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celts32 09-13-2005, 08:51 PM I know this is going to rub a lot of people the wrong way so I will offer an apology to those who take offense, other than that to bad!
Gibbs states that we can't turn the ball over, and he wont tolerate it, Brunell 2004 9 TO's in 9 games. 2 of which directly lost us 2 games.
Gibbs now states that basically Brunells hamstring was the reason why he was as incompetent as he was last season, [maybe the worst QBing we have ever seen] yet he played his best game of the year 1 week after his supposed injury against dallas, and now we here all about his big time hammy.
Gibbs promises Brunell the starters position and gives him 9 games to play himself out of the starters position, given the fact that Brunell is a very experinced veteran who shouldn't need the same kind of a learning curve as let's say a young QB like Ramsey.
Ramsey is promised the starters job, after 1 early INT in his first regular season game with his new recieving corps he begins to move the ball up and down the field, at which point after 19 minutes Gibbs say's he's seen enough and has to go back to the teachers pet before Ramsey possibly does something to prevent him from getting Brunell back to starters status, so he doesn't look like an absolute incompetent fool for making that deal to get Brunell here in the first place. We cannot gloss over the fact that Gibbs cost his employer 42 million dollars, couple that with a system back like Portis for another 50 mil. that sure would motivate me to try and force a square peg through a round hole, imagine having to tell your employer you just cost them almost 100 mil and it's not working. And so long as Ramsey starts, thats what's being said.
Gibbs makes the move, which is probably the first I can remember a QB who is moving the ball, and if not for a lousy call would have just directed a TD drive, yanked, usually a QB is lifted because he can't move the ball, [unless your last name is Brunell] but the switch is made AFTER 1 QUARTER OF THE FIRST GAME OF THE SEASON, then to watch Brunell in almost 3 quarters of play muster up 3 field goals, and 70 yards of passing, and say this is my starter.
Somewhere Bobby Beathard is shaking his head.
Yes,I am rubbed the wrong way.
Most of what you say is your opinion which you are entitled to. The only thing I take exception to is phrase "Ramsey is promised the starters job". There are no promises in pro football. Ramsey was #1 on the depth chart, but in the only opinion that counts he played his way down to #2. And lets be honest it was more than 1 quarter of football....preseason may not count in the standings but in terms of player evaluation it sure does count.
offiss 09-13-2005, 09:21 PM Yes,I am rubbed the wrong way.
Most of what you say is your opinion which you are entitled to. The only thing I take exception to is phrase "Ramsey is promised the starters job". There are no promises in pro football. Ramsey was #1 on the depth chart, but in the only opinion that counts he played his way down to #2. And lets be honest it was more than 1 quarter of football....preseason may not count in the standings but in terms of player evaluation it sure does count.
Really, and here I thought it was the regular season that count's, we all saw what happened last year, apparently Brunell beat out Ramsey in the pre-season, then what? Well anyone who watched the games knows what happened, Brunell proceded to play the QB position about as bad as anyone has ever seen, against inferior competition, Ramsey comes in against Pitt, Phila twice, minnesota, 4 of his 6 games go against playoff teams, and 3 of those games against the best defenses in the NFL, and a lose to dallas that if Gibbs didn't go into his conservative shell on our last series and allow dallas another shot at us we would have won.
So I am very curious about pre season evaluation, obviously Gibbs didn't have a clue about evaluating Brunell last season, what makes you think when he was so far off then that he's got it right now?
As far as promises go there are promises, like giving a player a chance to prove himself, Gibbs sure stuck by his word for Brunell last season, and he was as horrible as I have ever seen, Ramsey gets 19 minutes and just finished what should have been a TD drive and that's all folks!
Bottom line for all the Brunell fans out there, 70 yds passing in almost 3 quarters, there's your sharpshooter in a nut shell!
And correction, all of what I have said is my opinion!
