Arrington: 'I could have handled things a bit better'

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11-05-2005, 08:44 PM
it is a nice post. I do believe everyone out here is extatic that LaVar is finally on the field. I just want to make one point and I know I will get crap for it but here it goes.
As all of you know I was one of the biggest LaVar supporters out here. In the beginning when LaVar was saying he is 100% health, or even 90% healthy and wasn't getting the opportunity to prove himself, you didn't believe a word he was saying. When we questioned the coaches decisions and said LaVar at 90% was better than Holdman we were wrong for questioning them. Now, when LaVar comes out and says he wasn't healthy, and 100% knowledgeable, all of the sudden, you believe LaVar, hes a man for stepping up. seems funny you hear or listen to things you want to hear. We all heard from ESPN, FOX, Comcast that LaVar was healthy, ready to play that there was something else going on why he wasn't playing. that the organization was upset with LaVar and the way he was handlling everything. You tell me what organization is going to come out and say "yeah, he messed up in the offseason with the whole contract thing, then critisized the team about his injury" I dont think any team is going to come out and say that. i am not saying this is the reason he didn't play early in the season. I am just making a point that people will hear what they want to hear. People will say something is wrong with what that person said, then turn completely around if that same person says something they want to hear or agree with.
Your right here lets see wasn't it ohh lavar isnt a team player ... then it was oh he wont play special teams ...then it was he is always out of postion...then it was he should keep his mouth shut...then it was well he needs to prove himself ..then it was oh he has so much to prove..... if he can still play...and then it was when Williams got too much heat it was well now he isnt healthy..... It was all BS and Lavar is taking one for the team... but u guys wanna hammer the i told u so like children...well try sucking up all the how has to prove himself and he's not a team player comments... oh and all the overrated comments were wrong too ... so why not let it die this shit is old ...and what the fuck is it proving and lavar at 50% is better than any LB on that roster ..he's just being a team player and leader and speaking out so he can start ...regardless who is right what is this serving besides fighting..... and suddenly everybody is happy he's starting BS....

That Guy
11-06-2005, 04:37 AM
it is a nice post. I do believe everyone out here is extatic that LaVar is finally on the field. I just want to make one point and I know I will get crap for it but here it goes.
As all of you know I was one of the biggest LaVar supporters out here. In the beginning when LaVar was saying he is 100% health, or even 90% healthy and wasn't getting the opportunity to prove himself, you didn't believe a word he was saying. When we questioned the coaches decisions and said LaVar at 90% was better than Holdman we were wrong for questioning them. Now, when LaVar comes out and says he wasn't healthy, and 100% knowledgeable, all of the sudden, you believe LaVar, hes a man for stepping up. seems funny you hear or listen to things you want to hear. We all heard from ESPN, FOX, Comcast that LaVar was healthy, ready to play that there was something else going on why he wasn't playing. that the organization was upset with LaVar and the way he was handlling everything. You tell me what organization is going to come out and say "yeah, he messed up in the offseason with the whole contract thing, then critisized the team about his injury" I dont think any team is going to come out and say that. i am not saying this is the reason he didn't play early in the season. I am just making a point that people will hear what they want to hear. People will say something is wrong with what that person said, then turn completely around if that same person says something they want to hear or agree with.

maybe no one believes lavar, and its just that what he's saying happens to agree with what the coaches and everyone else are saying right now... that's a REALLY weak arguement.

That Guy
11-06-2005, 04:39 AM
Bottomline you 56er's are just that - Arrington fanatics. Even when he says one thing - you 56er's say he was forced to say it. No matter what he says or does, he will be a god to you guys. That's my point - you guys don't have a clue and yeah i'm calling out your loyalty to the team - because you are looking after another player's best interest at the expense of the team. I can question your loyalty to the team if that is how i see it, it's MY OPINION - no one else's - and if you feel enraged or whatever because of my post - then you have issues. If you are letting my post affect you that much, then I must be pushing the right buttons - and there may be questions that you need to ask yourself. You can attack me for my opinion - but at the same time you better know that what you post is also fair game. And I will call it like I see - no holds barred. If you guys take offense to me calling out your loyalty to the team, then so be it - i'm not holding back my opinions for no one. I mean it's even in your member name - 56 fanatic.

And yeah i think without gibbs, this year and last year - there would not be a team and we would have you ramsey, arrington fanatics running wild and out of control. I am fans of players,but first I'm a fan of the redskins - gibbs is the team, he controls the attitude, direction, and what happens on the field - without him, there is no team. If think differently, then let me know why he isn't the team...

there's a difference between debating and attacking... and so far I think you're the only one that's thrown insults and questioned people's loyalty, so... pot, kettle, etc.

