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BigSKINBauer 10-11-2005, 06:04 PM man we rarely get to see the player outside the uniform, it is gutwrentching to listen to lavar, all i want is for him to do what he has to, get better and be part of our special team. He has been part of our team through the tough and he should be there through the good, but one could argue if he were in there, there would be no good.
It sucks, lavar said something like someone listening out there knows why i am not playing, i don't know but someone out there does. After a 25 minute interview little things slip up, also i think(not positive because it was just a little part of one of his answers and it wasn't said again) he said that he feels things will continue the way that they have been going.
12thMan 10-11-2005, 06:15 PM I don't feel bad for him at all. If he does wtf he is suppose to in practice and be the player he can be, he would be on the field. Apparently he is the new "McCants" of the team....not learning the scheme very well and certainly not playing the part well enough to knock off Holdman who seems to be doing just fine.
I agree there is something we don't know about, and wouldn't be surprised that it's contract related and the agreement to remove the arbitration,etc...wouldn't put it past ol' Danny Boy to come up with something.
But if he isn't doing well within the system, GW is not going to put him on the field...PERIOD and that appears to be what is happening and the coaching staff is certainly standing behind their assessments.
You can't be serious - McCants??? Please then explain, how can a three-timel All-Pro, who played under this same system last year suddenly be relagated to 5th string? What an insult. I'm a huge Gregg Williams fan, and an even bigger Joe Gibbs fan, but please don't try and tell me the only reason he's not playing is because he doesn't know the system.
If that's the case then, let the man go somewhere he can play. If it's not, then play him!!!
PSUskinsfan11 10-11-2005, 06:19 PM It's all about money for this franchise. There is no way that Chris Clemons or Warrick Holdman (even though I like both of them) are better football players or athlete's in general. :mad:
12thMan 10-11-2005, 06:24 PM It's all about money for this franchise. There is no way that Chris Clemons or Warrick Holdman (even though I like both of them) are better football players or athlete's in general. :mad:
You're right dude. The more this thing unravels, the more it seems like there is more to this story. I really don't know what to make of it - but no way Clemons and Holdman are better than LaVar. On his worst day (no disrespect to them) he's better.
That Guy 10-11-2005, 06:37 PM its confusing cause you think lavar may just be saving face, but his interviews seem more honest ("i don't expect to play right now" whereas the coaches say he is going to play and then leave him benched).
I think he lost his job to injury and even though holdman isn't that good, until he becomes a liability or gets injured its his spot to lose... I have no idea whats going on, but i rather get the straight crap and just be done with it either way. Its been weeks now and nothing's changed, just more talk about nothing...
railcon56 10-11-2005, 06:40 PM I dont care what anyone says, the Redskins treat their players like crap. They dump Ramsey after telling him all preseason that he is the man, they dump Smoot, Pierce, Champ, McCants, and now LaVar ( a guy who been nothing more than a great player on the field, as well as a money maker. How many of you have a LaVar jersey?) And for that matter the skins under Snyder treat their fans like crap too! I was watching the chargers game last night and in the stands they had those "rally rags" swingin around, when was the last time FEDEX passed out a freebie? Afterall we do pay the highest ticket prices in sports, not to mention the parking fees. The Redskins used to be a class organization that took care of its players and fans WTF? At least we are winning.
What you say is so true i have been a loyal redskins fan since 1971 but now i am very upset...they mistreat people the way this coaching staff is acting makes me sick...i am being honest after 34 loyal years if we lose lavar and after ramsey i think i will be done with football...and anyone that knows me knows what a skins fanatic i have been..
Longtimefan 10-11-2005, 06:40 PM Mr. Mod, this sucks. Far too many LaVar threads. Everyone has said everything that can possibly be said about LaVar and the hits just keep on coming. It's the same thing over and over just worded differently. Enough is enough already!!!
railcon56 10-11-2005, 06:42 PM You're right dude. The more this thing unravels, the more it seems like there is more to this story. I really don't know what to make of it - but no way Clemons and Holdman are better than LaVar. On his worst day (no disrespect to them) he's better.
This thing stinks
kinobom 10-12-2005, 02:36 PM There is no way they are gonna let Lavar on the Field this weekend, esp. after his comments on the Thompson show yesterday and the ensuing articles today. He has called Williams out and who do you think wins this battle? I do hope I am wrong though.
I'm totally with Lavar on this one. He is getting (doinked) over by the team on this one. Gibbs is lying, Williams is really lying, and Lavar gets the shaft. Now Lavar could be lying but if the dude isn't even getting reps in practice to show what he can or can not do then he is getting doinked by management.
It will be verrrrryyyy interesting this week if the D continues to slide backwards with no pressure on the qb,no turnovers, and a tendency to get softer on the run. No one can tell me that if we get a team in third and long and we need to get to the qb that you can unleash Lavar in there and it is gonna hurt the team. No one.
Look all I am saying is the team should be man enough, have the balls enough to put Lavar on the inactive list if they are gonna (doink) him in every other way and not use him at all. I would be totally happy with that if that is what the team needs to do. Hell they could use his spot on the roster to get another d-back or even a third kicker ;-) I want the team to come clean on this b/c this IS a distraction for the team and the mangement continues to fuel the fire by obviously lying to the public. Remember 9 months ago Lavar was still the FACE of the Redskins. The team has created Frankenstein's monster right in time for Halloween and they are the only ones who can kill it.
Mr. B.
kinobom 10-12-2005, 02:39 PM Mr. Mod, this sucks. Far too many LaVar threads. Everyone has said everything that can possibly be said about LaVar and the hits just keep on coming. It's the same thing over and over just worded differently. Enough is enough already!!!
Uh - then don't visit this thread. No One makes you come to this particular thread. There are literally hundreds more to choose from.