09-15-2005, 02:43 PM
I've been saying that at least once in every thread dealing with the situation. The truth is, both QBs played pretty well, Brunell was marginally better. But if you're talking to Gibbs, he'd say Brunell managed the game well and did what he had to do. He made the throws he was supposed to make and handed the ball of the rest of the game. Pretty much Brunell put us in a position to come out with the lead for that field goal. It wasn't Brunell that called for us NOT to go for it on 4th and 1.
09-15-2005, 02:50 PM
Ok I guess we've now moved on to overanalyzing Brunell's 70 yards passing.
Could it be the fact that the running game was grinding away so well that we didn't see the need to air things out?
Could it be the fact that Brunell was inserted to an offense who's gameplan was geared towards another QB?
Moss turned a nice catch and run into a 52 yard gain for Ramsey, the throw was on target but let's face it Moss did the majority of the work. Take that away and Ramsey was a much more pedestrian 5 of 10 for 53 yards.
even if you take away the value of Ramsey hittin his receiver in stride or in a position to move upfield (as opposed to Brunell's "safe" dink/dunks), then that's 53 yds in 3 drives vs. 70 in 3 quarters. how many drives was that? i agree the running game got it going by then, but Ramsey didn't have that luxury.
i agree Brunell (a left-hander as Brud expertly pointed out) coming into a system set up for another QB lowered the offense's efficiency. think one week of practice can overcome months of offseason?
09-15-2005, 02:56 PM
Ok I guess we've now moved on to overanalyzing Brunell's 70 yards passing.
Could it be the fact that the running game was grinding away so well that we didn't see the need to air things out?
Could it be the fact that Brunell was inserted to an offense who's gameplan was geared towards another QB?
Moss turned a nice catch and run into a 52 yard gain for Ramsey, the throw was on target but let's face it Moss did the majority of the work. Take that away and Ramsey was a much more pedestrian 5 of 10 for 53 yards.I heard a Quote somewhere from Gibbs saying that the o we played against the bears will not be the same o we play against Dallas. I think Gibbs felt he could win in a low scoring game if we played smart football (no turnovers, fumbles etc..).A good example is not going for the TD when we were 4th and short. He did not want to open up the play book more than he had to giving Parcells less game film to watch. We made alot of changes on the O side of the ball this year but I saw very little of that in their opening game. I think Gibbs game planning was one game past the Bears who he did not look past but showed very little. Gibbs knows how big of a game this is for our team and how much of a boost it would be if we could pull out a win in Dallas. Dallas had a tougher game and we will have plenty of game film to watch.
09-15-2005, 02:59 PM
I heard a Quote somewhere from Gibbs saying that the o we played against the bears will not be the same o we play against Dallas. I think Gibbs felt he could win in a low scoring game if we played smart football (no turnovers, fumbles etc..).A good example is not going for the TD when we were 4th and short. He did not want to open up the play book more than he had to giving Parcells less game film to watch. We made alot of changes on the O side of the ball this year but I saw very little of that in their opening game. I think Gibbs game planning was one game past the Bears who he did not look past but showed very little. Gibbs knows how big of a game this is for our team and how much of a boost it would be if we could pull out a win in Dallas. Dallas had a tougher game and we will have plenty of game film to watch.
09-15-2005, 03:07 PM
Could it be the fact that the running game was grinding away so well that we didn't see the need to air things out?
Could it be the fact that Brunell was inserted to an offense who's gameplan was geared towards another QB?
While I'm sure Brunell with throw for more than 70 yards against Dallas, I disagree that he's a efficient "game manager". As I said before, if the Skins go down more than 14 points in a game, it's game over because Brunell does not have the tools to pass them back into the game.
And as good as Portis looked Sunday, it's going to get a lot harder for him to run when teams realize he's our only offense, and start stacking 8 in the box.
09-15-2005, 03:08 PM
There's a key on your keyboard that reads 'Caps Lock', please press it just once before your next post.
Thank you.
09-15-2005, 03:09 PM
Really you are underestimating Brunell. Did you WATCH last week's game? Seriously. He threw some intermediate passes and completed them when he needed to.
And about managing the game,I believe that he threw the ball away when he needed to AND showed some mobility by running out of the pocket and completing some passes.
09-15-2005, 03:10 PM
Hallelujah! Someone actually understands Gibbs and his phenomenal strategy to beating those no good lousy tuna smelling Cowbitches. No turnover. No film footage. I can't wait.
09-15-2005, 04:09 PM
Hallelujah! Someone actually understands Gibbs and his phenomenal strategy to beating those no good lousy tuna smelling Cowbitches. No turnover. No film footage. I can't wait.
As if parcells doesn't know every move Gibbs will make, Parcells knows Gibbs better than Gibbs knows Gibbs.
09-15-2005, 04:33 PM
yeah, and he won the same amount of games as Brunell did in 9. why is Brunell held in any regard? because of his distant past (in player terms)?
do you really think the differences in preseason account for betting TWO seasons on Brunell?
We might want to add to that that 3 of Ramseys games came against 2 of the best teams in the NFL Philli, and Pitt, and a playoff team in the vik's.
As for this pre-seaon justification for Brunell, HOGWASH!
Why did Gibbs name Ramsey his starter at the end of the regular season last year? Because he clearly outplayed Brunell when the games counted, we also heard how Ramsey starated to come on the last couple of games, we heard that all off season.
So now we are to believe after the chicago game where the Gibbs apologists have conjured up the latest excuse that we only won by 2 points and scored no TD's because Gibbs wanted it that way, because he didn't want anyone to know how we are going to just overwhelm Parcells and the Boy's with a game plan against one of the greatest coaches to ever grace the field in the NFL, so to do that we leave a team in the game and we are not a big play away, we are a decent play away from losing by a field goal? :stop:
Then these same people want to judge the pre season and start Brunell, as if Gibbs opened up the offense in the pre-season only to shut it down in the regular season, we already are finding out that in a regular season game WR's are running the wrong routes, nobody believes that the same was taking place in the pre season, while everyone got used to each other as well as a new system?
Those who don't learn from their mistakes are prone to repeat them.
Brunell beats out Ramsey last season and starts 9 games and proceeds to play the position quite possibly worse than anyone in the history of the NFL for 9 games.
Ramsey comes in and faces the toughest part of our schedule and wins the starting job as per the coaches statement with his play.
Then the pre season hits and Brunell is so overwhelming with his PRE-SEASON performance :laughing2 Gibbs can't wait to make the switch, he proceeds to throw for 70 yds. and direct the team to 3 big time field goals in almost 3 quarters of play, now Gibbs has a gut feeling, yea I have a gut feeling as well, GUESS?