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redsk1 10-04-2005, 09:22 PM I'm curious as to what prompts this certainty? Maybe I'm just out of the loop here, (and I know I haven't seen him in practice or anything) but has LA really done anything that we, you or anyone else knows of to merit being benched no matter what his capabilities are? We're not even talking about realizing potential, we're talking about a perrinial pro-bowler, who has been the leader of our Defense and the Face of the Team...probably the best OLB in the league today.
Everyone talks about him freelancing, but what the hell man, back a couple of years ago, someone had to go make a f'ing tackle. God knows even with Trotter, Armstead, Wilkinson, Stubblefield, Bailey, Gardner, Lang.... we sucked on Defense and he came up with big plays when we needed him to.
I refuse to believe that its beyond him to comprehend or physically preform what is asked of him. ST (even though I love the guy) can't even say his goddamn alphabet, and LA is a chess player.
I'd like to think that it only has to do with him not being able to put in the time in the offseason and its only a matter of time before he works his way back into the lineup. Everyones making it out to be a personal thing, but he has never let anything contractual come in the way of his playing/practicing, and he seems to have an all class attitude no matter what comes his way. (True Redskin Behavior?) He was excited about being signed for the rest of his career to this city when we were a joke of a franchise and other players were crawling their way out.
GW didn't start Taylor at the beginning of last season because he missed time in the offseason, even though Taylor looked like a super-stud in the preseason. I'm seriously hoping its the same type situation and that he gets the chance to earn his job back and does so soon.
Amen. He at least deserves an explanation. I hope he is just being worked in.
skinsfan0201 10-04-2005, 09:38 PM There are two sides to every story..... We don't know what is going on. I heard that because of Lavar's injury he did not participate in training camp which might have an influence on his playing during the season. Lavar is one of my fav players but whatever is going on with him and the Redskins organization has got to be worked out soon. I really hope they are not looking to trade him in the offseason, there is not much of a point.
EternalEnigma21 10-04-2005, 09:46 PM If he honestly has no clue why he is not on the feild, and he dosent go up to a coach and ask "Coach, what do I have to do to play more." Then its just as much on him as the coach.
I guess that's true, the coaches don't really owe the players anything. I wonder if there's a lack of communication there on both sides, and if so, why they can't get it resolved.
We're probably just being impatient, but I hope that the organization doesn't lose sight of his value. If we can afford to keep him I'd love to have a guy who wants to be here around if we do start a new winning tradition here.
saskin 10-04-2005, 10:19 PM As for Lavar starting or not....whatever Williams thinks, I'll go a long with him. He knows a lot more than I do so I trust he'll make the right decision...
BleedBurgundy 10-04-2005, 10:47 PM Does anyone seriously think that LaVar is going to change his style of play? This is the same guy who drove Paterno nuts with his freelancing and, surprise, he does the same thing in the pros. The NFL is not like the NBA, one great ATHLETE cannot just go and do their thing and be successful. They must play within the scheme. LaVar is probably my favorite player on the team, but he's not the team. If he's unable to do what he needs to to get on the field, why not trade him? I just think that time is getting short for #56 to show that he can just accept a role and adhere to a scheme.
Schneed10 10-04-2005, 11:39 PM So your saying Lavar free lances too much, and Sean Taylor doesn't? Don't agree. Sean and Lavar are very similar. Lavar is a team first guy and will do whatever the coaches tell him. Both are game changers. I just don't buy the freelancing argument.
Dude what are you talking about? Sean Taylor doesn't freelance at all. When people say Lavar is freelancing and not playing to the scheme, they mean that he will sometimes abandon the gap he's responsible for, abandon the lineman he's supposed to push back, or even abandon the receiver he's supposed to cover on occasion, all with the goal in mind of chasing the ball. In other words, he can't always be depended upon to hold containment. Sometimes the LB's job is to take on the pulling G or C and push him back at the point of attack so that others can swarm to the ball. Lavar just likes to chase the ball. He's like a labrador retriever on a tennis court. That's how the big plays happen, both for us and against us. Big plays and turnovers are key, but playing D as a team has to come first.
