12-07-2005, 04:46 PM
a couple of weeks ago i was listening to a sports radio show, 670 the score in Chicago. And Balldinger and Maas were the topic of conversation. they actually got Maas on the phone and asked him if he was aware of the criticism that he and others like him faced because of the way the try to imitate Madden, etc. It was pretty hillarious. Anyway, I'll give Maas credit for taking the question. His response was basically 'yes he is aware of the criticism but this is how his bosses at Fox have asked him to call the games and he kind of has to stick to the script'. So, if he's telling the truth than his bosses at Fox are bigger idiots than he and Balldinger
They still stink and NFL Network is lame.
12-07-2005, 05:24 PM
they both suck and i just listen to sonny, sam, and the other guy.
12-07-2005, 05:50 PM
I think Baldi and Mass are bad in there own ways.
Mass is just bad. Doesn't seem to know what he is talking about and says stupid things all the time. Just plain dumb stuff.
Baldi seems a lot more intelligent but this is off -set by his wacked views that color his color. What these guys don't realize when they're imitating Madden is that Madden basically adds very little to the game in terms of insight to specific teams beyond the game going on. He focuses almost solely on what is going on in-game. He might reference the obvious deficiencies of a team but he won't belabor it with analysis of the deficiency based on the past. He might say "They have had trouble running the ball this year" because he can make that statement without having to watch every game but he wont say "They can't run the ball this year because...." which would require him to actually understand a team at the level we try to understand the Skins. It isn't possible for these guys to analyze to that level. They're lucky if they know the damn roster on a weekly basis. Even a guy a like Jaws, who has a better grasp of teams than any color guy, doesn't understand the Skins to the depth that many of us do simply because he can't possible know every team like that. Baldi makes the classic mistake of thinking he can offer an insight into the team that rabid fans(lets be honest they're the only fans who really care about the announcers) don't already know or have discussed. I can't think of anytime in recent memory that a color guy has offered an opinion that we haven't talked about already here. These guys need to stick to the game at hand and get past the team analyzing when it is clear they simply aren't up to the task.
One reason Sonny, Sam and X are liked so much is that they actually know the team and can call a game in the context of the entire season without making retarded statements about the game passing Gibbs by.
That Guy
12-07-2005, 11:37 PM
I can't think of anytime in recent memory that a color guy has offered an opinion that we haven't talked about already here. These guys need to stick to the game at hand and get past the team analyzing when it is clear they simply aren't up to the task.
One reason Sonny, Sam and X are liked so much is that they actually know the team and can call a game in the context of the entire season without making retarded statements about the game passing Gibbs by.
JT and TA can be insightful, one is a skins homer and the other is in love with the nfc east though ;)
I still find JT annoying, but thought i'd throw it out there.
12-08-2005, 12:56 AM
sorry if someone has already said this but with the crappy color commentary duo's the skins games get stuck with, I wish I had the option of just having the gameplay and crowd sound on and have the talk turned off or u had the option of cycling through the commentary groups and picking the one u'd like to listen to.