crlesh 08-12-2005, 11:19 AM The Eagles won't cave, in my opinion. I think TO will come back for the year, and just fill a roster spot. He will perform well enough for the Eagles and will be released or traded at the end of the year, and another poor team will take the risk of picking him up...
firstdown 08-12-2005, 11:24 AM I like how they are acting like a punch of kids on the play ground trying to tell the teacher who started it first.
I agree the Eagles won't cave no matter what supposed dirt TO has to tell.
You've gotta respect the Eagles for that, they stick by their guns under all circumstances.
Kinda funny though how they had a reputation for not bringing in high priced, big name guys, and the first time they do it look what happens, it's blowing up in their faces.
That's the gamble they took with TO, and he's living up to his reputation 110%.
Gmanc711 08-12-2005, 12:05 PM I seriously can't stand this guy. He is so over the top with everything that comes out of his mouth. I dont know if anyone caught the interview during the GB/SD halftime show, but it was unbelivable. This guy has such a barred view on life, it will make you sick. I hope the Eagles sit his ass at home for the next 7 years.
TheMalcolmConnection 08-12-2005, 12:37 PM Me too. I can't stand hearing this shit about family this and that. Oh, I'm sorry, so those millions you made last year aren't enough to take care of your family? Then you need to SERIOUSLY reevaluate your spending habits.
Cut down on buying so many camo pants and maybe he'll have some money leftover.
diehardskin2982 08-12-2005, 12:44 PM We all know it's about his ego... He was the best wideout last year and he wants to be payed like a top ten wr. He doesn't want the encentive based contract that he has now.
I've seen him play well in SF, while not getting along with Garcia. The eagles will end up getting rid of him next season.
BrudLee 08-12-2005, 01:03 PM We all know it's about his ego... He was the best wideout last year and he wants to be payed like a top ten wr. He doesn't want the encentive based contract that he has now.
I've seen him play well in SF, while not getting along with Garcia. The eagles will end up getting rid of him next season.
He's in the second year of a multi-year deal - traditionally, the lowest paid year.
Last year, he received $10 million in bonuses.
This year, he is scheduled to receive $3.25 million in base salary, and $250,000 in incentive bonus (generally thought to be easily achievable).
Next April, he is scheduled to receive an additional $7.5 million in bonus money.
If he were to play three years for the Philadelphia Eagles, his income for that period would exceed $21 million. Only two players (Marvin Harrison and Randy Moss) have contracts that exceed that compensation.
The claim that Terrell Owens is underpaid is posturing by his agent.
Davnpurt 08-12-2005, 01:11 PM I think Terrell is pandering to the media heads with all his "whoa is me" verbiage, but in reality this guy is doing irreparable damage to his situation. He has confronted publicly three of the most important offensive figures on that team (McNabb, Reid and Childress). How can he assimilate back into the club house after this act he's pulling? My guess, though it's mere speculation like the title suggests, is he plays this year, is off & on the injury list and says his goodbye after the season. However, what team would want to take this baggage? Has there ever been a player with this much talent who is scorned around the league? Maybe Reggie Jackson is his hey day but other than that no.
JWsleep 08-12-2005, 01:44 PM They got through the end of the season and the playoffs without TO--that's gotta be influencing their thinking. To my mind, there's no WAY the iggles are the one to cave here. But if TO makes any sort of gesture of apology (no likely) they'll probably be ready to talk. But I agree--it's just gonna start up again. McNabb's been a mellow about it so far (compartively speaking), but he must be pissed as hell. Who are the iggles going to side with? McNabb of course. And now Reid is pissed as well. Why bring him back?
Bye, TO.
TheMalcolmConnection 08-12-2005, 01:58 PM I think Terrell is pandering to the media heads with all his "whoa is me" verbiage, but in reality this guy is doing irreparable damage to his situation. He has confronted publicly three of the most important offensive figures on that team (McNabb, Reid and Childress). How can he assimilate back into the club house after this act he's pulling? My guess, though it's mere speculation like the title suggests, is he plays this year, is off & on the injury list and says his goodbye after the season. However, what team would want to take this baggage? Has there ever been a player with this much talent who is scorned around the league? Maybe Reggie Jackson in his hey day but other than that no.
Completely agree. So he thinks that sitting out is "helping his family"?
Let's look at the consequences of these actions:
1. Even though Reid dismissed him, he'll likely be fined by the league and/or have to give some money back if he breaches his contract officially.
2. Who in their right mind's would want to sign a whiner like him? Say he puts up even higher numbers for someone else? Would he want a new contract then?
3. He's already proven to be a team disruption and this circus is not helping it. What team would want this kind of publicity?