Longtimefan 09-13-2005, 09:28 PM I'm in the hundred's now reading all the various post both pro and con relative to this great humanatarian crisis facing our beloved football team. Matty I ageee with your assesment of Patrick Ramsey in that it seems to more closely resemble how Gibbs feels about him as well. I see nothing hypocritical about the move, as a matter of fact I saw it coming at the end of last season for those of us truly famaliar with how JG operates. Gibbs ringing endorsements of Brunell at the end of last season lend credence to the fact we would see Brunell again this season at the most convenient opportunity. I have said many times before I could understand all the unflappable support for Ramsey if he had actually accomplished something in Burgandy and Gold, but that is not the case. We've all seen Brunell play and it's not like he's the savior, but I concur in Gibbs thinking that at this particular time he may offer us the best chance at winning. Just because Gibbs named Ramsey the starter means absolutely nothing unless he's going to play well enough to maintain the status. Nothing is a given in the NFL you have to earn it. Ramsey is like the Cow that gives a good bucket of Milk then kicks it over. To demonstrate now that he was ever truly worthy of the lofty status bestowed upon him he must demonstrate he's a team player and not let his pouting attitude be a disruptive influence on the rest of the team. Depending on his attitude it could be that he might have another opportunity this season if things don't go well with Brunell. Save for his attitude Gibbs just might turn to Campbell if the latter does not work to his satisfaction.
SmootSmack 09-13-2005, 09:34 PM Just because Gibbs named Ramsey the starter means absolutely nothing unless he's going to play well enough to maintain the status. Nothing is a given in the NFL you have to earn it. Ramsey is like the Cow that gives a good bucket of Milk then kicks it over.
Good points. I was thinking of another cow analogy. I forget how it goes exactly, but it's something like "you want the steak but don't want to know how they slaughtered the cow."
Basically, above all else Gibbs has said he wants to bring another Super Bowl trophy to the Redskins. And I think that's what we all want. Along the way, some mistakes will be made, feelings could get hurt, players will get frustrated, and so on. It's not going to be pretty, and it wasn't always pretty all the other times Gibbs won Super Bowls. But nothing comes easy anyway
offiss 09-13-2005, 09:35 PM I'm in the hundred's now reading all the various post both pro and con relative to this great humanatarian crisis facing our beloved football team. Matty I ageee with your assesment of Patrick Ramsey in that it seems to more closely resemble how Gibbs feels about him as well. I see nothing hypocritical about the move, as a matter of fact I saw it coming at the end of last season for those of us truly famaliar with how JG operates. Gibbs ringing endorsements of Brunell at the end of last season lend credence to the fact we would see Brunell again this season at the most convenient opportunity. I have said many times before I could understand all the unflappable support for Ramsey if he had actually accomplished something in Burgandy and Gold, but that is not the case. We've all seen Brunell play and it's not like he's the savior, but I concur in Gibbs thinking that at this particular time he may offer us the best chance at winning. Just because Gibbs named Ramsey the starter means absolutely nothing unless he's going to play well enough to maintain the status. Nothing is a given in the NFL you have to earn it. Ramsey is like the Cow that gives a good bucket of Milk then kicks it over. To demonstrate now that he was ever truly worthy of the lofty status bestowed upon him he must demonstrate he's a team player and not let his pouting attitude be a disruptive influence on the rest of the team. Depending on his attitude it could be that he might have another opportunity this season if things don't go well with Brunell. Save for his attitude Gibbs just might turn to Campbell if the latter does not work to his satisfaction.
And Brunell is like the guy milking the bull! :eek:
STPainmaker 09-13-2005, 09:40 PM LOL but I think people should chill abit. Everyone is upset but if Joe Gibbs told me that he thought player A was better than player B in his offense, with his other players I would believe it.
Everyone is however entitled to their own opinion, but we are all just speculating because neither of these guys has really outperformed the other.
SUNRA 09-13-2005, 09:41 PM cuz brunell sucks and hes the starter when ramsey was better and he got benched
hes being a hipocrite because no one is aloud to suck except brunell
Your'e killing me with your spelling errors. Take your time and spell correctly so I can understand your point.
jgalecpa 09-13-2005, 10:43 PM Okay, First time Poster here.
Don't know how far back some of you go, but do you remember Jay Schroeder. He was the starter and got hurt.
This was the season after Schroeder got ShellShocked in the loss to the Giants NFC Championship game.
Gibbs had a "rule" supposedly that you didn't lose your job due to injury. When Doug Williams came in and caught fire, the rule was out the window.
