Matty has questioned decisions made by Gibbs. That he generally leans toward trusting Gibbs to make the right decision doesn't make him a brain-dead idiot.
Holla at me when were 10-6.......
#56fanatic 12-08-2005, 10:00 AM First of all, the score was never 10-3, it was 10-7. Second, yeah we had it, but it's a different ballgame if the Rams pick that fumble up in the end zone. Shit happens, and you have to expect it to. It's not running the score up, it's ensuring that if something goes wrong, you're still in control. Gibbs never coached when the 2-pt conversion was in the NFL, and I don't know if he's calculating the scores right. 17-9 is a touchdown away, and 24-9 is still only two scores. If Gibbs can assume his guys are going to play "mistake free football," then he should trust them to make plays. Why on earth did we not try to score before halftime? That's the kind of things that have lost us games in the past. Santana Moss should have touched the ball in the second half. Joe Gibbs' idea of not being conservative involves running a very improperly timed trick play, like a reverse to start the game or a toss-and-pass when we should have just run a toss, or a deep pass. No need to combine the two.
I still firmly believe that we have the talent and desire to go 4-0 regardless of what plays are called. The O Line is looking good, and that's what our success will hinge on.
Boy, sounds like you should be on the side line. Point is, Gibbs is not going to take unnecessary risks. deal with it. or get into coaching and run a team the way you want and see how you would call those plays in those situations.
Southpaw 12-08-2005, 12:58 PM But what you don't understand is that Snyder actually thought he was helping the team by doing so. And really, Snyder was basically acting upon the intentions of what we hear quite often around here everytime the Redskins lose or don't play up to what we think they should be playing to - that is to get rid of the coach and put one in if we're not up to championship level or let's go out and sign big names.
Wow, looks like I touched a nerve with the Snyder comment. Is the Warpath owned by the Redskins too? I mean, I know the typical attitude of a Redskins fan is the "what have you done for me lately" mindset, but forgive me if I don't bow down to our genius owner just yet.
First of all, I don't doubt for a second that Snyder wants to win, but when his answer to the problem is to throw money at it, it makes me wonder how he was ever successful in business. He's the second generation of the Al Davis and Jerry Jones type owners, and I'm pretty sure we all have similar feelings about those guys.
Secondly, don't doubt for a second that all the crap that he does "for the fans" is for any other reason than to make more money. Wow, he didn't raise ticket prices? That would have been funny if he had, since Washington has been mediocre or worse for the last six seasons, and the only team with higher average ticket prices is the Super Bowl champion, New England Patriots. Snyder also opened up Redskins practice to the fans. Wow, that's cool. Just don't forget your $20 a head just to watch them practice.
So excuse me if I'm not the biggest Daniel Snyder fan. It'll take a little more than one "good" decision to make me forget all of the f--k ups over the last several years.
skinsguy 12-08-2005, 01:21 PM Wow, looks like I touched a nerve with the Snyder comment. Is the Warpath owned by the Redskins too? I mean, I know the typical attitude of a Redskins fan is the "what have you done for me lately" mindset, but forgive me if I don't bow down to our genius owner just yet.
First of all, I don't doubt for a second that Snyder wants to win, but when his answer to the problem is to throw money at it, it makes me wonder how he was ever successful in business. He's the second generation of the Al Davis and Jerry Jones type owners, and I'm pretty sure we all have similar feelings about those guys.
Secondly, don't doubt for a second that all the crap that he does "for the fans" is for any other reason than to make more money. Wow, he didn't raise ticket prices? That would have been funny if he had, since Washington has been mediocre or worse for the last six seasons, and the only team with higher average ticket prices is the Super Bowl champion, New England Patriots. Snyder also opened up Redskins practice to the fans. Wow, that's cool. Just don't forget your $20 a head just to watch them practice.
So excuse me if I'm not the biggest Daniel Snyder fan. It'll take a little more than one "good" decision to make me forget all of the f--k ups over the last several years.
