09-19-2005, 02:07 AM
In Joe Gibbs i trust to make the right decisions....Hell Yes,
You have to remember Joe is one of the old time coaches, he does what is needed for the team, not what is needed for the stats, the only stat that matters to Joe is the win stat. He cares for his players naturally, but he is interested in winning, that is what he gets paid for.
Joe Gibbs in his first run at being the head coach for the skins, didnt spend 20 hrs a day, 7 days a week making a championship team, concerning himself with wether or not he played a specific person, just because he said so in so was his starter, if you cant produce what is needed, then there needs to be a change, and Ramsey is not it, im not saying that Brunell is it either because i dont feel his is, but he has more experience and start time then Ramsey, Joe has always made the Redskins produce with great supporting casts, such as a great line, good recievers, good running backs, great defences and always an alright quarterback, i mean if you look at it, Williams was ok, Theisman was good, Ripen was ok but they were never the Montana's, Elways or Marino's of the game.
So untill we get the Great Quarterback, we will win with what we got and trust that Joe Gibbs knows what he is talking about since he is in the Hall of Fame, and we are just weekend armchair quarterbacks/coaches.
You have to remember Joe is one of the old time coaches, he does what is needed for the team, not what is needed for the stats, the only stat that matters to Joe is the win stat. He cares for his players naturally, but he is interested in winning, that is what he gets paid for.
Joe Gibbs in his first run at being the head coach for the skins, didnt spend 20 hrs a day, 7 days a week making a championship team, concerning himself with wether or not he played a specific person, just because he said so in so was his starter, if you cant produce what is needed, then there needs to be a change, and Ramsey is not it, im not saying that Brunell is it either because i dont feel his is, but he has more experience and start time then Ramsey, Joe has always made the Redskins produce with great supporting casts, such as a great line, good recievers, good running backs, great defences and always an alright quarterback, i mean if you look at it, Williams was ok, Theisman was good, Ripen was ok but they were never the Montana's, Elways or Marino's of the game.
So untill we get the Great Quarterback, we will win with what we got and trust that Joe Gibbs knows what he is talking about since he is in the Hall of Fame, and we are just weekend armchair quarterbacks/coaches.