06-19-2005, 02:26 PM
Gmanc, I'm a new Redkins fan (only been into football about 2-3 years) and I also have Ramsey as my favorite. It killed me when the Brunell experiment began and held on as long as it did cause I was ready for it to be Ramseys year, I'm really anticipating next season. Other then that I'd have to go with Riggins (cause even in the few videos I've seen hes dang fun to watch) Springs, Washington, and Jansen. This may change once I pick up more videos of old school Skins. Also I used to love the Smoot, I'd have to say he's my favorite non Skins player now.
In no particular order:
It's really hard to just name 5, but if I had to pick 5 that define the Washington Redskins to me, these guys above would be it.
06-19-2005, 03:10 PM
Alvin Walton
Mark Murphy
Gary Clark
Clinton Portis
Doug Williams
John Riggins
Charlie Brown
Joe Theisman
06-19-2005, 04:03 PM
Sonny Jurgenson - my father went to college with him, so I was raised in the faith.
Mark Rypien - In a game during the miracle season on 1991, he was informed he was about to break Jurgenson's single game yardage record. He took himself out. That's knowing your place.
Darrell Green - He is a man of such character, that in his (hopefully distant) obituary, you should go through many, many paragraphs before you read the words "NFL's fastest man".
Art Monk - There are people who aren't sure if Art should be in the Hall of Fame. ( I can think of 940 reasons.
Dave Butz - He used to break his helmets during the course of his gameplay. That is hitting.
06-19-2005, 04:44 PM
1. Darrell Green
2. Art Monk
3. Gary Clark
4. John Riggins
5. Charles Mann
But, my list isn't limited to those players....
Sheriff Gonna Getcha
06-19-2005, 04:55 PM
Joe Gibbs
John Riggins
Sammy Baugh
George Allen
Darrell Green
06-19-2005, 05:16 PM
no order
list 1
Joe Gibbs
Joe Gibbs
Joe Gibbs
Joe Gibbs
Joe Gibbs
List 2
charley taylor
Art monk
John Riggins
Sammy Baugh
Darrell Green
06-19-2005, 05:36 PM
1. Neon Deion Sanders
1. Lavar Arrington.
2. John Riggins
3. DarrellGreen
4. Sam Huff
5. Clinton Portis
06-19-2005, 06:28 PM
even though i've been watching football for a few years now, and i know all about the history but i wasn't really a part of it, so i'd have to say these guys.
1. joe gibbs - he's the man, man.
2. ramsey - i would like to see him become a high caliber quarterback
3. arrington - he's gonna be locked up for us for the rest of his career, and i wouldn't want it any other way.
4. clinton portis - in my eyes, he's really proven himself. he's stepping up off the field and becoming a team leader, and he's already proved he can do it on the field.
5. darrell green - i watched him in the waning moments of his career, and the guy deserves to be a hall of famer.