Better coach

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10-11-2005, 04:35 AM
As long as he's healthy and the team fights every week I think he'll be here atleast another year and probably the full length of the 5 year contract. I think Williams will be a shoe in for head coach if he stays the length of Gibbs' tenure. Both of them seem to get along well and respect each other greatly. For know let's hope they can get us into the playoffs and beyond this year!!!

10-11-2005, 04:36 AM
I love Williams press conferences--always get me fired up. And his defenses have been great. But Gibbs has a range of skills in dealing with people that Williams lacks, IMHO. Gibbs has a way of getting the most out of people, whatever it is that they do. Did his NASCAR team thrive because he was an "offensive genius"? No, it's becuase he knows how to manage and inspire people. Williams is a tough dude and will rip you a new one, no doubt. But GIbbs gets into people's souls.

I'm totally into Williams, but he has yet to do it as a head coach. I believe he will some day, because he'll have had the privledge of learning from the best.

10-11-2005, 04:43 AM
Williams needs to learn to use his other pro bowl linebacker before he can be a head coach

10-11-2005, 05:31 AM
joe gibbs always says that turnovers end games, he always talk about the stats, hell he benched ramsey and cut brown due to turnovers. I am sure the players respect gibbs, but you said that he is not feared. Well i wouldn't want to fumble on that team.

I want gibbs to coach now and tommorrow and tomorrow. THis is his job till he wants out, for whatever reason. He has 3 years past this year and he will fullfill them plus more maybe. then GW can be head coach, when Joey G decides to step down whether that by 3 5 7 9 50 years from now

Well if your name is Clinton Portis, or Mark Brunell, you can turn the ball over all you want.

That Guy
10-11-2005, 05:59 AM
Yes he was. He did a pretty good job there. He had a top five defense too.

14-18 and last or second to last in the division two years running isn't that great a job. He also told the media how stupid they were constantly which really didn't help him. JG is a much better HC right now.

10-11-2005, 08:15 AM
This may piss a lot of people off but after watching an interview on comcast with Greg Williams,I wish he was the head coach. He as an attitude that I just dont see in Gibbs. When the team screws up Gibbs says well,we played hard and we never quit,blah blah blah. Williams was pissed and it showed. He dont try to sugar coat what went wrong he points fingers. GOOD! tell it like it is for a change. Portis fumbled and cost us 7. Gibbs woulda said, well it was a wet ball. Maybe so but GW said it was in his stomach and he dropped it. I like Gibbs a lot but when he calls it quits I sure hope Danielmoneybags can keep GW . A coach needs to be feared and respected not just respected.

I would certainly agree with part of your post. I think you did piss off a lot of people! However, the remainder hs been thoroughly covered.

10-11-2005, 08:47 AM
dblanch -- I don't think Gibbs will have a choice if he leaves early. It may be because of Coy, but I also think his health status may not be up to the task. I think that's the biggest concern as far as his coaching longevity. It's a lot of stress and work, especially for someone as old as Gibbs.

Williams needs to learn to use his other pro bowl linebacker before he can be a head coach
Maybe that other Pro Bowl linebacker needs to learn to play into a scheme and realize that when he freelances he hurts the team more often than he helps it.

10-11-2005, 09:05 AM
You're right he is a very enthusiastic coach with a lot of emotion. I believe when Gibbs finally retires again this will be G.Williams team.

I hope so too.......... but If not I'd like them to go after Russ Grimm

10-11-2005, 09:14 AM
dblanch -- I don't think Gibbs will have a choice if he leaves early. It may be because of Coy, but I also think his health status may not be up to the task. I think that's the biggest concern as far as his coaching longevity. It's a lot of stress and work, especially for someone as old as Gibbs.

Maybe that other Pro Bowl linebacker needs to learn to play into a scheme and realize that when he freelances he hurts the team more often than he helps it.

Joe Gibbs is rather healthy - healthiest he's been in years. At least, as healthy as a diabetic can be. Keep in mind also, he's not the oldest coach in the league. Dick Vermil is much older than Joe Gibbs...and let's not forget the offensive coordinator for Indy who is in his 70's! JB isn't feeble. Of course now, if we keep playing close games like we have been playing, all of us are going to have heart conditions by the end of the season, LOL!

10-11-2005, 09:19 AM
Well if your name is Clinton Portis, or Mark Brunell, you can turn the ball over all you want.

Maybe I'm missing something but are either of these guys having big problems with turnovers right now?

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