and the like.
I think you're putting words in my mouth if you think that's me saying you can't talk about something.
Hardly what I would call 'rules'.
10-03-2005, 10:09 AM
look back and see exactly what i wrote as a response to someone else. for that i get piled on by everybody, admins and moderators alike. even the hint of some opinions are 'officially' unwelcome here. seems like only one way of thinking is "mod-approved"
You're really taking things too far Ill and frankly I don't appreciate someone insinuating that certain conversations aren't welcomed and there are unwritten rules here. That really flies in the face of what this site is all about.
All I said was the Ramsey talk is getting tired... I never said you can't talk about this, or you can't talk about that. I never said all talk regarding Ramsey is hereby banned from the board. That's what I would call rules.
Even the admin and mods are entitled to having their own opinions, but twisting that in to we're trying to tell you what you can and can't talk about is a very strong accusation and something I really do not appreciate.
10-03-2005, 10:19 AM
look back and see exactly what i wrote as a response to someone else. for that i get piled on by everybody, admins and moderators alike. even the hint of some opinions are 'officially' unwelcome here. seems like only one way of thinking is "mod-approved"
Dude, chill.
You got dumped on because you brought unwarranted negativity based completly on conjecture into a discussion about a different guy who had a good game. Matty and TAFKAS may be "mods and admins" but that doesn't mean they can't participate in a disucssion like the rest of us. If they think you are full of it then they can say so and that DOESN'T mean they are regulating you with some "rules".
10-03-2005, 10:25 AM
it shouldn't matter if ppl speculate about ramsey. it's only slightly less warranted then any fan opinion. as for the game. i thought that the game was very well played by the offense. though we did complete a bunch of 3rd and longs, i'd have rather seen more 3rd and shorts out there but clearly i'll take it.
and like some people have been saying; the closeness of the game at the end was more of the defense bending a bit than anything. good play-calling really tired out a good SEA offense. they arent the best team out there but it was a great win.
10-03-2005, 10:28 AM
You're really taking things too far Ill and frankly I don't appreciate someone insinuating that certain conversations aren't welcomed and there are unwritten rules here. That really flies in the face of what this site is all about.
listen, i thought so too. but as an active poster, this is what it's felt like recently. just look back on this thread, even the mere mention of the R word as response to someone else started this furor, so what was taken out of context? of course mods and admins can have opinions, but there's been direct dismissal of others from you guys that's hardly welcoming, and as site authorities, it's just encouraged people taking even more aggressive positions.
10-03-2005, 10:34 AM
You got dumped on because you brought unwarranted negativity based completly on conjecture into a discussion about a different guy who had a good game.
check again, its not unwarranted when other people bring up the QB switch and you react to it. i had already moved on before this all happened.
There's plenty of other sites out there you know. I suggest checking some of them out and then comparing it to what you have here.
10-03-2005, 11:15 AM
I thought I was familiar with this site, was a member since long before the big server quake in '03 and you switched to vbulletin. that's why im surprised.
Surprised at what? That someone has a differing opinion??
Once again, nobody told you that you're not allowed to discuss something. There are no rules regarding discussion topics. Never has been, never will be.
We can talk about Ramsey until we're blue in the face if that's what makes people happy. I don't care. Will I say I'm tired of hearing about it, yeah probably, but that's just my opinion, it's not me hinting that discussion of that nature is not allowed. If you think differently, I guess we'll have to agree to disagree. But if you've been here for any length of time I'd think you would know what we're all about here. Again, if you disagree, oh well. There's always other sites like hailredskins or Two sites that I highly recommend.