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Paintrain 10-10-2005, 05:52 PM I do have faith in Gregg Williams scheme, but it's hard to believe the words that come out of their mouth when the article in the Washington Times today has comments like this:
"But Coach Joe has been trying to set a certain tone since he returned to Washington, and he'll go to any lengths to accomplish his objective. If he has to bench a three-time Pro Bowl linebacker, a $6 million-a-year man, to get his point across, he'll do it."
But yeah, LaVar not playing has everything to do with his on field performance and nothing to do with spite or ego...
Was that a quote from a coach or from a sportwriter? Consider the source.
Southpaw 10-10-2005, 06:03 PM Was that a quote from a coach or from a sportwriter? Consider the source.
I've heard that comment from several different sources including writers, analysts and one former coach. And this particular writer was actually praising Gibbs for his "I'm the Boss" approach.
monk81 10-10-2005, 06:48 PM I'll trust Williams and his decisions and afterall, didn't Lavar cry that Gibbs and the Skins are rushing him along after his injury and showed no compassion.........
SmootSmack 10-10-2005, 08:04 PM if "freelancing" is the reason he's not on the field, why isn't Omar Stoutmire starting over Sean Taylor?
Maybe it comes down to that. Maybe the Redskins believe they can only afford to have one "freelancer" on defense and the coaching staff has decided that they'd rather it be Sean Taylor than LaVar.
hands11 10-10-2005, 08:55 PM I agree that Lavar tends to play out of position. But clearly we need a pass rush. No sacks yesterday. I can believe that there is not at least one package that he fits into where all he has to do is rush the qb. No need to fall into protection or stop the run, simply all out rush on the passer. I find it very hard to believe that he can't at least contribute that way. The man is a beast and to stop him on a blitz is tough. At least with him in the game, offenses have to think about him and maybe it allows someone else to get the qb. It is a shame not to get any sacks and have him sitting on the bench. Just my opionion.
Rushing the passer from the down lineman possition is the worst of him tallent.
Hey, we had other great defenses before Williams was here and they included LaVar.
Longtimefan 10-10-2005, 09:48 PM There are some who are convinced of the fact LaVar has never truly embraced JG and this coaching staff. How many remember the very first interview with LaVar after JG anounced he was returning to the team? He did not receive a ringing endorsement from LaVar. It was more or less "We have been loosing so much, and to the effect he was leary things would change." JG has had several serious heart to heart talks with LaVar and we as fans do not know the degree of those discussions. There has been so many things going on with him in the last eighteen months that I'm sure if we knew all the factors to be considered, maybe we would have a better understanding of why he is not playing. There are obviously many things to consider and the most important ones have not been printed. Joe Gibbs is the face of the Redskins now, and it could be that is not exactly to LaVar's liking.
hands11 10-10-2005, 10:08 PM Redskins pregame show. Williams was interviewed. He dodged the LaVar question. Then, right after, they started talking about the Denver offense.
The very first words out of his mouth were, the coaching is amazing. The change the offense to fix the talent they have.
After I got my jaw off the ground, I game to post this.
Ahhh, hello. How can you admire that so much in another coach but you don't do it yourself. Actually, changing the plays to fit the offense is something Gibbs was know for also.
I think in some ways Williams doenst need as many stars for his system. Actually, do some extend, he is probably better without them.
Maybe its one of those things we in 2 years, everyone can know the D well enough that you can get more agreesive from there.
wolfeskins 10-10-2005, 10:09 PM This is the dumbest comment I've ever heard about LaVar, and I'm not the least bit suprised it came from the mouth of Brian Mitchell. Someone please give me an example of a game that LaVar has lost for the Skins, because the only game I can remember LaVar being single handedly responsible for the outcome was the Carolina game a few years back when the Skins were 0-5 and looking at 0-6 and LaVar intercepted the ball and returned it for a touchdown. Winning the game, and basically single handedly turning the season around.
Everyone wants to discount the "conspiricy theories", but no one thinks that LaVar having a contract dispute recently and bad mouthing the medical staff in the offseason has anything to do with him not playing? Also, he can only void his final two years of his contract if he makes the Pro Bowl twice in the next two years, but hmmm... the three time pro bowler isn't playing good enough to start. I bet LaVar gets a lot more playing time around week 6 or 7, when he'll be unable to get the type of stats needed to make the Pro Bowl.
And everyone seems to think Holdman is a "solid" replacement. So far this season Marcus Washington has 28 tackles, Marshall has 24, and Holdman has 10, with no sacks, picks, or forced fumbles. In the 2 games that Arrington played in Williams system last year, he had 15 tackles and a sack, but all of the sudden he doesn't know how to play football. If Greg Williams actually believes that LaVar overpursues and freelances too much, then why isn't Omar Stoutmire starting over Sean Taylor?
preech on brother, i'm with ya.
mattdouthat 10-10-2005, 10:42 PM Being the best athlete or most talented does not make you the best player. Gibbs is about hard work and discipline as is Greg Williams. You will never see a T.O. or Randy Moss on this team and they are the most talented and physically gifted at there position and how many rings do they have NONE. Now look at the Patriots they get hard working smart team players who do what they are assigned to do. No matter who goes down or gets hurt they can plug in anyone. Now I love Lavar when he hits people it makes me feel all warm inside. But we are a well disciplened defense and if he doesn't buy in to that and learn to play that way keep him on bench. I see people talk about us givin up those rushing yards to Denver well year in and year out Denver has one of the best rushing attacks in the league. Look at what happened to Coles one year our best offensive player then last year he did nothing I know he was hurt and we didnt throw deep but aot of Moss catches have been short but he runs after catch. A couple deep balls but most are short. Every move that has been made this year even though we questioned it has been proved right si far and I feel this will too.
FRPLG 10-10-2005, 11:43 PM I have no problem with LaVar riding the pine until he EARNS his playing time.
Apparently Gibbs is off the hook now with the fans and we've moved on to blasting Williams.
I find it laughable that some are now questioning GW... a man who many have championed to take over as head coach once Gibbs walks away. A man who has led many top ranked defenses in this league and probably knows a thing or two about personnel and who he feels comfortable working in his schemes.
If we should have learned one thing since Gibbs came back, it's that no individual player is above this team.
Why is LaVar exempt from this with some fans? It's no secret that he tends to play out of position and can get burnt because he doesn't stay true to the scheme.
The Monday Morning coach/GM routine is getting really tired, especially with people thinking they know how more than our coaching staff.
Why were there any posts after this? Anyone who doesn't see how right this entire post was fooling themselves.