SkinsGuru 05-16-2024, 07:05 PM I personally cannot stand the name Commanders. In the AZ Mills mall in Tempe, AZ i can still buy all kinds of Redskins gear (jerseys, hats, shirts, coffee cups, etc.) there, even for new players that came after the name change. So buy my Redskins gear from them. I even wear a Redskins shirt to coach my two NFL Flag Commanders teams. To me it will always be Redskins, no matter what name they go by. ITs why i didn't mind WFT as they were always that and will always be. You can just use whatever moniker you want.
Redskin Jim 05-16-2024, 07:50 PM When I hear the name commander I don’t see a clear picture of anything. I see a vague reference that can be applied to military or a veiled reference of commander in chief. Both are weak AF. (If you hear a team nickname, ie Cowboys, Eagles, Bears, Dolphins you should be immediately able to picture what that is!)
The picture of captain turdy looking goofy AF, or Joe Biden senile joker smiling doesn’t inspire respectability.
All I can picture is the final epic failure in a long line by Dan where he Completely, and I do mean completely ran this once respected franchise into the ground all the way to losing our identity.
I don’t believe any of us should be burdened with that failure, and such a poor choice of nickname any longer. It should be stricken and just revert to WFT.
It will ALWAYS be Redskins to me.
skinsfan69 05-16-2024, 11:46 PM There is no one on this site that hates that name more than I do. Until they do something about it, I just will never have that passion like I use to. Just give us our uniforms back. That would go a long way I believe. Those cranberry things and those all blacks are so offensive and hideous.
CRedskinsRule 05-17-2024, 03:29 AM When I hear the name commander I don’t see a clear picture of anything. I see a vague reference that can be applied to military or a veiled reference of commander in chief. Both are weak AF. (If you hear a team nickname, ie Cowboys, Eagles, Bears, Dolphins you should be immediately able to picture what that is!)
The picture of captain turdy looking goofy AF, or Joe Biden senile joker smiling doesn’t inspire respectability.
All I can picture is the final epic failure in a long line by Dan where he Completely, and I do mean completely ran this once respected franchise into the ground all the way to losing our identity.
I don’t believe any of us should be burdened with that failure, and such a poor choice of nickname any longer. It should be stricken and just revert to WFT.
It will ALWAYS be Redskins to me.The picture that comes to my mind, and why I hate it so much, is Dan Snyder standing in the middle of the field in a Napoleonic pose. I will never like the name commanders even if they're winning, At best it will be me holding my nose and saying my Washington team
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sdskinsfan2001 05-17-2024, 07:47 AM I've never talked to 1 person in real life that likes the name Commanders. They don't really even make fun of it, it's mostly they are empathetic to the stupidity of the name that we have to deal with.
It's a stupid, stupid name. And Harris will hear about it from the fans until it's changed. Even if we are winning. It's going to get changed again relatively soon. I'd say within the next 5 years.
Chico23231 05-17-2024, 08:39 AM https://angiesgrapevine.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/love-this-post.jpg
Agree meks with a good summary of absolute bullshit. Thankfully the backlash has been good to see.
Chico23231 05-17-2024, 08:41 AM There is no one on this site that hates that name more than I do. Until they do something about it, I just will never have that passion like I use to. Just give us our uniforms back. That would go a long way I believe. Those cranberry things and those all blacks are so offensive and hideous.
I feel like I’m rooting for a fucking expansion team.
Agree, I loss a lil bit of my fandom and I didn’t think I initially would which was surprising.
sdskinsfan2001 05-17-2024, 10:29 AM There is no one on this site that hates that name more than I do. Until they do something about it, I just will never have that passion like I use to. Just give us our uniforms back. That would go a long way I believe. Those cranberry things and those all blacks are so offensive and hideous.
Seriously, even with our current name, how hard would it be to have these uniforms and just replace the helmet logo with some sort of C-logo? Exact same colors. Nothing else changes.
https://ca-times.brightspotcdn.com/dims4/default/472bcc8/2147483647/strip/true/crop/413x512+0+0/resize/1200x1488!/quality/75/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fcalifornia-times-brightspot.s3.amazonaws.com%2F4c%2Ff1%2F61a9dd0553 205767adc367e0b883%2Fsdut-in-this-oct.-7-2007-file-phot-20160828
Do a true fan contest to draft the best C logo you can create then have the fans vote on the logo they want.
Our Redskins uniforms were just so fucking dope, including best helmet in all of football, regardless of level.
Sean Taylor would still only be 41. Man, that shit is depressing. Fuck those people that broke into his house.
Ruhskins 05-17-2024, 10:43 AM I find it hilarious how some fans think the team name is the one thing that was so horribly done by Snyder (which he probably didn't care about and likely not involved in), yet they tend to disregard all the actual things that he did to undermine the success of this team, both on and off the field.
For those of you that are so passionate about your hatred of the name, talk to me again when this team goes on a successful streak of multiple winning seasons. Because I'm pretty sure the name will be irrelevant at that point.
BaltimoreSkins 05-17-2024, 10:44 AM I like the W on the helmet, but could definitely get behind a C. For people wanting a name change the W makes more sense as it will transition regardless of a name. I don't really know if that matters, I am not a billionaire nor have I been involved in a rebranding.