That Guy
11-06-2005, 04:42 AM
Your right here lets see wasn't it ohh lavar isnt a team player ... then it was oh he wont play special teams ...then it was he is always out of postion...then it was he should keep his mouth shut...then it was well he needs to prove himself ..then it was oh he has so much to prove..... if he can still play...and then it was when Williams got too much heat it was well now he isnt healthy..... It was all BS and Lavar is taking one for the team... but u guys wanna hammer the i told u so like children...well try sucking up all the how has to prove himself and he's not a team player comments... oh and all the overrated comments were wrong too ... so why not let it die this shit is old ...and what the fuck is it proving and lavar at 50% is better than any LB on that roster ..he's just being a team player and leader and speaking out so he can start ...regardless who is right what is this serving besides fighting..... and suddenly everybody is happy he's starting BS....

First off, stop the childish rant please, it doesn't prove anything or help anyone. The arguement that lavar is possibly overrated hasn't magically been overturned by his 2 tackle performance last week, and most people said they'd like him to start, so that's not BS. Some here still seem to emotionally attached to the subject to be objective about it...

11-06-2005, 11:12 AM
there's a difference between debating and attacking... and so far I think you're the only one that's thrown insults and questioned people's loyalty, so... pot, kettle, etc.
No i havent questioned anyones loyalites others have but people are saying us 56 supporters are not true fans well lets turn that around...childish ..HELL YES it is thats why it should have been dropped ..but u wanna keep beating the drum and wont let it drop i happen to belive in what 56 is posting so i thought i would join in.... its all dumb we should have let this go along time ago but people wanna keep up with the i told u so's and all that well ...we have opinions too....

11-06-2005, 11:42 AM
holy crap... you guys are still carrying this crap out... BOTH sides of the argument are wrong, and its done. Its settled. He's not talking crap in the media, and he's back on the field where he belongs. I think this would be fitting here:

I know this has been around for a while, but when I saw it in the super happy fun thread, I spewed milk out of my nose.

That Guy
11-06-2005, 11:44 AM
No i havent questioned anyones loyalites others have but people are saying us 56 supporters are not true fans well lets turn that around...childish ..HELL YES it is thats why it should have been dropped ..but u wanna keep beating the drum and wont let it drop i happen to belive in what 56 is posting so i thought i would join in.... its all dumb we should have let this go along time ago but people wanna keep up with the i told u so's and all that well ...we have opinions too....

dude, read my post more carefully, I was responding to funandgunner, not you :P he was the one that brought crap out...

11-06-2005, 11:51 AM
there's a difference between debating and attacking... and so far I think you're the only one that's thrown insults and questioned people's loyalty, so... pot, kettle, etc.

Let's get to the true heart of the matter. The closest thing I can compare the whole fan loyalty to Arrington (or to any other player for that matter) versus the coaches is: a father of a pop warner player. A father is a fan and supporter of his son's team to a certain point. That same father of course is looking at his son's best interest first and foremost, so if his son gets his playing time cut then the father is going to be questioning why and more than likely will think it is unfair. So that father is a fan of the son's team to a certain extent, as long as it doesn't go against what is best for his son. The father will wear the team's colors, go to games, and root for the team and other players - but only because his son is on that team.

This situation reminds me of that father loyalty. Arrington is a grown ass man, he doesn't need anyone talking or sticking up for him. Let him play and earn his playing time, if the coaches play him that's their perrogative because the coaches are looking at the best interest of the team first and foremost - not just arrington's. If you don't think the coaches are looking at the best interest of the team, then that would be another argument... because if that were the case, then I would ask you how they weren't looking at the team first other than this arrington situation.

I don't know about you, but I kinda enjoy this type of argument because unlike some of you - what you see as a argument(verbal fight), I see as getting to the heart of the matter and getting to the truth. And unlike some others on this site, I will say what I really want because it is what I really feel. My intention in posting any of this was not to insult or upset anyone (myself included) because I know that everyone here is a redskins fan. But while I say that, I question how much of a redskins fan you all are - the only thing I am asking: are you an arrington fan first (like the father above) or are a redskins fan first ?

This argument will continue because I am not getting anything that really is of any substance and the only responses to the questions I am asking are : don't question fan's loyalty and I am insulting other fans. Sorry if you feel like I am enraging or insulting you by questioning your team loyalty - but if you are a fan of the team (first and foremost above being an Arrington fan), then tell me how you are (but first look at what the father does above for this son's team... wear the team's colors, go to the games, root for the team).

11-06-2005, 11:59 AM
there's a difference between debating and attacking... and so far I think you're the only one that's thrown insults and questioned people's loyalty, so... pot, kettle, etc.

... and trust me, if you see that I'm the only one that has been attacking others or throwing insults around - you must have selective vision. Almost everyone that has posted on here, has attacked another post in one way or another.

11-06-2005, 12:54 PM
dude, read my post more carefully, I was responding to funandgunner, not you :P he was the one that brought crap out...
ok that guy sorry look we have a big game lets be happy and enjoy... peace

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