10-14-2005, 01:11 PM
Do you remember the "Music City Miracle"? It falls in that same catagory. Once past the line of scrimmage you cannot have a forward pass, only a lateral. Since the crossing of the line of scrimmage was in question, or if it was a forward pass, it is reviewable.
10-14-2005, 05:45 PM
While I share in everyone's wonderment as to the legality of the decision I am going to ask a different question: What the f&*k was the ref looking at in the replay? Not one replay showed was even close to conclusive as to where Brunell was in relation to the line of srimmage. At best the evidence was inconclusive but to me it it was non existent. How did that moron of a ref NOT rule Moss out of bounds earlier (again looked inconclusive there to me but it was much more clear than the LOS replay) and then bag us on this one? Replay is great when the refs use it to make the RIGHT calls but not when they compund a bad situation by making ANOTHER BAD CALL. What a dipshit.
That Guy
10-14-2005, 07:04 PM
hey, moss had his toes inbounds (if not his knees) ;)
10-14-2005, 08:41 PM
i thought it was "indisputable visual evidence" that was required to overturn the call on the field, and therefore i agree with the posts saying the safety should have held up.
i didnt see the brunell play. but the IR rules about what is and is not challengable are laughable! make EVERYTHING challengeable. you still only get 2 a game so its not like its going to hold anything up. its ridiculous - you should be able to challenge the coin toss if you feel like it...