08-09-2005, 10:46 PM
i do go to extremeskins, but i love the warpath because it has a real sense of community. i mean, i feel like this website is kind of an online family. when i'm at extremeskins i feel like im a small fish in a big sea.
I hate you! haha
08-09-2005, 10:53 PM
i do cheat on this sit eon occassion, but this is my main lova.
nearly 4000 posts on this one and maybe 50 on other... you see what i reprazent
08-09-2005, 10:58 PM
actually i don't even have 100 posts at extremeskins. like malcolm i love this site much more.
08-09-2005, 11:03 PM
i hav e0 posts at exstremeskins
only because they wont take my yahoo addreesss
I wonder if they'll at least change the look... and change that black background. I feel like I'm going blind after reading that site for a while.
08-09-2005, 11:12 PM
I never signed up because of how loud their site is. I didnt like it at all. Here everything is easy to get to. And now we have a distinct responsibility to maintain our independence from and all of his damn evil empire, including the fair oaks store.
08-09-2005, 11:16 PM
like 20 on extremeskins and 6 on hailredskins. I have more at iggles and panther fansites. THEEE warpath is so clean and it isn't full of darn clutter
Should be interesting to see how things play out for them. I guess now we know why we were stripped of camp credentials a few days before camp started.
Like RedskinRat, I'm not bitter.
08-09-2005, 11:27 PM
im not bitter
we;re the shit
Can you imagine all the different Avatars, Ha Ha. They said they expect to double their size. Hey I am sticking with the official site of the fans, not the official site of the skins. Danny Boy will get involved with the site and try to edit the talk. We can also expect that we won;'t have anymore Cooley type interviews, I imagine they would controll that.