This debate is getting real old.
Especially when these fish stories are developing about Ramsey, all of a sudden he's the next Diesel running people over. Puh-leaze.
Sheriff Gonna Getcha
09-22-2005, 12:20 AM
Especially when these fish stories are developing about Ramsey, all of a sudden he's the next Diesel running people over. Puh-leaze.
I don't think Brunell or Ramsey are stellar guys. We need to keep our praise/criticism of each quarterback on a rational level. I'm hearing way too much black/white right/wrong talk.....not exactly the most nuanced and sophisticated analysis.
09-22-2005, 01:29 AM
I'd much rather have a nudist sapphic analysis.
09-22-2005, 02:55 AM
Ramsey would have run over someone??
C'mon now, this weird fascination with Ramsey has got to stop!
Why is it a weird fascination??? I just think he got a raw deal 1 half and out...brunell had all season and he monday..there is no weird fascination...and btw he has handled this with class....he hasn't said anything ...but he will get his shot...cause brunells will need a new WALKER soon... LMAO
09-22-2005, 07:05 AM
I'd much rather have a nudist sapphic analysis.
I think I would develop a weird fascination with that. :lol:
09-22-2005, 07:32 AM
Ramsey woulda thrown 3 INTS. Never woulda been close and never woulda hit even 1 of those 3 incredible passes to Moss. Ramsey doesn't have good judgement in a pinch and doesn't have great accuracy like Brunell can. I'm not saying Ramsey will never play again and I'm not saying Brunell is an instant probowler. Gibbs made the right decision and it got us a win. Our second win in 2 games. Sure we count on our defense, but Brunell isn't in there in the last 4 minutes we're just another pushover 'homecoming' team for the induction of the triplets. Brunell is kinda like my 85 Silverado; still got some gas in the tank and can impress better than some fuel injected crap.
That Guy
09-22-2005, 09:11 AM
again, NO ONE knows for sure what ramsey would or would not have done because he didn't actually play the game.
we won, brunell pulled it out, let's see how the seahawk's game goes.
Why is it a weird fascination??? I just think he got a raw deal 1 half and out...brunell had all season and he monday..there is no weird fascination...and btw he has handled this with class....he hasn't said anything ...but he will get his shot...cause brunells will need a new WALKER soon... LMAO
I'm talking about the running someone over part, sorry I just think that's hilarious.
Next thing you know we'll be saying Ramsey landed that plane at LAX last night.
09-22-2005, 09:33 AM
I'm talking about the running someone over part, sorry I just think that's hilarious.
Next thing you know we'll be saying Ramsey landed that plane at LAX last night.
all that statement meant was that he has had the crucial 30yd scrambles to win games before (i swear you guys forget faster than Eagles fans) only he would have risked his body (as he does too often) instead of sliding 2yds short of the first down.
09-22-2005, 09:46 AM
This debate is getting real old.
It's already went way past the point of getting old! :frusty: