Master4Caster 11-28-2005, 06:26 PM Typical move for a franchise that hasn't won since Moses was a baby. This move is a year early, if anything. Coaches need three years, at least, to implement their system with players suited to execute it. This would be like Snyder firing Joe Gibbs at the end of this season. Sure, the Lions were doing worse, but were much worse off than the Redskins to begin with.
What if the Chargers fired Marty Schottenheimer after two seasons? Why is Matt Millen still the GM?
What applies to Ford's cars applies to Ford's team:
Fix Often Repair Daily
Found On Road Dead!
D'BOYZ 11-28-2005, 06:33 PM Actually Scottenheimer was almost given the axe after the season that gave them the #1 pic good thing that they didn't gave in to the media pressure. In this case you're talking about a losing franchise that are desperate to give some spark and have a winning season as good as M. was he didn't took the best of his players I guess he will go to college after this.
No NFL team will hire him also Matt should get the axe he was the 1 that drafted 3 Wr in high pics in 3 consecutive years if they have problems is that they didn't address other needs.
jdlea 11-28-2005, 06:35 PM You know, while you watched the game it wasn't very difficult to figure out why he was fired. The announcers were commenting on how he was complaining about Mike Williams and how he didn't know how to practice. Well, then, as his coach, you teach him to practice. If he doesn't listen light his ass up and hold him out of games on Sunday.
Stop being such a p*ssy and jump his ass for not putting up. If guys aren't practicing hard, don't let em play. Take a stand. And, btw, make a decision at QB you dumbass. I don't feel sorry for Mariucci he brought it on himself.
First of all, why take the Detroit job. That team sucks and Millen sucks and Millen will do whatever he can to avoid blame.
Second and most important, did anyone else think that this guy didn't know what he was doing on Thanksgiving? First, he yanks Harrington when Harrington wasn't even playing that bad. Second, he yanks Kevin Jones who is better than anyone else they had. Finally, he didn't even look like he cared that they were getting crushed.
I believe that once a coach thinks it is acceptable to lose he needs to move on.
That Guy 11-28-2005, 07:55 PM millen is the one that needs to go. Coach didn't have an oline or even a decent qb. bad deal.
Sheriff Gonna Getcha 11-28-2005, 07:57 PM I'm sorry to disagree with you again jdlea, but I like Mooch. They didn't give him a chance. It's actually sort of nice to see Marty doing well in San Diego. Remember how people were saying he's cooked, he's done, he's a loser. Then, after giving Brees an adequate opportunity to play and Marty starts winning he's named the comeback coach of the year.
Ahhhh, if only our organization had the patience that other clubs have. Instead, we have a constantly revolving door with coaches and players coming and going in the hopes of getting better talent because we always feel that what we have is inadequate. Paging doctor Freud.
jdlea 11-28-2005, 08:20 PM I'm sorry to disagree with you again jdlea, but I like Mooch. They didn't give him a chance. It's actually sort of nice to see Marty doing well in San Diego. Remember how people were saying he's cooked, he's done, he's a loser. Then, after giving Brees an adequate opportunity to play and Marty starts winning he's named the comeback coach of the year.
Ahhhh, if only our organization had the patience that other clubs have. Instead, we have a constantly revolving door with coaches and players coming and going in the hopes of getting better talent because we always feel that what we have is inadequate. Paging doctor Freud.
Now, as surprising as this is, I actually agree with pretty much everything you said. I agree he didn't get a chance there, however, I don't think he should have taken the job in the first place. I think the team is horrendous and they need a different coach than him.
I actually don't mind him, but I don't think that that team is in better shape than he found them. He jerked QB's in and out, which bothers me more than anything else a coach does. I think that this team needs someone who is going to be hard on them. I don't think a nice guy like Mooch was the guy for this team. They need a Marty type to bust their ass.
I think he will be successful somewhere, but that place is a debacle, he didn't help them at all, and it really didn't seem like he cared.
Daseal 11-28-2005, 08:24 PM I'd love to see Mooch come in as an offensive coordinator for us. I think our offense could be much imporved with him running it.
dmek25 11-28-2005, 08:28 PM how in the world does anyone know if mariucci can coach?he was handed a talented 49er team,did they win anything?he was at the helm when terrell owens became TO.supposed to be an offensive coach and millen loaded the lions up with offensive draft picks,and joey harrington has regressed.sure mooch seems like a nice guy,but why does this matter?
Master4Caster 11-29-2005, 04:26 AM First of all, why take the Detroit job. That team sucks and Millen sucks
Mooch is from Michigan, I believe. Before he took the Lions job, he was courted by Michigan State University for head football coach. MSU was prompted by Mariucci's boyhood bud Tom Izzo.
When franchises have a long time losing record, the problem is always with the ownership and management and the organizational decisions they make. The Lions are a text book case. So is the Arizona Cardinals. So were the Cinci Bengals until Mike Brown agreed to step back and let more competent people run the organization.
The Ford family couldn't win even with Barry Sanders. He left in frustration. What does that tell you? The Fords decided to step back and let a football guy run things. They hired Matt Millen (owner decision) and extended his contract (owner decision). :Flush: Millen picked the players (management decision) and hired the coach (management decision) to run the west coast offense, which was offensive (coaching decision). Millen fires the coach to "develop talent." So the players are looking at transitions in coaches and systems and game plans.
Who really thinks the Lions will be better in the next three years?
Luxorreb 11-29-2005, 05:34 AM Marucci is NOT to blame. Everyone knows it. MATT MILLEN is an arsehole JACKASS!!! Sorry if that offends anyone, but WHO??? WHO??? who continues to draft top WR's without any OL or substantial defensive help? And no moves other than Bly to really improve the defense? MOOOCH is a good coach and seems to be a good dude to boot. My question is how in the hell did Millen get a GM job? I mean I understand Bill Walsh, Parcells, Gibbs, Charlie Casserly etc. But Millen? Does this guy even read? He's a jerkoff dunce making tons of money making bad decisions. Vinny Ceratto stands mountains above Millen. Never was a big Niner fan or Mooch fan, but here DET firing him is ridiculous and a travesty to 'the way things should be'. I have a feeling if Millen doesn't suit up and play next season; next season will be his last as GM. BOO DETROIT!!! Bad mistake. Who ya gonna hire now? Williams ain't going there.