Do you support Gibbs' decision to start Brunell? (Merged)

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09-13-2005, 08:42 PM
So let's say for kicks that Brunell goes 15-0.

You would still stay it was the wrong decision to pull Ramsey??

Wow, amazing logic.
its not logic,it's the principle of the thing,if you dont get it,you dont get it

09-13-2005, 08:59 PM
also,how many people out there that are saying in this post,in Gibbs we trust,he knows what he's doing,how many of you agreed with his descision last yr to leave Brunell in as long as he did,when it was clear to the whole frickin world that he left him in way too long,if you didnt agree with him then,youre contradicting yourself,and if you did agree with that descision,you disagree with any nfl expert out there,and thats being delusional in my opinion

09-13-2005, 09:02 PM
also,how many people out there that are saying in this post,in Gibbs we trust,he knows what he's doing,how many of you agreed with his descision last yr to leave Brunell in as long as he did,when it was clear to the whole frickin world that he left him in way too long,if you didnt agree with him then,youre contradicting yourself,and if you did agree with that descision,you disagree with any nfl expert out there,and thats being delusional in my opinion

I said it, last year I wasn't calling for Brunell's removal. I had faith that Gibbs knew what he was doing...I still do. He can't turn a team around in just one year...well, maybe he did when he first came in. But we must all have patience.

09-13-2005, 09:22 PM
A very reluctant yes from me. This whole season rests on our defense now. If we go down by more than 10-12 points, we're toast.

Ditto. Watching the game Sunday, you saw the defense compress. When Brunell came in the defense, from the line of scrimmage to the defense's deep man averaged about 15 yards. With Ramsey it was about 25. That said - turnovers are killers and PR (whom I have always supported) is a turnover machine.

09-13-2005, 09:23 PM

09-13-2005, 10:30 PM
Absolutely yes. Ramsey's neck was fine. But he needs a check up from the neck up. There lies the problem.

09-13-2005, 10:33 PM
<font type=bold size=20>NO!!!</font type size>

Big Oh
09-13-2005, 10:50 PM
Fact of the matter is Ramsey is not read yet! He just may need more time!!! We have a better chance of winning with Brunell then Ramsey. Monday night in Dallas Ramsey would have little chance of getting the job done. I am not saying that Brunell will do that much better but he has been in games at the other guys home under fire. I just have this feeling that Brunell can pull this off with a week with the first O!
No on can argue with Brunells track record, he is a proven All Pro NFL QB but ...
Patrick was beginning to settle down he was moving the ball an completing passes downfield he was coming around. Its a shame that no one wants to admit that Gibbs just wants Brunell, thats his guy. I dont care if Montana and Marino were on the team he would still find a reason to start Brunell. Lets just get ready for a season field goals.

Big Oh
09-13-2005, 11:04 PM
With our limited knowledge of what happens in the team meetings, practices, and locker room, it's difficult to make a judgement of Gibbs's decision. From my perspective, I initially thought continueing with Ramsey as the starter BUT keeping him on a short leash for the next two or three games would reduce controversy and show fairness. But in retrospect, I really can't doubt Gibbs's judgement on these things. He's made these kind of decisions before and, although he is only human, I'm inclined to trust him more than some sportswriter or even a critical fan. I do wish Ramsey the best, but I also realize he hasn't done anything to deserve keeping his job as a starter(and I don't blame him for wanting to be traded either). :httr:
Ramseys problem is confidence he has none an he will have none as long as he doesn't feel the support of Gibbs. He has got the tools and the only way he improves at this stage is to play not watch until he is 32 years old. Think about Troy Aikmans first few years, Joe Montana, Jim Plunkett the list goes on.

Lets face it he will be traded or eventually released and more than likely end up somewhere like Dallas and kick our butts for the next 6 or 7 years!

09-14-2005, 04:11 AM
And Ramsey could be our Theisman, what you have to understand about Williams is this, his job was not to lose the game, where as Theisman, Rypien were out to win it, as Ramsey has been trying to do, unlike Brunell.

Pre-season is meaningless in this case, as if I can't figure out that Brunell had seasoned veterans [ala McCants] in going against a second and third string defenses, can we give Ramsey a chance to get caught up with game speed at least? I hope Gibbs treats Brunell equally with Ramsey which means Ramsey will be in the dallas game by the second quarter.

Brunell and his pre-season I have to laugh, didn't anyone watch this clown during the regular season last year? How bout giving Ramsey a chance to get acclamated to his new recieving corps at game speed before we give him the hook.

My thought is they think we now will have a running game and Brunell will just basically do whats neccasary to convert a third down here and there, boy are some people in for a rude awakening when we can't run the ball because of Brunells inability to play QB, my prediction is Portis will begin the uprise for Ramsey because he isn't going to remain silent while his carreer stats go down the tubes because Gibbs is in love with Brunell for a second year in a row.

First Off I wish that Ramsey would get his act together and be what we all hoped he can be! Now I was the first to say no last year to Brunell. His arm looed weak and he looked bad along with out of shape. There was also something wrong with him. This year he looks in better shape and arm looks stronger. Does this mean all now will be well? No but we have a better chance with a Brunell theny with a Ramsey that is just not ready! As for Portis I would like to see our QBs throw to him more and let him run in the open field. We are missing something big from him that could go along way to making this O much better! What I find funny is that Gibbs is in love with this guy or that guy. He is good man that is looking out for what is best for the Redskins. If Ramsey was getting it done he would be the guy! As for your prediction we better hope Brunell dose get the job done because ramsey is just not ready and that is the cold hard fact!

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