08-10-2005, 02:12 AM
nevermind im mentaslly handiucapped
:cheers :party-smi :food-smil :party-smi :Smoker:
I feel that way as often as possible, MC.
08-10-2005, 05:23 AM
head about to burst from all the sweet choices but I've gotta go old school for now. any possibility of one done with a pick of the Bunch high fiving? cuz that would rule, especially if its the picture of when they did it around that cowpie :biggthump
Ade Jimoh Fan Club
08-10-2005, 09:28 AM
Ummm.... I could not find The Ade Jimoh avatar. I think it may have been left out by mistake, which puts me in a bit of a spot, 'cause the whole "Fan Club" thing. Perhaps an avatar of The Ade with Jessica Simpson (ala "Daisy Duke getup) draped over him while he throws back a purple nurple. That would be perfect!
Thanks so much.
Cooley 350Z
08-10-2005, 10:12 AM
oh, that's nice...real nice. thanks matty
Ummm.... I could not find The Ade Jimoh avatar. I think it may have been left out by mistake, which puts me in a bit of a spot, 'cause the whole "Fan Club" thing. Perhaps an avatar of The Ade with Jessica Simpson (ala "Daisy Duke getup) draped over him while he throws back a purple nurple. That would be perfect!
Thanks so much.
We'll see what we can do for you.
08-10-2005, 11:33 AM
Oh thank God!.......I don't have to be a punter any longer.
Thanks Matty :biggthump
08-10-2005, 11:40 AM
Thanks Matty! Glad to find Riggo on there.
Glad you guys are enjoying this.
Summo is going to be working on some new ones too so stay tuned!