Sean Taylor does none of this. First off, his responsibilities are much different at safety. His first priority is to cover the deep ball. After that, he covers receivers as called by the defensive package. I've never seen Taylor flat out abandon those responsibilities. He has bitten on a few play fakes (Dallas last year, the Dallas flea flicker this year), but he doesn't leave one receiver to try to run across the field and jump somebody else's route. When there's a handoff, the job of the free safety is swarm to the ball. Nothing else. Taylor isn't there to keep containment like a LB is supposed to. He's supposed to just go lay wood. That's his job, and he does it quite well. Arrington ignores some of his responsibilities.
Schneed10 10-04-2005, 11:43 PM And if he were a team first guy, he'd be willing to take on a kickout block and turn a RB back into the center of the defense instead of chasing the RB to the outside and letting him get the edge. He wants to make every tackle himself. It shouldn't matter who makes the tackle, if he turns a RB back into the center of the defense, and Lemar Marshall makes the tackle, Arrington should be happy. But that's not what he does.
diehardskin2982 10-04-2005, 11:59 PM Lets be serious and really think about this ladies and gentlemen.
Lets look back last season:
Redskins owner Daniel Snyder threatened Coles when the receiver's refusal to accept the trade without a contract extension thwarted the deal. "He said that if I stayed in Washington, he would turn me into another Terry Glenn," Coles said."He said he would send a flat-screen television to my home because I'd be better off watching the games there. That was his way of saying I'd be sitting for the next couple years until they cut me."
Arrington has an ugly dispute with the team over some money missing from his contract, he then goes and speak to the media during the offseason bad mouthing the team because of how they were treating his injury. Don't you think Snyder would be a tad bit pissed?
Ok ur probally saying, "Arrington and the team settled" "it's all good, right?" Wrong!! What is the best way Snyder can keep Arrington from getting his money? Keep him off the field! I know u all heard of the 70% snaps clause. The one that killed Winslows contract, yeah that one where u must be on the field 70% of the time to get a certaint amount of money. Well if it's in Lavar contract it doesn't look like he'll get it. Snyder will make his life hell as a Redskin. Maybe what Coles said was true, cause it seems to me that he is carrying it out on Lavar.
lifetimeskin 10-04-2005, 11:59 PM I am absolutely preplexed by all the miscommunication being sent out by both the skins and Arrigton. I understand the principle of "packages", but out 130 defensive snaps the last two weeks, am I to believe that Arrington could only be in 5% of all the packages called? This is silly for anyone to believe as a real reason as to why he is not playing. Marshall and Washington from my take were probably in for 95% of the plays. Is there "play Arrington package" and the 95 others?
I saw the interview with Buges yesterday, and he came closest to stating some believable facts.
So what are the facts??? IMHO, I believe the skins realized that they don't need $11+M tied to one player, when that player is replaceable by a system. Secondly, I think what makes arrington so attractive to alot of teams is also the reason why he is not attractive to Williams/Lindsay. Arrington likes to do "his thing" instead of that of "system thing". He had problems with Marvin Williams and now he is having problems with another defensive master, who are all about the system not the individual. Thirdly, I don't think the skins like Arrington pointing fingers in the preseason about the skins playing him when he was hurt, or his demeaning the franchise about not honoring that "missing" bonus.
Having said that, if the skins plan to release/trade Arrington at the end of the season :Flush: , I can NOT believe that he is not a better rushing defensive end that anyone else we have. Let's use him in that "package", and maybe he will go to 6% of the plays.
I hope this does not develop (if it hasn't already) into an ego thing. :banghead:
my 2 cents...
bertoskins 10-05-2005, 12:01 AM we cannot releasae him
hes a difference maker
give him playing time