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skinsguy 12-01-2005, 09:17 PM Just what I said in my previous post: The jury's still out on him, and we need to consider our options at QB for next season. Brunell is the perfect veteran back-up who Gibbs likes to have around. His record as a starter this year (4-6), regardless of whose fault the close losses are, doesn't cut it, in my opinion. Are you satisfied with a losing team this year?
Wait! Are you saying that even if it isn't Mark Brunell's fault that we are 5-6 right now, benching him is still the answer? That doesn't make any sense.
offiss 12-01-2005, 11:54 PM Ok, I thought you were talking about this year.
I still don't understand why people are still hung up on last year though.
Brunell has had 1 subpar year out of 13. That's called a fluke in my book. I get the feeling some people are just waiting (hoping?) for him to crash and burn again.
offiss 12-01-2005, 11:57 PM Ok what has Ramsey ever lead us too?
Thats kind of the point here, Ramsey really hasen't been given a chance under Gibbs.
offiss 12-02-2005, 12:01 AM Just what I said in my previous post: The jury's still out on him, and we need to consider our options at QB for next season. Brunell is the perfect veteran back-up who Gibbs likes to have around. His record as a starter this year (4-6), regardless of whose fault the close losses are, doesn't cut it, in my opinion. Are you satisfied with a losing team this year?
Apparently so, no one wants to take into account the inability of the offense under Brunell to salt the game away with nothing more than 1 firstdown late in a game, kind of ironic that the QB everyone inc. Gibbs has so much stock in, are scared to death to possibly put the ball in the air on a high percentage pass play late in the game.
So to you he's crashed to last year's level??
offiss 12-02-2005, 12:24 AM So to you he's crashed to last year's level??
No not at all, but he's not getting the job done either, and that's the bottom line, Brunell was a win now move I think we can both agree on that, well we ain't winning now, so really what's the point of having him here? We gave up a lot to get him between a #2 and 43 mil, but maybe the biggest thing we gave up when Brunell was aquired was the developement of Ramsey.
It's the belief of many that so long as Ramsey is on the bench he's no good because Gibbs has basically said so. Well it's not like Gibbs hasen't been wrong before in his brief tenure this go round, he admitted Betts was much better than he thought when he came back.
He made a big play for Portis and lets face it he defends this guy to no end no matter what happens, and can anyone really say Portis has been anything close to what they thought we were getting?
My belief is Gibbs doesn't neccassarily belive he can't win with Ramsey, or that Ramsey is a lowsey QB, but I do believe he feels he can win with Brunell and that's his choice of prefrence, Gibbs is accountable for Brunell, and Portis, Ramsey is not his guy, Gibbs has almost 100mil tied up between the 2 I believe he is highly motivated to making a success out of both, that's a tough pill to swallow to watch carreer stats go down the drain the second you trade for a player, it doesn't make Gibbs look good, especially when he was in a win now mode.
Matty you know it's no secret on my feelings on this topic, but I do want to win first and fore most, my feeling has been that Ramsey would provide the best opportunity for that now, and defiently the long haul, but's it's pretty obvious we will probably never find out what Ramsey can do until he gets a chance somewhere else, my feeling is to bad for us.
Brunell continues to be the convenient fall guy.
Someone said it already, he had a 96.8 QB rating last week with no turnovers and we still lost.
It's obvious there are other problems that are contributing to the offensive woes right now, regardless of who is playing QB.
offiss 12-02-2005, 12:39 AM Brunell continues to be the convenient fall guy.
Someone said it already, he had a 96.8 QB rating last week with no turnovers and we still lost.
It's obvious there are other problems that are contributing to the offensive woes right now, regardless of who is playing QB.
Like what?
Umm maybe dropped passes on 3rd downs, ill-timed penalties when you have the ball at the opponents 31 yard line with a game winning FG in range. You know, stuff like that.
I know Brunell's 96.8 rating contributed mightily to the loss last week, but perhaps there are other things at play here. Just maybe.
SmootSmack 12-02-2005, 01:18 AM Umm maybe dropped passes on 3rd downs, ill-timed penalties when you have the ball at the opponents 31 yard line with a game winning FG in range. You know, stuff like that.
I know Brunell's 96.8 rating contributed mightily to the loss last week, but perhaps there are other things at play here. Just maybe.
Matty, maybe if your big ego wasn't in the way you'd see that if Ramsey was playing QB then Royal wouldn't drop passes, Rabach wouldn't blatantly hold opponents, Portis wouldn't fumble, there would be peace in the Middle East, we'd find Osama, we'd know what the hell is really going on on Lost, Elvis would be alive and all the impersonators would be dead....seriously man, how the hell did you become an administrator?