08-08-2005, 12:16 PM
Are you ready for some Foozba......huh wait...Are you ready for some FOOTBALL!!?? :headbange
I can’t wait!! Living here in Carolina I was raised a Redskins fan and followed them from my childhood until 93-94. I was angry when they brought in a coach from that other team that I’ll not mention ( oh man how I still hate that team!!).
The rummer of us getting our very own team came true and in 1995 I turned in my burgundy fan card and got a black & blue one engraved in my head! ( so to speak ) I have bead Carolina blue ever since but I still like to see the Skins do good, I was extremely happy to see Joe come back and I felt the relief that I know a lot of you true fans felt when he came back.
I am pulling for you guys to win the division this year, I hope you crush Philly and the G-men this year!! and KILL that other team!!
Well I will be at the game on Saturday, let’s hope we all get through it without injury so we can both have impact seasons! :food-smil
Go Panthers!! :headbange
08-08-2005, 12:57 PM
have fun with rod gardner lol
08-08-2005, 01:01 PM
Good to see a friendly Panthers fan...
but GO SKINS! ;)
08-08-2005, 01:20 PM
I have several friends in NC some have converted to Carolina fans and some have stayed fans with their teams. I don't have a problem with that sense it is your home team. I do have a friend who is torn between carolina and the skins. I don't know how I would react if put in the same situation. Good luck to your team and lets hope we both make it to opening day without any major injuries. By the way Gardners nick name is 50/50 he makes one of the greatest catches and then drops the next one that hits him right in the numbers. By the way whats the status of Davis this season I heard he is still injured?
08-08-2005, 01:30 PM
I still don't understand how you can stop liking a team that you've worshipped your whole life, unless you didn't like them that much to begin with. I mean, I'm from Gettysburg, PA, and if they were to receive an NFL franchise tomorrow I would definately remain a Redskins fans. I wouldn't exactly root against Gettsyburg, but Washington would remain number one. That's why I hate Ravens fans: because they are fraudulent ex-Skins fans who enjoyed the Gibbs era then promptly jumped ship when things went south.
Still, you are very nice and I have come to really like the Panthers, just because it was so fun rooting for them in the NFC championship game 2 years ago in a bar full of Silent Birds fans. So I concur in wishing you and your team good luck next year.
08-08-2005, 01:32 PM
I never understand the change of alliegance thing. If we were to get a pro team in LA I wouldn't even contemplate changing teams.
I did change 'teams' when I became an American citizen in 2003, but that was like going from Arena to NFL.
08-08-2005, 01:55 PM
I have several friends in NC some have converted to Carolina fans and some have stayed fans with their teams. I don't have a problem with that sense it is your home team. I do have a friend who is torn between carolina and the skins. I don't know how I would react if put in the same situation. Good luck to your team and lets hope we both make it to opening day without any major injuries. By the way Gardners nick name is 50/50 he makes one of the greatest catches and then drops the next one that hits him right in the numbers. By the way whats the status of Davis this season I heard he is still injured?
I’ll be sure to yell "50/50" when I go to get Gardner’s autograph lol... I hope he can be a good 3rd receiver for us this season, I really like our young Colbert as the 2nd. I hope yall get a good pick in the 6th round next year and we all end up happy.
Davis is doing better, they put him on the PUB for the pre-season but I think he’ll be ready to go by September. I hope so, I want him to be our touchdown guy this year, let Foster get the yards and save Davis for the redzone....he is one of the best backs to run behind his blocker!! (IMO)
He also helped Foster in that regard and with his speed that can be a lethal combination. We also have a "little Davis" in our rookie, well he’s not little at all but he is almost a copy of Davis when he was a rookie.
As far as the switching teams, I was mad with the Skins for the coach they chose but It was still hard for me to jut let go, I still keep up with everything in 95 and most of 96, but about half way through the 96 season I was so involved with the Panthers I hardly had time for two teams and the Panthers were now only an hour and a half from my house ( the 1st season they played in Clemson South Carolina ) so they were more like my own team and I didn’t feel like an outsider when I watched a game. And a bonus is they were a new team so I got to be there since day one!
Go Panthers!! :)
Thank’s everyone for the kind welcome on the board and if any of you stop by our board, Im an administrator, so if anyone’s out of line let me know.
08-08-2005, 02:06 PM
Come on now, they hired Spurrier and I still didn't switch teams. Now THAT'S loyalty! LOL
08-08-2005, 02:07 PM
I'm not sure I understand changing teams either. I didn't switch when the Titans came to town. Of course I'm also a Vanderbilt student and most of the Titans fans seemed to be the same people as the obnoxious UT fans. Add in that they had blacked out games because they couldn't fill Vanderbilt's stadium (~40k) in their first year in Nashville along with the fact that at certain games it seemed like opposing teams had more fans there (Steelers). Then the fact that they go to the super bowl the next year in a new stadium with a new logo kind of made me resent them AND their fans. For me to have much respect for them, they're going to have to have 3+ non-playoff seasons in a row and still be selling out the stadium. Probably only an SEC fan could understand my great joy at watching Spurrier beat Tennessee's pro team live in Nashville.
08-08-2005, 02:10 PM
The reason for my disdain for Spurrier comes back from my days of being a rabid FSU fan. Then I realized that I had no attachment to FSU at all and kind of stopped liking college football.
I am a UT fan only because I have so much family that works there and friends that go there.