I think you have misunderstood my post. I am in know way suggesting I am a Daniel Snyder fan. I think you have taken my post way out of context. My point about Daniel Snyder is, through his ignorance, he thought he was doing what needed to be done to get this team to be successful. Unfortunately, you can't buy success like maybe you can in the regular business world. NFL ownership is way different.
However, I believe he has realized the idiot mistakes he's made in the past and hiring someone like Gibbs who can not only coach, but who can be a great organizer and motivator is a step in the right direction for this franchise.
Ease up on the hostility please.
#56fanatic 12-08-2005, 01:33 PM Wow, looks like I touched a nerve with the Snyder comment. Is the Warpath owned by the Redskins too? I mean, I know the typical attitude of a Redskins fan is the "what have you done for me lately" mindset, but forgive me if I don't bow down to our genius owner just yet.
First of all, I don't doubt for a second that Snyder wants to win, but when his answer to the problem is to throw money at it, it makes me wonder how he was ever successful in business. He's the second generation of the Al Davis and Jerry Jones type owners, and I'm pretty sure we all have similar feelings about those guys.
Secondly, don't doubt for a second that all the crap that he does "for the fans" is for any other reason than to make more money. Wow, he didn't raise ticket prices? That would have been funny if he had, since Washington has been mediocre or worse for the last six seasons, and the only team with higher average ticket prices is the Super Bowl champion, New England Patriots. Snyder also opened up Redskins practice to the fans. Wow, that's cool. Just don't forget your $20 a head just to watch them practice.
So excuse me if I'm not the biggest Daniel Snyder fan. It'll take a little more than one "good" decision to make me forget all of the f--k ups over the last several years.
Finally someone that is on my page. We have been mediocre since danny has taken over,never better. The fact this guy wants to win is undeniable, however the ways he is trying to achieve this is wrong. Constant turnover with coaches, players is just rediculous. Him, Vinny, and Pepper rogers are in no terms qualified to make player personel decisions. He wants to buy the biggest name, buy a championship. If you look at recent superbowl winners they are built from the ground up, not the wallet. Until we have football knowledgable people pulling the strings, we will be the same team year in and year out. And Joe is a great coach, he is not the builder of those teams that won superbowls. Casserly and bethard were the builders, joe was the coach only!
skindogger47 12-08-2005, 01:33 PM Boy, sounds like you should be on the side line. Point is, Gibbs is not going to take unnecessary risks. deal with it. or get into coaching and run a team the way you want and see how you would call those plays in those situations.I would love to get into coaching but not many programs are looking for a 24 year old to run a team. I would really like to have the job of "replay consultant," since the last guy who did it obviously had no idea what he was doing.
My point is that the risks that some may consider "unnecessary" are the ones that could have won us games in November had we taken them. And I do deal with Gibbs' playcalling, by sharing my opinion on this message board. I mean, what's the board for, if not to question possibilities and discuss games with fellow Redskin fans?
skinsguy 12-08-2005, 01:37 PM Finally someone that is on my page. We have been mediocre since danny has taken over,never better. The fact this guy wants to win is undeniable, however the ways he is trying to achieve this is wrong. Constant turnover with coaches, players is just rediculous. Him, Vinny, and Pepper rogers are in no terms qualified to make player personel decisions. He wants to buy the biggest name, buy a championship. If you look at recent superbowl winners they are built from the ground up, not the wallet. Until we have football knowledgable people pulling the strings, we will be the same team year in and year out. And Joe is a great coach, he is not the builder of those teams that won superbowls. Casserly and bethard were the builders, joe was the coach only!
My not sure who is denying this? Nobody here are Snyder apologists, I certainly am not! But, I have to disagree with Joe Gibbs not having a hand in building those championship teams in the 80's and 90's. Joe was just as much a part of constructing those teams as the GM's were.