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That Guy 10-11-2005, 03:05 PM I think its lame to leave him on the bench all game if they're not going to use him. either play him or deactivate him, but there's no reason to continue to lead people on every press conference about how he'll play more next game if its not true.
onlydarksets 10-11-2005, 03:09 PM I think its lame to leave him on the bench all game if they're not going to use him. either play him or deactivate him, but there's no reason to continue to lead people on every press conference about how he'll play more next game if its not true.
At the point he becomes a distraction, then I agree. However, the one thing that nobody in this thread has touched on is Lavar's response to all this. As far as I can tell, he hasn't said anything disruptive. That's a class act. Far too many players in this league are whining "Give me the damn ball" - Lavar, more than anyone, knows this is a TEAM sport, and is committed to not letting this issue get larger than the team. Really the only question is whether his commitment is sufficient to motivate him to be the type of player he needs to be to play in GW's system. I really hope it is.
EDIT: Of course, he has expressed his desire to play. There's nothing disruptive in that, though.
I'll give LaVar credit, he is dealing with this well in the public eye. The team is winning, at least he realizes the worst thing to do would be to rock the boat on a 3-1 team. If the team was 1-3 though I think we'd hear a bit more out of him.
Southpaw 10-11-2005, 03:34 PM All of a sudden now people have a million excuses for him, when before it was shut up LaVar and just play.
Why people are supporting him and questioning the coaches is beyond me.
Who's making excuses? Excuses would come if he was on the field and not producing. Kind of like the Holdman fans who call him "servicable" and say things like "he's where he's supposed to be". Hell, if where the weak side linebacker is supposed to be is constantly being blocked by a fullback or tight end, I could start for Washington. I don't think making a statement like "LaVar Arrington is immensely better than Holdman" is an excuse, it's a fact. And if anyone cares to dispute this, I certainly hope you have more ammunition than "coach says so", because statistics are a bit more effective.
And people keep making the comment that Pro Bowls don't mean anything and it's a popularity contest. I agree with the popularity contest part, but how do you think a player becomes popular, by just going out and "being where he's supposed to be? No, they do it by making plays, which is what LaVar does. If you guys think our defense is perfect and Gregg Williams is god, then don't whine about no turnovers or sacks, which is exactly what LaVar brought to the table.
Southpaw 10-11-2005, 03:38 PM I think its lame to leave him on the bench all game if they're not going to use him. either play him or deactivate him, but there's no reason to continue to lead people on every press conference about how he'll play more next game if its not true.
I agree with this point 100%. If the coaching staff thinks LaVar is a problem for whatever reason, deactivate him and get rid of him, but don't tell me the lifetime 2nd stringer that starts at his position is playing better than he is.
TheMalcolmConnection 10-11-2005, 03:39 PM If your name Southpaw because you're lefthanded or because you like that kind of beer?
Southpaw Light ROCKS my face off.
wolfeskins 10-11-2005, 03:42 PM my take
lavar is easily the best lb on the team, washington is a very close 2nd. when greg williams was hired by gibbs to be the defensive coordinater all GW could talk about was LA, how LA was talented and was going to fit in great in his defense. lavar starts the preseason and then the real season playing fantastic, then LA gets hurt, basically done for the season.
during the off season lavar embarrasses the organization, which gibbs hates. LA complains about his contract and how the team rushed him back to soon.
lavar and the organization claim they have "made up" but the truth is dan snyder, joe gibbs and greg williams are still pissed at lavar for his actions. greg williams and joe gibbs see that the defense is good without LA so they bench him and they make up a lame excuse to tell us fans, also, LA is going to cost the skins bib bucks next year so , i think, they want to keep him healthy so they can trade him.
i don't disagree with the skins actions but i wish they would just be honest with us. i don't believe the reason they are giving.
Southpaw 10-11-2005, 03:43 PM If your name Southpaw because you're lefthanded or because you like that kind of beer?
Southpaw Light ROCKS my face off.
I'm left handed, but the beer is pretty badass too.
RedskinNation21 10-11-2005, 03:44 PM This not playing LaVar crap is getting out of control. Us loyal Washington Redskin fans deserve to know why he is not playing. We are paying all of their salaries, by buying and selling out everygame. We are the best fans in NFL and deserve to know why he isn't playing. I am sick of the speculation, the he said this and that crap. LaVar is a 3 time pro-bowler, he did not forget how to play football. He went through 5 different d-coordinators and still made probowl after probowl, after probowl. They keep saying he isn't disciplined enough for this D, Well dont the players love it because its more aggresive, more attack style? Isn't that what LaVar does best, attack the QB. You can not tell me, Clemons is a better pass rusher that LA, thats just not true. There is an underlying reason why he isn't playing, the salary, the knee, something. He deserves it as well as we do. this is rediculous. The man has been the face of the organization for 5 years, and now is nothing? If they are trying to trade him, going to drop him, not playing him to reduce the salary cap hit because of insentives in his contract, something has to give, and we all deserve to know what it is!!
Absolutely couldn't have said it better...We do deserve to know and everyone saying LaVar is not listening to the coaches and all that...that is speculation...Why does GW deserve more respect than LaVar...I love GW..dont get me wrong but I think we as the fans deserve real answers....dont you agree?
Absolutely couldn't have said it better...We do deserve to know and everyone saying LaVar is not listening to the coaches and all that...that is speculation...Why does GW deserve more respect than LaVar...I love GW..dont get me wrong but I think we as the fans deserve real answers....dont you agree?
Why does GW deserve more respect than LaVar?
Are you kidding?
That's like asking why does a General deserve more respect than a soldier.
It's pretty clear why GW deserves more respect than LaVar, because he's the damn coach.