celts32 10-03-2005, 09:32 PM Matty:
Actually, you can't let all the "Warpathers" off the hook so easily. Remember after Week 1 when we had threads devoted to how the players could not possibly ever trust Joe Gibbs again.
Leaping to conclusions affects lots of people - - and not all of them are on TV or write for newspapers or for Internet sites...
EternalEnigma21 10-03-2005, 09:49 PM Matty:
Actually, you can't let all the "Warpathers" off the hook so easily. Remember after Week 1 when we had threads devoted to how the players could not possibly ever trust Joe Gibbs again.
Leaping to conclusions affects lots of people - - and not all of them are on TV or write for newspapers or for Internet sites...
As I recall there was only a minority of people that said Gibbs shouldn't be trusted. I for one said that only Ramsey shouldn't trust him, and if I were Ramsey, I wouldn't even if we went to the SB for the next 4 years.
But leave it to you to point that out and call for people's heads.
Thanks for keeping it friendly buddy!!:biggthump
skinsguy 10-03-2005, 09:59 PM As I recall there was only a minority of people that said Gibbs shouldn't be trusted. I for one said that only Ramsey shouldn't trust him, and if I were Ramsey, I wouldn't even if we went to the SB for the next 4 years.
But leave it to you to point that out and call for people's heads.
Thanks for keeping it friendly buddy!!:biggthump
Yeah, but did SC actually say there was a majority of warpathers that didn't trust Gibbs? I didn't see that in his post, and for the most part, you probably agree with him in saying that there certainly are a few that didn't trust Gibbs and may still not. Overall, I believe what SC said was quite accurate.
I'm not really getting into the Ramsey thing and right now don't really care....we're winning..that's all that matters. :biggthump
EternalEnigma21 10-03-2005, 10:14 PM Sorry I just don't get all the "don't let all the "warpathers" off the hook" crap. God forbid someone question something, or answer a poll honestly based on their gut feeling. Right or Wrong, everyone here has opinions, and its all the winey "lets rub it in some faces" and "demand apologies" B.S. that really gets my blood boiling, no matter who's "right".
I mean, let em off the hook? What is Matty gonna make people do pushups?? lol
Anyway I just don't like condesention. Everytime someone talks to me with a raised eyebrow they immediately lose my trust and respect.
SmootSmack 10-03-2005, 10:20 PM Sorry I just don't get all the "don't let all the "warpathers" off the hook" crap. God forbid someone question something, or answer a poll honestly based on their gut feeling. Right or Wrong, everyone here has opinions, and its all the winey "lets rub it in some faces" and "demand apologies" B.S. that really gets my blood boiling, no matter who's "right".
I mean, let em off the hook? What is Matty gonna make people do pushups?? lol
Anyway I just don't like condesention. Everytime someone talks to me with a raised eyebrow they immediately lose my trust and respect.
Don't worry, if there is any "where's my apology" like last time on this thread it will be locked instantly. No questions asked. I may not agree with your opinions all the time but I'm not going to ask for an apology from you and you shouldn't ever ask for one from me-not when it comes to opinions. And that applies to everybody
TheMalcolmConnection 10-03-2005, 10:32 PM Sorry I just don't get all the "don't let all the "warpathers" off the hook" crap. God forbid someone question something, or answer a poll honestly based on their gut feeling. Right or Wrong, everyone here has opinions, and its all the winey "lets rub it in some faces" and "demand apologies" B.S. that really gets my blood boiling, no matter who's "right".
I mean, let em off the hook? What is Matty gonna make people do pushups?? lol
Anyway I just don't like condesention. Everytime someone talks to me with a raised eyebrow they immediately lose my trust and respect.
Then you better not talk to The Rock. ;)
Seriously though, it's all about being the bigger man. It's for trolls that come here and for our members. I would think that all it takes is just not fueling the fire. If you're personally attacked, people will notice that and won't respect the attacker as much. You should know that we, of all people, pay attention.
skinsguy 10-03-2005, 10:32 PM Sorry I just don't get all the "don't let all the "warpathers" off the hook" crap. God forbid someone question something, or answer a poll honestly based on their gut feeling. Right or Wrong, everyone here has opinions, and its all the winey "lets rub it in some faces" and "demand apologies" B.S. that really gets my blood boiling, no matter who's "right".
I mean, let em off the hook? What is Matty gonna make people do pushups?? lol
Anyway I just don't like condesention. Everytime someone talks to me with a raised eyebrow they immediately lose my trust and respect.
LOL! I don't want to even think about push-ups after my workout... :laughing-
I hear what you're saying. There's been plenty of whine on both sides of the fence, however. It's one thing to speak your mind...believe me, I do my share...but I think 90% of us realized that this Ramsey/Brunell feud was/is drugged out way past the point of being interesting. Basically, people have ran the issue into the ground until it's become down right silly to even discuss.
I mean, myself personally, I am glad Brunell is in there playing quite well, and if it was Ramsey playing and playing well, I'd be supporting him. It's just the "What Would Ramsey Do?" thing that gets me! The way I see it, we're undefeated and heading into the fifth week of the season. Everything is starting slowly to click on offense...but the most important thing is we're winning! I don't care what Ramsey would have done.....what we're doing now is obviously working. If it suddenly stops working, I'm sure the coaches will do what is necessary to get it working again - if that means putting Ramsey in or even Campbell fine!
I think all in all, it's the over analysis of things that make some of us wonder if Redskins football is something some of the warpathers take too seriously? Don't get me wrong, I hurt when the Redskins lose....I have burgundy and gold running through my veins, but at the sametime, I try not to tear apart every single play or player I might not care too much for, for the sake of argument. I'd rather sit back and enjoy watching the Redskins play football...and close football games make it all the more exciting to me! :)
rickmmrr 10-03-2005, 10:33 PM Nice article. Thanks
Daseal 10-03-2005, 10:34 PM I personally like Bradshaw -- he's HONEST in his opinions, he kinda goofy (which is funny). Personally I much prefer the Fox guys having fun (not to mention JB is a skins fan) than the ESPN guys like Steve Young that need help getting a stick out of their ass. They may as well rename the ESPN pre-game the West Coast offense.
BigSKINBauer 10-03-2005, 10:41 PM Hail to the Redskins!
Hail Victory!
Braves on the Warpath!
Fight for old D.C.!
Run or pass and score -- we want a lot more!
Beat 'em, Swamp 'em,
Touchdown! -- Let the points soar!
Fight on, fight on 'Til you have won
Sons of Wash-ing-ton. Rah!, Rah!, Rah!
Hail to the Redskins!
Hail Victory!
Braves on the Warpath!
Fight for old D.C.!
Guess what bitches we are 3-0!!!
TB has always made me laugh but it is nice to see someone actually can take back what they say. Its just that i hate the media when they turn on a team quickly, or jumps on the bandwaggon. We all here are redskins fans, regardless of what we think, i can honestly say i don't feel bad when any of us say stuff about the redskins, good or bad. However when the media says something bad i get more upset and i just can't stand the media all ready to jump on our bandwagon. I don't claim to be completely sain because i get mad when we don't get the "respect" we deserve. this is why i like TB's appology because he doesn't just dismiss the past, he addresses what he said then comes to a new conclusion