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offiss 09-14-2005, 05:13 AM Ramseys problem is confidence he has none an he will have none as long as he doesn't feel the support of Gibbs. He has got the tools and the only way he improves at this stage is to play not watch until he is 32 years old. Think about Troy Aikmans first few years, Joe Montana, Jim Plunkett the list goes on.
Lets face it he will be traded or eventually released and more than likely end up somewhere like Dallas and kick our butts for the next 6 or 7 years!
Dead on!
Excellent point as well, it looks to me that Gibbs has this kid's confidence broken down so bad he's lucky if he knows what a football looks like, let alone how to throw a spiral, bottom line Gibbs IMO has had distain for Ramsey from day 1, and IMO has done nothing but try and break this kids confidence since he's been back, he goes out and gets Brunell without so much as having 1 practice with him, [a lot like his Portis move] what is Ramsey to think Brunell turns the ball over 9 times in 9 games and Gibbs say's nothing all the while Brunell is lucky to throw for 100 yards in doing so, Ramsey turns the ball over but moves the ball up and down the field and Gibbs is screaming about turnovers, bottom line I think Gibbs is so far out of touch with the reality of the NFL and his own team it's scary.
DirtBagZ 09-14-2005, 05:29 AM Yes.
I am amazed that some on this board are bigger Ramsey fans than they Redskins or Joe Gibbs fans.
What have the Redskins done over the past ten years to merit any sort of the benefit of the doubt? Thank God for the Nationals, there is finally some added sports competition in this town and it is not going be Redskins only. I have been a fan of the team for a long time but I am sick of the non-stop boneheaded decision making of the front office with regards to contracts and player personnel.
In Michael Wilbon's column today he states that we spent three picks for Campbell, a first, third, and a fourth. For most teams with good evaluators of player personnel that is three starters. Just think Kyle Orton, who looked pretty damn good was a fourth round pick. Not knocking Cambell, but if we have spent so much on him, and if Ramsey is not the answer, then in my opinion neither is Brunell, put the rookie out there and see what he can do.
Also Gibbs deserves a lot of criticism for his handling of this, he does not get an automatic pass because of his prior history. In his own words when he came back he said the past is just that, the past. As a fan of the team I would love to be proved wrong, but I have not seen anything out of Brunell to make me think he is going to get this team to the next level. The Brunell of five years, no contest, that player is head and shoulders above Ramsey, the Mark Brunell of now and last year, I don't think so. And let's be honest Gibbs must not have either, for why did he go with Patrick to start the season?
Personally I'm willing to give Gibbs the benefit of the doubt for now.
I'm also willing to give Brunell a 2nd shot in an improved offensive system.
All in all a huge roll of the dice by Gibbs. A roll of the dice that a lot of coaches wouldn't make. Time will tell if his instincts are correct, or if this move was just dumb.
Either way I don't think we have a lot to lose. Ramsey was shaky at best, Brunell may have stunk last year, but this is a new season and the jury is still out as to whether he can get it done or not.
joethiesmanfan 09-14-2005, 08:42 AM YES, but all this debate shows that the fans on this site, and coach gibbs have one thing in common. We will do anything to beat DALLAS this monday night he does not want to be embarassed. Been waiting for that magic Ramsey game for four years now.. Not since the Titans victory when he first appeared. this is not lights out for Ramsey yet. calm down he will have another chance to be the hero when Brunnell's crap gets old, cold , and stale then that will be his last chance. a little time on the bench should teach you about brain farts.
That Guy 09-14-2005, 08:44 AM YES, but all this debate shows that the fans on this site, and coach gibbs have one thing in common. We will do anything to beat DALLAS this monday night he does not want to be embarassed. Been waiting for that magic Ramsey game for four years now.. Not since the Titans victory when he first appeared. this is not lights out for Ramsey yet. calm down he will have another chance to be the hero when Brunnell's crap gets old, cold , and stale then that will be his last chance. a little time on the bench should teach you about brain farts.
his game against the jets was really good too...
Dogtag 09-14-2005, 08:47 AM Yes
LadyT 09-14-2005, 09:07 AM Dead on!
