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Joe Knows... 09-13-2005, 03:50 AM I say, let's just give it a chance. This is a whole new year. A whole 365 days to learn more about the offense and get comfortable. A whole 365 days to heal and grow your muscles and get in better shape. A whole offseason and training camp to practice and touch up on your mechanics. A whole new Wide Reciever corp. (If you remember last year they dropped most of the balls thrown to them. Coles is still doing that in NY if you saw the highlights on NFL Primetime.) A ravamped and primed offensive line.
The only thing we really need is a QB that won't shoot us in the foot. All the other pieces are there.
So let's just give it a chance and see.
illdefined 09-13-2005, 03:54 AM yup if your name is Mark, you get all the chances in the world. everything you just said applied to Patrick as well, but he doesn't get a chance despite what Gibbs has said the entire offseason.
Luxorreb 09-13-2005, 04:00 AM Yes. In Gibbs I trust.
Ramsey has not proven anything. Brunell seldom makes bad decisions. Ramsey can't help it. He throws the ball up for grabs way too often. Brunell is no Peyton but is a proven NFL starter. If ya want compare career stats between Brunell and Ramsey and you make the call.
illdefined 09-13-2005, 04:02 AM If ya want compare career stats between Brunell and Ramsey and you make the call.
let's sign Joe Montana then.
Joe Knows... 09-13-2005, 04:07 AM let's sign Joe Montana then.
Better yet, Dan Marino!
RedskinPete 09-13-2005, 04:32 AM DAMN STRAIGHT MEN!
Gibbs has a hard on for Brunell, he loves to harp on Ramsey for INT's while Ramsey is still learning Gibbs system and growing as a young QB, yet last season it was as if Brunell never had a turnover, yet his turnovers were the most costly of all, we lost 2 games as a direct result of his fumbles, but that's OK, Ramsey can drive the ball up and down the field all day and if he throws an INT he's crusified, yet Brunell can go drive after drive without a first down and it's fine, perhaps if Brunell actually tried to make a realistic attemt to get the ball downfield he might have a few more INT's as well, but we all know that ain't happening.
I really have lost respect for Gibbs in this matter, no way did Brunell do anything to unseat Ramsey, yet there it is he's starting, does anyone think Ramsey is getting 1/10 of the chance Brunell was given last year? No way! This is all about Gibbs not being able to swallow his pride and admit he royally screwed up in not only bringing Brunell in, but giving up the farm to do so, when we all knew he was being released, Gibbs came along and went after him as if he was the second coming of Marino.
Does anyone really believe Gibbs wasen't looking for any excuse whatsoever to put Ramsey on the bench? If you don't your only kidding yourself!
I am chalking another one up in the win column for dallas monday, the only good thing that will come out of it is the beating, and reality check, Gibbs and Brunell are going to have once Parcells get's through with them.
Fact of the matter is Ramsey is not read yet! He just may need more time!!! We have a better chance of winning with Brunell then Ramsey. Monday night in Dallas Ramsey would have little chance of getting the job done. I am not saying that Brunell will do that much better but he has been in games at the other guys home under fire. I just have this feeling that Brunell can pull this off with a week with the first O!
RedskinPete 09-13-2005, 04:43 AM I say, let's just give it a chance. This is a whole new year. A whole 365 days to learn more about the offense and get comfortable. A whole 365 days to heal and grow your muscles and get in better shape. A whole offseason and training camp to practice and touch up on your mechanics. A whole new Wide Reciever corp. (If you remember last year they dropped most of the balls thrown to them. Coles is still doing that in NY if you saw the highlights on NFL Primetime.) A ravamped and primed offensive line.
The only thing we really need is a QB that won't shoot us in the foot. All the other pieces are there.
So let's just give it a chance and see.
I just watch Ramsey miss Recievers all perseason. Nine points in a game is not going to get it done. So why are we so bad on the O side of the ball???? Nine line,Good backs and pretty good WR and TE. So is it Bad QB's, Play calling or just the way we are going about attacking D's? Ramsey had his chance all perseason with the first O and now I think Burnell should get his to see if it can get better. You never know Burnell could be our D.Williams!!!! :cheers
Luxorreb 09-13-2005, 04:48 AM I hope I name my next pet Mark Brunell!!!
I gotta believe he is a piece of our playoff/superbowl puzzle.
There are many many pieces and don't forget it is a long season.
Most teams rely on more than 1 QB thru a season.
offiss 09-13-2005, 05:25 AM I just watch Ramsey miss Recievers all perseason. Nine points in a game is not going to get it done. So why are we so bad on the O side of the ball???? Nine line,Good backs and pretty good WR and TE. So is it Bad QB's, Play calling or just the way we are going about attacking D's? Ramsey had his chance all perseason with the first O and now I think Burnell should get his to see if it can get better. You never know Burnell could be our D.Williams!!!! :cheers
And Ramsey could be our Theisman, what you have to understand about Williams is this, his job was not to lose the game, where as Theisman, Rypien were out to win it, as Ramsey has been trying to do, unlike Brunell.
Pre-season is meaningless in this case, as if I can't figure out that Brunell had seasoned veterans [ala McCants] in going against a second and third string defenses, can we give Ramsey a chance to get caught up with game speed at least? I hope Gibbs treats Brunell equally with Ramsey which means Ramsey will be in the dallas game by the second quarter.
Brunell and his pre-season I have to laugh, didn't anyone watch this clown during the regular season last year? How bout giving Ramsey a chance to get acclamated to his new recieving corps at game speed before we give him the hook.
My thought is they think we now will have a running game and Brunell will just basically do whats neccasary to convert a third down here and there, boy are some people in for a rude awakening when we can't run the ball because of Brunells inability to play QB, my prediction is Portis will begin the uprise for Ramsey because he isn't going to remain silent while his carreer stats go down the tubes because Gibbs is in love with Brunell for a second year in a row.
That Guy 09-13-2005, 06:26 AM Give him a chance? he went 3-6 last year and looked pathetic, I think he was done years ago.
No, I'm not happy with this, and i'm not really hopeful that brunell is going to prove me wrong, but you never know...