09-13-2005, 06:29 PM
Mort just gave an update on Espn(he said yesterday that patrick wanted to be traded) and said that there is no indication from the team that patrick wanted to be traded, he did say however this is because it isn't Patrick's style to demand a trade, he doesn't want to be like TO mort said. He then said it is clear however that Ramsey must want to be traded because how o how could someone in Patrick's position not want to be out of here?
So basically the only person who said that Ramsey wanted to be traded just said that he has no one that actually has said that Ramsey wants to be traded and he said this only because it is clear that ramsey should want to be traded? WTF If this comes out to be that ramsey never demanded a trade i am gonna be pissed off my mind. Maybe gibbs is giving Brunell just one week or maybe he is giving him the year but as long as Ramsey is willing to work his way back i am happy, really happy because there is room for improvement and we still have both of them. I doubt that ramsey gets another shot but if brunell throws 3 ints and we lose at Dallas i can see Ramsey getting another shot
09-13-2005, 06:46 PM
Ramsey would make a fine starter....for the L.A Avengers.
That Guy
09-13-2005, 06:50 PM
I doubt that ramsey gets another shot but if brunell throws 3 ints and we lose at Dallas i can see Ramsey getting another shot
or another pres conference about how he's fighting his guts about and being a super super smart football guy....
09-14-2005, 02:15 AM
read this:
Big Oh
09-14-2005, 05:15 AM
Is this true, I hope not, I understand him being upset though. I hope he calms down and realizes that Brunell may only start for one game.
I am pissed too. Its probably real and Gibbs will just go get another veteran back up.
Dont be suprised if Chris Chandler or Steve Deberg are seen around town.
09-14-2005, 06:30 AM
I am pissed too. Its probably real and Gibbs will just go get another veteran back up.
Dont be suprised if Chris Chandler or Steve Deberg are seen around town.
LOL! Is Steve Deberg under 60?
09-14-2005, 08:33 AM
I really respect Joe Gibbs, I'm a big Skins and Nascar fan. BUT, if you not gonna play the man let him move on to somewhere he can use his talent. He has been thrown to the wolves, played hurt, what more can you ask of a guy? He just needs to be given a chance, even if its not in DC , everyone has a off day every now and then.
09-14-2005, 08:55 AM
Well I'm sorry to hear that you've lost respect for Gibbs. And that you're ready to write off this season with Brunell as the starter. If you're still a Redskins fan (in spite of losing respect for Gibbs and expecting nothing but failure this season), then I'm sure you hope you're totally wrong and that Gibbs is making the right choice here.
Yep, believe it or not, I would love to be proven wrong here. Just because I am very critical of what Gibbs has done does not mean I want his decisions to fail. I want the Redskins to win - can't say it any plainer than that.
I just have a very hard time seeing how that will happen with what Gibbs did on Monday. And my concern goes well beyond whether Brunell or Ramsey should start. It gets to a real sense of "can we trust what Gibbs is saying anymore?" Can the players trust what he says? Never thought I would say that about Gibbs, but his latest move has made me doubt his sincerity.
Regardless of how this finally plays out, I think even the most loyal Gibbs fan would have to agree that he has really botched this QB issue. And the perception that he has made a mess of this can be very damaging to the team. Yes, I know what some of the players have all been saying publicly - the usual comments about how we'll continue to do our thing, blah, blah. But, you can't convince me that, privately, many of them aren't having some of the same doubts and concerns that we are.
Read Wilbon and Wise's columns in today's Post. They have expressed what I'm trying to say so much better than I can do.
Right now things might not look pretty on the surface, but if Brunell goes out there and produces all will be quickly forgotten... well maybe not with the die hard Ramsey freaks.
Sheriff Gonna Getcha
09-14-2005, 09:30 AM
Right now things might not look pretty on the surface, but if Brunell goes out there and produces all will be quickly forgotten... well maybe not with the die hard Ramsey freaks.
I'm a die hard Ramsey freak....which actually is a die hard Redskin freak (I just think Ramsey will get us there). If Brunell leads us to just an 8-8 record I will say I was totally wrong and Gibbs was right. I don't need to see the playoffs, just .500 record.
People who truly know me realize that I will eat my words when proven wrong. I will change sides when I think that someone has presented a better argument. I would be a moron if I didn't.