Excellent point as well, it looks to me that Gibbs has this kid's confidence broken down so bad he's lucky if he knows what a football looks like, let alone how to throw a spiral, bottom line Gibbs IMO has had distain for Ramsey from day 1, and IMO has done nothing but try and break this kids confidence since he's been back, he goes out and gets Brunell without so much as having 1 practice with him, [a lot like his Portis move] what is Ramsey to think Brunell turns the ball over 9 times in 9 games and Gibbs say's nothing all the while Brunell is lucky to throw for 100 yards in doing so, Ramsey turns the ball over but moves the ball up and down the field and Gibbs is screaming about turnovers, bottom line I think Gibbs is so far out of touch with the reality of the NFL and his own team it's scary.
I think you just hit on what it is about this QB move that has me the most upset and scared. It's the sense that Gibbs has lost touch with reality here. That what he has done, if viewed in purely logical terms, makes no good sense. And the thought that perhaps Gibbs is so out of touch is what really scares me, because he is our last best hope to turn things around - Danny Boy has no more rabbits to pull out of his hat if Gibbs doesn't work out.
Sheriff Gonna Getcha 09-14-2005, 09:25 AM I've asked this a few times but I don't think I've seen a clear answer.
What exactly has Ramsey done to deserve to be the unquestioned starter??
Why are people soooo emotionally attached to this guy??
It has to be an emotional attachment, that's the only way I can see why people are so supportive of a QB who's been so inconsistent. It has to be an emotional attachment when people are so eager to overlook his interceptions and inconsistent play.
I don't get it. Ramsey doesn't look like the answer right now, and in all likelihood Brunell is just a stopgap until Campbell is hopefully ready to take the job next year. But people are acting like we're benching Manning or Favre. We're benching a young QB who hasn't proven anything except that he's still an inconsistent QB that makes too many mental errors.
I've though the very same thing about many Gibbs-loyalists. Granted, the difference between Gibbs and Ramsey is night and day; Ramsey hasn't done squat while Gibbs essentially built the franchise.
I undoubtedly think Gibbs is great and has done more for this team than anyone else in the history of the franchise. However, I am not, nor will I ever be, the type to drink the Kool-Aid and blindly follow someone no matter who they are or how great I think they are. I truly think that despite what we saw of Brunell all last season, people are drinking the Kool-Aid and are placing too much trust in Gibbs.
Yeah, for me it is emotional. Anyone who claims to be unemotional about the Redskins is either 1). a liar, 2). not thinking this talk of being "emotional" through, or 3). maybe doesn't have the same feelings about the Redskins that I have. I love my Skins. I love the Redskins more than just about anything else (my girlfriend and soon-to-be fiance tops them). I get passionate about the Redskins. I like Ramsey not for who he is, but for what I think he could do for this franchise if given AN ENTIRE season and a teaspoon of confidence. Trust me, if I thought Ramsey would kill our team, I'd be putting a bounty on his head. So yeah, I'm emotion in support of Ramsey, because I think Ramsey's the best we've got and I'd like to see a few wins.
PS- Matty, I'm also trying to pin down your position. In some posts you seem to say that the Brunell-Ramsey debate isn't clear cut and in other posts you seem to say that it was a no brainer and Brunell was definately the way to go. Would you care to clarify your statements/opinions?
LadyT 09-14-2005, 10:44 AM Don't confuse the questioning of Joe's decision with everyone being emotionally attached to Ramsey. My biggest concern is how unsettled things are at the QB position. I do think Ramsey gives us the best chance to win. I also think that Brunell has shown me nothing to justify giving him the starter's job. In fact, just the opposite, he's shown me a lot of reasons why he should not have the job. And, finally, Campbell is nothing but a big question mark right now.
Forgive me for being just a tad bit troubled with this scenario.
PSUSkinsFan21 09-14-2005, 05:44 PM Absolutely not -- Brunell played like shit for 9 weeks and he didnt yank him. Ramsey played fairly well minus the INT and was getting hotter as the game went on. Will he ever give him a chance?
I can't believe I'm doing this, but put me down as a "NO" and as being in complete agreement with Daseal (there's a first time for everything, LOL).;)