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illdefined 09-14-2005, 11:51 AM What are you like the Webmaster or something? What makes you think you have the authority to tell anyone, especially fellow Redskins fans where to go? If you can't take the fact that _P and myself don't agree with your views, then why don't you go somewhere else?
As I stated before, you are entitled to your opinions but so are the rest of us...and I am not going anywhere so get used to me!
no, LadyFan i'm not. remember, i was the one who was told what to (not) do first. "move on" isn't an opinion, it's an imperative. you're right, i am entitled to my opinion, and i welcome yours, let's hear em.
Simmer down folks, I am the webmaster I do have the authority to tell you where to go!
Please keep things civil.
Redskins_P 09-14-2005, 12:01 PM What I want to know is what do you get out of arguiing over the same thing over and over again? It's not going to change anything. It seems like you're just looking to argue, not discuss. YOU DON'T GET ANYTHING OUT OF IT!!!!!!
I'm done with this thread. My apologies Matty.
ladyfan06 09-14-2005, 12:05 PM Simmer down folks, I am the webmaster I do have the authority to tell you where to go!
Please keep things civil.
I am very civilized and also very opinionated as is my counterpart- Illdefined.
Trust me this is just a forum not something that is going to be in tomorrow's Washington Post with headlines.
T.J.Houshmanzadeh 09-14-2005, 12:05 PM And what have you read that led you to this conclusion? What I've read is that the original ESPN report has been denied - that Ramsey has not demanded to be traded. Even if he had done so, I can't blame him one bit.
So, how is he playing this like a 6-year old? I heard his comments on Comcast the other night and, once again, he appears to be dealing with this like the class act he has always been.
Too bad he wasn't treated in a like manner by the Redskin brass.
The truth of the matter is that Gibbs lied. I have respect for the man, 3 Superbowls won, etc., but he still lied. He told Patrick, Brunell, and all of us that Ramsey was the starter. And with the flimsiest of excuses, he benches him, and puts in his hand-picked boy. A boy, whom I might add, still hasn't admitted he was playing hurt last year.
illdefined 09-14-2005, 12:05 PM Actually, the Skins don't list W-L by QB, since there are about 50 other players that impact that as well.
right that makes sense, but there weren't any major personnel changes along with with Brunell/Ramsey switch were there? Janson was still out, and our WRs were the same.
ChounsMan 09-14-2005, 12:13 PM I know this is going to rub a lot of people the wrong way so I will offer an apology to those who take offense, other than that to bad!
Gibbs states that we can't turn the ball over, and he wont tolerate it, Brunell 2004 9 TO's in 9 games. 2 of which directly lost us 2 games.
Gibbs now states that basically Brunells hamstring was the reason why he was as incompetent as he was last season, [maybe the worst QBing we have ever seen] yet he played his best game of the year 1 week after his supposed injury against dallas, and now we here all about his big time hammy.
Gibbs promises Brunell the starters position and gives him 9 games to play himself out of the starters position, given the fact that Brunell is a very experinced veteran who shouldn't need the same kind of a learning curve as let's say a young QB like Ramsey.
Ramsey is promised the starters job, after 1 early INT in his first regular season game with his new recieving corps he begins to move the ball up and down the field, at which point after 19 minutes Gibbs say's he's seen enough and has to go back to the teachers pet before Ramsey possibly does something to prevent him from getting Brunell back to starters status, so he doesn't look like an absolute incompetent fool for making that deal to get Brunell here in the first place. We cannot gloss over the fact that Gibbs cost his employer 42 million dollars, couple that with a system back like Portis for another 50 mil. that sure would motivate me to try and force a square peg through a round hole, imagine having to tell your employer you just cost them almost 100 mil and it's not working. And so long as Ramsey starts, thats what's being said.
Gibbs makes the move, which is probably the first I can remember a QB who is moving the ball, and if not for a lousy call would have just directed a TD drive, yanked, usually a QB is lifted because he can't move the ball, [unless your last name is Brunell] but the switch is made AFTER 1 QUARTER OF THE FIRST GAME OF THE SEASON, then to watch Brunell in almost 3 quarters of play muster up 3 field goals, and 70 yards of passing, and say this is my starter.
Somewhere Bobby Beathard is shaking his head.
Lets not kid ourselves here, Gibbs is not set with either QB, so why not just start the rookie, that's where your leading this thread to.
Brunell looked better in preseason then Ramsey & that's no b/s. Ramsey has a gun of an arm, but touch is not something he's been blessed with.
Campbell is certainly better in this stage then both Ramsey & Brunell, but given the track record of Gibbs he won't start the rook. So that leaves with 2 options. 1. to stay with Ramsey to whom it's obvious Gibbs has lost confidence in, or 2. start Brunell & hope he can play with anything close to what he use to have.
Regardless, I like Brunell's arm on fade routes.
SkinDallas 09-14-2005, 12:18 PM offiss
You are so far up Ramsey's butt it is sick. The guy is a turnover machine, that might I add had 11 interceptions last year to Brunell’s 6. Let’s stop treating this guy like a rookie...remember he has started 31 NFL games now. To me that’s about 2 full seasons no matter how you break it up. Trust me I really wanted to like this guy too, but it is time to let go.
He are some other shocking stats about our (former) star QB.....
30 interceptions in 31 games......you might as well count on 1 a game
26 fumbles in 31 games....thats close to 1 a game
A passer rating of 70.....that’s not going to get you to the playoffs
and the list goes on and on.
Let’s face it, we are all blessed to have Gibbs back and I think that he has proved that he has more football savvy then all of us combined. He can see these guys day in and day out. I know that he is making the right choice here.
Mark looked great this preseason moving in the pocket as he used to do. I will bet any amount of money that a lot of you are going to be shocked with his performances on this upcoming Dallas game. If we manage the clock with our running game and #2 Defense after week one we will have no problems taking this one.
Mark may not be the one to mount a major come back for you but he will keep you in the game and not turn it over like Mr. Ramsey. You watch and see....
Redskins_P 09-14-2005, 12:27 PM offiss
You are so far up Ramsey's butt it is sick. The guy is a turnover machine, that might I add had 11 interceptions last year to Brunell’s 6. Let’s stop treating this guy like a rookie...remember he has started 31 NFL games. To me that’s about 2 full season no matter how you break it up. Trust me I really wanted to like this guy too, but it is time to let go.
He are some other shocking stats about our (former) star QB.....
30 interceptions in 31 games......you might as well count on 1 a game
A passer rating of 70.....that’s not going to get you to the playoffs
and the list goes on and on.
Let’s face it, we are all blessed to have Gibbs back and I think that he has proved that he has more football savvy then all of us combined. He can see these guys day in and day out. I know that he is making the right choice here.
Mark looked great this preseason moving in the pocket as he used to do. I will bet any amount of money that a lot of you are going to be shocked with his performances on this upcoming Dallas game. If we manage the clock with our running game and #2 Defense after week one we will have no problems taking this one.
Mark may not be the one to mount a major come back for you but he will keep you in the game and not turn it over like Mr. Ramsey. You watch and see....
Great post Skindallas. My man!!! Welcome to the board by the way.
Campbell is certainly better in this stage then both Ramsey & Brunell
Based on what?