Schroeder fans were livid.
Then we won the super bowl, and they quieted down.
You may remember the last anyone really saw of old Jay was when we traded him to San Diego for one Jim (?) Lachey, who was really responsible (IMHO) for us winning the next super bowl.
My extended point here is that Joe is smart enough to admit (to himself at least) when he was wrong.
I am no Brunell fan, but I feel Ramsey looks like a fourth year rookie with no leadership skills.
He looks so worried about the INT he's holding the ball too long and making poor choices. He just wasn't maturing, not al least at NFL speed.
Brunell is clearly not the QB of the future, but neither was Ramsey.
Apparently, no other teams think so since you haven't heard any other interest in him if he left.
If Brunell takes us no where, put the rookie in around week 9.
Just my two cents.
Big Oh 09-13-2005, 11:08 PM I know this is going to rub a lot of people the wrong way so I will offer an apology to those who take offense, other than that to bad!
Gibbs states that we can't turn the ball over, and he wont tolerate it, Brunell 2004 9 TO's in 9 games. 2 of which directly lost us 2 games.
Gibbs now states that basically Brunells hamstring was the reason why he was as incompetent as he was last season, [maybe the worst QBing we have ever seen] yet he played his best game of the year 1 week after his supposed injury against dallas, and now we here all about his big time hammy.
Gibbs promises Brunell the starters position and gives him 9 games to play himself out of the starters position, given the fact that Brunell is a very experinced veteran who shouldn't need the same kind of a learning curve as let's say a young QB like Ramsey.
Ramsey is promised the starters job, after 1 early INT in his first regular season game with his new recieving corps he begins to move the ball up and down the field, at which point after 19 minutes Gibbs say's he's seen enough and has to go back to the teachers pet before Ramsey possibly does something to prevent him from getting Brunell back to starters status, so he doesn't look like an absolute incompetent fool for making that deal to get Brunell here in the first place. We cannot gloss over the fact that Gibbs cost his employer 42 million dollars, couple that with a system back like Portis for another 50 mil. that sure would motivate me to try and force a square peg through a round hole, imagine having to tell your employer you just cost them almost 100 mil and it's not working. And so long as Ramsey starts, thats what's being said.
Gibbs makes the move, which is probably the first I can remember a QB who is moving the ball, and if not for a lousy call would have just directed a TD drive, yanked, usually a QB is lifted because he can't move the ball, [unless your last name is Brunell] but the switch is made AFTER 1 QUARTER OF THE FIRST GAME OF THE SEASON, then to watch Brunell in almost 3 quarters of play muster up 3 field goals, and 70 yards of passing, and say this is my starter.
Somewhere Bobby Beathard is shaking his head.
That Guy 09-13-2005, 11:48 PM Okay, First time Poster here.
Don't know how far back some of you go, but do you remember Jay Schroeder. He was the starter and got hurt.
This was the season after Schroeder got ShellShocked in the loss to the Giants NFC Championship game.
Gibbs had a "rule" supposedly that you didn't lose your job due to injury. When Doug Williams came in and caught fire, the rule was out the window.
Schroeder fans were livid.
Then we won the super bowl, and they quieted down.
You may remember the last anyone really saw of old Jay was when we traded him to San Diego for one Jim (?) Lachey, who was really responsible (IMHO) for us winning the next super bowl.
My extended point here is that Joe is smart enough to admit (to himself at least) when he was wrong.
I am no Brunell fan, but I feel Ramsey looks like a fourth year rookie with no leadership skills.
He looks so worried about the INT he's holding the ball too long and making poor choices. He just wasn't maturing, not al least at NFL speed.
Brunell is clearly not the QB of the future, but neither was Ramsey.
Apparently, no other teams think so since you haven't heard any other interest in him if he left.
If Brunell takes us no where, put the rookie in around week 9.
Just my two cents.
dallas miami and the bears have all made offers over his career here even though he never actually sought a trade. If we dumped him, he'd have people bid for him, and there's enough bad teams that i'm sure he could even find a starting job in some places because he's still fairly young... (clev, bal, ari, etc)
other than that, welcome to the board, nice post ;)