04-14-2004, 04:41 PM
If Gibbs doesnt plan on getting Winslow im surprised at some of teh moves hes made. Portis needs good blockers. BJ would have done that in the fullback role, but now hes gone. I wonder if Gibbs plans on running a lot of single back. The H-back position is more effective when you have a guy that a treat to catch the ball and thats quick. Otherwise you dont worry about him running out of formation. If Winslow ran in motion from the hback spot you have to worry whether Portis gets the ball, you have to send someone to cover winslow because hes a threat, and still worry about our wideouts. Id liek to see us get Taylor but if we got Winslow, after seeing the offense with him in itI dotn think anyone woudl complain.