BigSKINBauer 10-11-2005, 11:59 PM man outside of this past week patten hasn't even been a factor, it is a disappointment because i thought he was gonna be huge.... i thought the same about antonio brown, where is that pass dropping return fumbling d-bag now??
Patten is gonna show up this week, 5 catches 70 yards
Schneed10 10-12-2005, 12:05 AM For me, Brunell surely is a surprise, but I was not one of the ones who completely had him written off. Moss is no surprise to me at all, when he was a Jet he was a big playmaker when healthy. That's the thing about him, he's still a big injury risk. But I'm not surprised he's playing well. Arrington being out is surprising too, but I fully understand and support GW's decision on that. To me the biggest surprise is the missed tackles and leaky run defense.
I counted that phase of our game as the biggest lock to repeat last year's performance. I think it's still correctable.
That Guy 10-12-2005, 08:50 AM our D isnt as good as last year :( some of its injuries, but 4 big plays in 3 games is way too much... which also makes the lavar benching more surprising since pierce + marshall had WAY more talent (apparently) than marshall + holdman.
i mentioned patten'ss lack of doing anything ass fairly surprising too, he showed up on sunday for the first time though.
brunell isn't as surprising as the three above, since he played well in preseason and people were talking him up for a long time before he started a game this year.
moss is the least surprising ;) I thought he'd be good, not 1836 yards good, but respectable.
Luxorreb 10-12-2005, 09:29 AM Hands down Brunell.
Who woulda thunk it?
Noone, cept Gibbs.
Doubt Brunell envisioned such a story book season (atleast so far).
Redskins offense totalled 447 yds, most of the season in their first loss 21-19 in Denver. Portis had over a 100 yds rushing and Brunell over 300 passing. Not bad stats for a loss and somehow our first. Brunell has run like a 25 yr old but held the poise of a 35 yr old since seeing his first action of the season off the bench in the first game. Shock to all is Brunell's stats and ability to ball at age 35. More shocking to me than Arrington has played like 10 downs this season. He missed almost all of last season and we had a top 5 defense. Will Brunell end up in Redskins folklore along side Sonny and Sam??? Could happen... Let's all hope so...
TheMalcolmConnection 10-12-2005, 09:32 AM I said in another thread that I am eating serious crow and will likely continue to do so as Brunell shows how he's got plenty in the tank. I was furious with Gibbs when he decided to replace Ramsey with Brunell. Apparently, Gibbs knows more about football than I do (which I always admitted). Also, he apparently knew a lot more about Brunell than I did.
PS-I'm also eating crow on the Coles-Moss deal. I thought Coles was the real deal and Moss was an unknown quantity. Well, that unknown quantity appears to be a heck of a lot better than anything we've had here in D.C. since Art Monk. I guess I'll be eating crow for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert.
Dessert eh? I think we have a new favorite pie in the making. :)
skinsfanthru&thru 10-12-2005, 11:45 AM with how absolutely terrible Brunnel played last year, the biggest suprise has to be his turn around. then it would the lavar situation which no matter how much G Washington has me on his side, this defense badly needs more playmakers on the field.
That Guy 10-12-2005, 11:53 AM TK on 980 this morning mentioned an e-mail about a similar situation with the bills, some LB got in GW's doghouse for apparently no reason or whatever... i don't thinkt here's no reason here, but its obvious GW isn't nearly as fond of lavar as washington or taylor etc.
onlydarksets 10-12-2005, 11:59 AM Has to be Brunell. I am surprised by Lavar, but, c'mon - whoda thunk Brunell would be SO much improved from last year?
Top-Skin-K 10-12-2005, 12:56 PM I said in another thread that I am eating serious crow and will likely continue to do so as Brunell shows how he's got plenty in the tank. I was furious with Gibbs when he decided to replace Ramsey with Brunell. Apparently, Gibbs knows more about football than I do (which I always admitted). Also, he apparently knew a lot more about Brunell than I did.
PS-I'm also eating crow on the Coles-Moss deal. I thought Coles was the real deal and Moss was an unknown quantity. Well, that unknown quantity appears to be a heck of a lot better than anything we've had here in D.C. since Art Monk. I guess I'll be eating crow for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert.
I have been behind all of the moves so far this year starting from sitting Taylor for his trouble, Ramsey vs Brunell, Bailey vs Portis,(which isn't over by the way; by the end of the season Portis will be the man) Coles vs Moss & the benching of LA. LA will not be leaving us no time soon. He just signed a new contract before the season started. The coaching staff just don't want LA to reach the incentives in his contract(# of sacks, #of downs played, ect) and most of all make the pro bowl. He needs to make it twice for him to be a free agent but we have the right to pay he like 3 Mill and we keep his rights. So he's going nowhere. So everyone just calm down and we will be a monster of a team come playoffs with LA on the field. This gives Holdman real time in the system so when LA gets back in and if something happens to him we will have an experianced backup coming in. I voted for the D having leaks as my surprise.
Sheriff Gonna Getcha 10-12-2005, 08:59 PM Thank you. Don't patronize me. :smashfrea
I was just kidding, had to throw a little "smart-assness" your way. I'm bitter that you were right about Brunell and I was wrong. :biggthump