If you watch the replay of the 1st TD pass you can see Brunell actually overthrows Moss and he has to accelerate to catch up to it, actually it's really cool to see how much ground he covers so quickly. Moss has some serious jets.
09-22-2005, 03:26 PM
In Brunell's defense the receivers were not open at all in the first 3 qtrs. They just were not getting open. Whether that's poor route running or poor QB play or even good D by the Cowboys. There was only one other opportunity to hit a big play in the game and I believe Brunell was sacked. Alot of work to do with this offense, but it is showing some signs of life with those late TD's.
09-22-2005, 04:22 PM
Someone here said I started this thread as a "troll". Thank you for reading my mind - - and getting it wrong.
I started this thread because I actually thought that some of the people who had spent an entire week crabbing at the coaching staff might - - MIGHT - - take some of the joy that comes from the kind of win that happened on Monday night and turn it into some contrition. Not only was I wrong about that, I now have the honor of having people declare what my motives were in starting this thread. Since I am POSITIVE that you don't know why I started the thread, then maybe I should take your other declarations here with a grain of salt?
And just to remand the discussion to an issue in the original post, lots of people here started threads and contributed to threads saying in no uncertain terms that the Redskins' players would never trust Joe Gibbs ever again. Should I go and find those threads and do some quoting here? Well, if that's the way the team will hang in and play hard to the end for a coach that they won't trust as far as I can throw a piano - with one hand - then let's find some other reasons for them not to trust him.
I don't read players' minds; so I don't know if they trust Joe Gibbs or not. I don't really care either. Here's what I know. They were down on Monday night, and most teams in that circumstance would have rolled over and played dead for the final 5 minutes of the game. But this team didn't. So maybe they "respect" Joe Gibbs even if they can't possibly "trust him".
09-22-2005, 05:53 PM
Someone here said I started this thread as a "troll". Thank you for reading my mind - - and getting it wrong.
I started this thread because I actually thought that some of the people who had spent an entire week crabbing at the coaching staff might - - MIGHT - - take some of the joy that comes from the kind of win that happened on Monday night and turn it into some contrition. Not only was I wrong about that, I now have the honor of having people declare what my motives were in starting this thread. Since I am POSITIVE that you don't know why I started the thread, then maybe I should take your other declarations here with a grain of salt?
And just to remand the discussion to an issue in the original post, lots of people here started threads and contributed to threads saying in no uncertain terms that the Redskins' players would never trust Joe Gibbs ever again. Should I go and find those threads and do some quoting here? Well, if that's the way the team will hang in and play hard to the end for a coach that they won't trust as far as I can throw a piano - with one hand - then let's find some other reasons for them not to trust him.
I don't read players' minds; so I don't know if they trust Joe Gibbs or not. I don't really care either. Here's what I know. They were down on Monday night, and most teams in that circumstance would have rolled over and played dead for the final 5 minutes of the game. But this team didn't. So maybe they "respect" Joe Gibbs even if they can't possibly "trust him".
I just got home from a trip - - had to watch the game in a hotel bar last night. I fully expected to see at least three or four threads in here full of apologies from people who had accused Joe Gibbs of being a lying weasel and a backstabbing ne'er-do-well, but I can't seem to find them. OK, you may still not like the way he handled the situation, but he got it right.
Asking for apologies, and attempting to say that Gibbs was right with this decision regardless of what happened the first 56 minutes, you act as if that win solves all our problems on offense? I couldn't be more solidified after that game with my thought about the switch, regardless of how it was handled.
I even said that I had a feeling we were going to win not based upon what I believed to be Brunell's ability to lead us, but based on all the controversy, and frustration, coming into this game with the boy's would culminate into a victory, I felt we would probably get a defensive TD from Bledsoe [which didn't happen] but I just had a feeling something unusual would happen to lead us to victory, and it did, Brunell played QB for 4 minutes. And yes I also put my money where my mouth was on that prediction, and put 200.00 on the skins to win out right forgoing the points, getting 2-1 on my money.
But if you think you started this thread not trying to antagonize others, you may want to re read your own post.
I was more than happy to lay back and enjoy this week until you couldn't leave well enough alone SC. :nono:
That Guy
09-22-2005, 06:24 PM
I never said i read your mind or that I knew your intentions behind writing that post, and frankly i don't care. If you don't think it contains implicit antagonism then maybe you should re-read it.
09-22-2005, 06:44 PM
people are so focused on being 'right' that they refuse to realize we were 1 tipped ball away from being just as abysmal as last year. like we all feared.
we're all ecstatic it didn't go that way this once, but no one can deny the spectre of last year was there and it was STRONG. if you want to hear apologies, ask the people who questioned the Moss/Coles trade. oop, don't think there were any.
09-22-2005, 06:44 PM
I knew with certainty that some people would be angry with my original posting. I hoped that others might be able to look back on all the "can anyone trust Joe Gibbs now" threads and wonder if the things they saw in the Monday night game might run counter to the assertions made there.
Obviously, not many folks here can or want to do that. That's their choice not mine.
Does winning on Monday night cure all the offensive woes of the team? Of course not. All you had to do was watch the first 55 minutes of Monday night's game to know that this team still needs a lot of improvement on that side of the ball. But winning is what the games are about. Getting that win is far more important than any sidebar issue of player/coach interactions or anything of that ilk.
As I said in a post about 3 months ago when Patrick Ramsey was the #1 QB and it looked as if he would stay there for the year, he needed to improve in about five or six areas of the game - - unless of course the Redskins won the NFC East. If the Redskins win the NFC East, then it will not matter if they have the 24th rated offense or their QB has the lowest rating of any division-winning QB since they kept that stat. Because the bottom line is winning. Stats are much more important to losers than they are to winners.
09-22-2005, 06:52 PM
Speed Kills!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hail Mr Moss
09-22-2005, 07:02 PM
I knew with certainty that some people would be angry with my original posting. I hoped that others might be able to look back on all the "can anyone trust Joe Gibbs now" threads and wonder if the things they saw in the Monday night game might run counter to the assertions made there.
what things did you see that ran counter to what assertions?
only thing i can think of is Brunell having a noodle-arm, but i still saw enough of the the underthrown short passes i expected to see, whatever the cause.
09-22-2005, 08:20 PM
Obviously, not many folks here can or want to do that. That's their choice not mine.
Because the bottom line is winning. Stats are much more important to losers than they are to winners.
No truer words have been spoken than what you have just said SC. You are exactly right! :food-smil