Taking small school guys is always an iffy proposition. He looked completely lost day one
I know some people had high hopes of him moving to TE, but if he was lost at WR how was he going to find himself in another position?
07-28-2022, 12:44 PM
TE Antonio Gandy-Golden has decided to retire, Ron Rivera informs us.
Lol, great draft pick.
07-28-2022, 12:46 PM
Washington Clownshow is the true name for it as long as its owned by Snyder.
They should be opening this camp for FREE until its at max capacity and giving away food/water/etc. Make it an event. Instead, they still treat it like they're the greatest show on earth with legions of fans that will do anything for them.
07-28-2022, 12:47 PM
This just looks sad
Fan turnout day 2
They are doing a lottery thing for tickets bc there just isnt room for fans at Ashburn.
Radio said almost all teams hold TC at their facilities now vs the old tradition of traveling somewhere (like Carlisle or Richmond). Just easier more cost effective to stay home.
Richmond I heard had a big hill all the fans could sit on and all have great views. Ashburn theres no where for fans to sit and get a good view.
It is what it is.
I went to TC years ago at Ashburn when Gibbs came back and the place was jam packed. So what happened? Seems like you may want to hold TC somewhere where you can accommodate more than 10 fans.
07-28-2022, 12:54 PM
I went to TC years ago at Ashburn when Gibbs came back and the place was jam packed. So what happened? Seems like you may want to hold TC somewhere where you can accommodate more than 10 fans.
Idk man .. ive never been. Im going off what i hear on local sports radio and what super fan tailgate Ted said.
Gibbs was pre bubble facility ... so the layout might be vastly different? Local sports radio heads here said there isnt much room and talked about bringing in bleachers then liability for bleachers ... ya know, the typical boring downtime summer sports talk radio
Ive never been so I defer
^^ about 100 high quality photos from TC, 80 of them seem to have Carson Wentz in them
07-28-2022, 01:22 PM
We had arguments on here last year of why AGG wasn’t playing more lol… I guess we got our answers
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07-28-2022, 01:33 PM
I went to TC years ago at Ashburn when Gibbs came back and the place was jam packed. So what happened? Seems like you may want to hold TC somewhere where you can accommodate more than 10 fans.
In Richmond I went most years and it always was a good size crowd. Couple times extremely packed…and I never went to fan appreciation day which was always overpacked.
The lottery and the general feeling about the team has fallen greatly in the area.
07-28-2022, 01:39 PM
In Richmond I went most years and it always was a good size crowd. Couple times extremely packed…and I never went to fan appreciation day which was always overpacked.
The lottery and the general feeling about the team has fallen greatly in the area.
Looking at the few photos that show the fan area .. it seems like its a decent area sq ft wise but standing field level, you cant see or appreciate anything.
row 1 endzone are the worst seats in the house except for goal line .. then its insane
why the lottery? why not bring in bleachers to give fans an elevated view? radio guys were talking liability exposure etc but come on man.
idk .. this team
There's a bit of hill there in Ashburn you can stand on and see just fine. They used to draw a few thousand a day there easy. Even without the lottery I think the crowd would be sparse. Just where we're at now.