Ramsey wants to be traded (merged)

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Joe Knows...
09-13-2005, 12:40 AM
If you think Brunell should be starting, then fine, make that point and defend it, which I have yet to see you do in a realistic manor.

First let me say that I have been a Ramsey fan since i met him at Dickenson College Coartyard at training camp his first day with the team.

But since he got his brains beat out by Spurriers lack of protection, he's not been the same. He's been figity and forcing the ball with bad decisions, not to mention he throws way off targert. Even that one big play by Santana Moss was all bye Santana. Ramsey threw it a little behind Moss, but Moss still made the play.

Now Brunell on the other hand seems to be a totaly different QB this year from what he was last year. He actually has some zip on the ball and he makes better decisions than Ramsey. He doesn't try to force things, plus his mobility keeps the defenses honest. They don't go blitz crazy like they do with Ramsey who basically always stays in one spot.

Brunell seems much improved this year. He looks more like his old Pro Bowl self from Jacksonville when he took them to the 2 Championship games. And I think he'll do the same for us this year after seeing his improvement. He seems like he's in much better shape this year. He can run better and he seems to have a much stronger arm then he did last year.

09-13-2005, 12:40 AM
But what I don't get is what does Gibbs really owe Ramsey? I mean, why should he have given him a chance in the first place? Gibbs was brought back to restore the team to the glory it last enjoyed under Gibbs' first tenure, with or without Ramsey. I know, I know-if we don't question Gibbs then why have this board-but as cruel as it may sound, Gibbs really doesn't owe Ramsey anything.

He owes him exactly what he provided Brunell with. He didnt have to make him the starter, right. He did though. So why did he owe Brunell 9 weeks to f*ck things up, and he only gave Ramsey a quarter in which he didnt even play bad?

Bottom line, I think Gibbs is just looking for reasons to let Brunell play so that he can hopefully turn things around, and make Gibbs look good for picking him up in the first place.

The only things Joe Gibbs needs to worry about is winning football games. I dont care if he puts Osama Bin Laden behind center, he should be winning football games. I just dont understand why everyone thinks Mark Brunell was so good, or is going to be any better. He dosent look THAT good. He only threw for 70 yards yesterday. He looks NOTHING, ABSOLUTLEY NOTHING like he was in Jacksonville. When he was with the Jags, he could take games over and win them by himself, he was a manic. Lets not kid ourselves, he looks nothing like he used too. At this point, neither of these guys is the long term awnser, but for the love of god, the kid should have had more than 20 mintues before he got pulled.

09-13-2005, 12:41 AM
i feel the franchise owes Ramsey but all the franchise BS he's been through aside, the team itself deserves to have the guy they trained with all offseason behind center. not the old guy with no reps this season and had his chances already and gave us 6-10.

So Ramsey gets one, two, three, (and so on) chances but Brunell gets just one?

09-13-2005, 12:41 AM
It's not his fault, but that's the baggage he carries and he seems to have not learned anything from his past mistakes. Holding on the ball too long, taking the sack instead of throwing the ball away. No understanding of reading defenses which led to him audiblizing so much that it became a hindrance to the offense and his ability to lead the team with confidence. Some QBs have it and more than enough don't. The way Gibbs sees it, Ramsey just doesn't have it. I have been a Redskins fan for over 30 years, I think I know a mentally sound and physically gifted QB when I see won. I watched one last night, dismantle a Ravens defense.

how can you keep ignoring what Brunell and Ramsey did last year? why does this year's preseason and 3 drives count and determine their abilities but not *all of last season*?

Drift Reality
09-13-2005, 12:41 AM
Those are also better numbers than Harrington's, Boller's or Carr's. I guess you think the Texans should cut Carr? I guess patience is not one of our team's greatest attributes.

This is actually a really good point I thought of earlier this evening. Ramsey has actually shown more than either of the guys taken before him.

For some reason, Gibbs' just hasn't been sold on him. I think it is a very instinctive thing and for whatever reason, Gibbs' doesn't think this is his guy.

On the bright side, I think there has to be at least one team out there with a GM who thinks Ramsey can be the man, so hopefully we can deal him after this season for something.

09-13-2005, 12:43 AM
So Ramsey gets one, two, three, (and so on) chances but Brunell gets just one?

three what? drives?? i hope you don't mean seasons, because if Brunell played under Spurrier he would be retired and in the booth next to Aikman right now.

09-13-2005, 12:45 AM
All I know is as much as I like Ramsey, if we win on Monday, it's all for moot. Just like anyone here, Gibbs and the Skins want to win. If that means Brunell, Ramsey, Rypien, Williams, Thiesman... you get the picture.

I can understand if Ramsey is upset, I probably would be too, but I am sure he see's his stats, his INTs vs TDs, the score at the end of Bears game, his win loss record, and understands.

09-13-2005, 12:46 AM
So Ramsey gets one, two, three, (and so on) chances but Brunell gets just one?

Tafkas, I hope you know me (via online) well enough not to take this personally....but you have to be kididng me. Brunell gets just one chance??? BRUNELL GETS JUST ONE CHANCE???? He had 9 horrific games last season, each one, Redskins fans everywhere wanted to put rail road spikes through their eyes it was so bad. Common, Brunell has has 10x the chances Ramsey has here in DC.

09-13-2005, 12:51 AM
By the way, we're leading in our division in week one. Philly just lost. 14-10. Lets go Skins its our year.

09-13-2005, 12:51 AM
He owes him exactly what he provided Brunell with. He didnt have to make him the starter, right. He did though. So why did he owe Brunell 9 weeks to f*ck things up, and he only gave Ramsey a quarter in which he didnt even play bad?

Bottom line, I think Gibbs is just looking for reasons to let Brunell play so that he can hopefully turn things around, and make Gibbs look good for picking him up in the first place.

The only things Joe Gibbs needs to worry about is winning football games. I dont care if he puts Osama Bin Laden behind center, he should be winning football games. I just dont understand why everyone thinks Mark Brunell was so good, or is going to be any better. He dosent look THAT good. He only threw for 70 yards yesterday. At this point, neither of these guys is the long term awnser, but for the love of god, the kid should have had more than 20 mintues before he got pulled.

But that's the thing. Gibbs was brought in to restore the team to glory. It's not unlike when a new team owner buys a struggling team. And the owner says "I want my staff here" So he brings in the general manager he wants. The GM then brings in the coach he wants. The coach brings in his QB. There has to be a reason that when presented with his roster when he agreed to coach the team again Gibbs decided to go after another QB, and he was never obliged to hold onto Ramsey. Was he?

I don't know. I just don't get why every one thinks Brunell starting is a sign of the apocalypse

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