09-29-2022, 08:19 PM
I also don't think Rivera is going anywhere anytime soon. Snyder has nowhere else to turn at this point. He's also got bigger problems to worry about. Sometimes I feel the other owners realize he may never get a new stadium potentially leading to their motivation to want to oust him. I really believe that may play a role, in addition to his known terrible transgressions.
punch it in
09-29-2022, 08:32 PM
I don't like retweeting Grant because I'm not a fan of his, but this is kinda damning too.
Trailing in 91% of games is a bad stat. But the alternative is Dan Snyder picking yet another coach and front office combo - and is that any better than Ron?
Bad is being kind. It is epically awful. It can’t get worse than what is happening can it?
It isn’t just the losing it is the personnel decisions. It almost seems like the plan is to lose. The drafts and the guys we let walk and the guys we sign - too many head scratching moments. Ron is a bad HC. He is an awful GM.
09-29-2022, 08:42 PM
Rivera has been a complete an utter failure. And it won't change. Just listen to any of his interviews.
He's a blowhard.
09-29-2022, 09:33 PM
if its 7-10 ... Id prefer to keep RR and Turner, switch DC. If RR goes ... so does Mayhew and a lot of upper crust.
Upper crust we didnt have under Snyder.
Snyder then picks the HC and decides how we re-structure the entire organization.
^^ look at our front office/exec staff now.
its full .. and costing Snyder a ton of money. New turf, hire an asst to the asst = straight out of Snyder's profit.
before it was like 6 people .. now its an actual organization.
Snyder, im guessing, would fire half the people and gladly go back to paying pennies on the dollar with a duct tape staff.
I wonder if part of the league investigation and punishment was he NEEDS to keep certain staff positions like an HR.
They sure are into titles over there. Everyone is either a VP or a chief.
09-29-2022, 09:49 PM
I think the only move in season I would support is firing JDR and moving Chris Harris to DC
Del Rio gone Monday would make me happy
I don't like retweeting Grant because I'm not a fan of his, but this is kinda damning too.
Trailing in 91% of games is a bad stat. But the alternative is Dan Snyder picking yet another coach and front office combo - and is that any better than Ron?
I'd like to see other coaches stats same breakdown grant, thanks
punch it in
10-02-2022, 04:18 PM
Uninspired. Unprepared. Confused. Afraid. Stubborn. Surrounds himself with other idiots. Posing as a GM. Doesn’t take responsibility.
Fire. Him. Now.
10-02-2022, 04:20 PM
At the very least, JDR should be packing his bags.