2022 veteran QB options

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02-26-2022, 04:37 PM
Rub n tugs. Hands on legs. Both sleazy as hell. No doubt.
Nobody here is good with the accusation or with Watson bein a sleaze ball.
But it isn’t the reason we want Snyder gone. We wanted him gone for 20 years.
Watson can come here and help us win and hopefully is done bein a sleaze ball?
Again, in no way defending eithers alleged actions, at all, but I just see the two situations in a different light.
Snyder was a piece of shit that got caught being sleazy, and we hope that is his downfall because of decades of bullshit.
Watson was a sleaze ball that got caught being sleazy. If he comes here i would hope he has changed his ways. There is no changing ways for Dan.
Now, if I knew for a fact that there was sexual assault or something more than a mutual rub n tug agreement i would say fuck him and he belongs in jail.
With Dan, I want him gone whether that lady is lying or not.
Am I making sense? It’s hard sometimes to translate thoughts to posts. Lol.

I think w/ Watson it is more than being sleazy. He is a predator and his actions back it up. He was seeking out all these women on social media. Stalking them, then we he knew what he did was wrong he tried to contact them to apologize.

Some were probably mutual but some were probably not.

I can't root for this guy. He is sick and needs help. I really don't even believe that we will try and trade for him. Say what you want about Ron but he is a solid stand up guy. I doubt he wants anything to do w/ Watson and his baggage. It would be another PR nightmare for this organization.

Go draft a high character guy that you can build around and leave people like Watson alone.

punch it in
02-26-2022, 04:38 PM
You make sense to me.

I don't think anyone wants to bring a sexual predator here to be the savior at QB. There's a difference between being a sleaze ball and being a sexual predator. Unfortunately, we don't know if either DS or DW are sleaze balls, or if they are legit sexual predators, willing to use their money and influence to take advantage of women. Which is why I will reserve my thoughts on DW coming here until his legal situation plays out - completely.

Right now he's not on my list of QBs I'm willing to deal for. I may have a package in mind, but am in no way ready to make the phone call.

Well said

punch it in
02-26-2022, 05:02 PM
I think w/ Watson it is more than being sleazy. He is a predator and his actions back it up. He was seeking out all these women on social media. Stalking them, then we he knew what he did was wrong he tried to contact them to apologize.

Some were probably mutual but some were probably not.

I can't root for this guy. He is sick and needs help. I really don't even believe that we will try and trade for him. Say what you want about Ron but he is a solid stand up guy. I doubt he wants anything to do w/ Watson and his baggage. It would be another PR nightmare for this organization.

Go draft a high character guy that you can build around and leave people like Watson alone.

I do not know enough about the case against him. Like Chief said I will wait to see what happens.
What exactly was he apologizing for? I have no idea. Doesn’t mean he got abusive or violent. Maybe he heard they were accusing him of things and was trying to do damage control? I really have no idea. They were local massage ladies, one of them probably took the extra cash for a happy ending and he thought he could get anyone to. If whipping it out was the worst thing he did Id still classify him as sleazy. Lol.

02-28-2022, 09:32 AM
Hope no one on here gets accused of something and we all just think they are guilty before weighing all the facts.

Its like the Salem Witch hunt on here with Watson.

02-28-2022, 09:45 AM
It happens all the time .. depending on who you are it only takes one accuser … If Watson is totally innocent then 20 plus women are lying about it .. it only took one accusation to take down a lot of high profile others ( I won’t drag politics or supreme court or Others into this ) .. if we bring in this guy for the sake of trying to win then it tells me more is broke than our owner .. it could be a desperate fan base that’s broke also .. I’ll never pull for Watson I’ll change teams .. he is absolutely got major issues for that many women to come out against him.. We can and must do better with our next QB ..how would you feel if one of the accuser was a family member ?

punch it in
02-28-2022, 09:46 AM
Hope no one on here gets accused of something and we all just think they are guilty before weighing all the facts.

Its like the Salem Witch hunt on here with Watson.

Yeah all we know now is that he tried to pay for a happy ending. Half the posters on this board probably have too. Lol

punch it in
02-28-2022, 09:49 AM
It happens all the time .. depending on who you are it only takes one accuser … If Watson is totally innocent then 20 plus women are lying about it .. it only took one accusation to take down a lot of high profile others ( I won’t drag politics or supreme court or Others into this ) .. if we bring in this guy for the sake of trying to win then it tells me more is broke than our owner .. it could be a desperate fan base that’s broke also .. I’ll never pull for Watson I’ll change teams .. he is absolutely got major issues for that many women to come out against him.. We can and must do better with our next QB ..how would you feel if one of the accuser was a family member ?

So do you believe there was borderline rape involved? Cus if there was than yeah obviously he doesn’t belong a free man let alone quarterbacking our team. But if he was just flipping over, losing the towel, and flashing a wad of cash well again sleazy but not exactly criminal?

02-28-2022, 10:07 AM
So do you believe there was borderline rape involved? Cus if there was than yeah obviously he doesn’t belong a free man let alone quarterbacking our team. But if he was just flipping over, losing the towel, and flashing a wad of cash well again sleazy but not exactly criminal?

My two issues with saying he is guilty of all this are:

1. its super convenient all this came out when Watson started saying he wanted to leave the Texans; the possibility someone was trying to taint his image is not far reaching

2. Still too this date no criminal charges have been brought against him.

If he is guilty of all they are saying yeah no i don't want him but until that happens he is a very viable QB option for us.

It actually helps us he has this cloud over him otherwise he be in the Rogers category of he can go where he wants and he won't want come here.

02-28-2022, 10:10 AM
I don’t know anything 100% ..I do know the same standards should be used in regards to accusations.. in most cases one person saying this or that is not nearly as strong a case than dozens .. that is what is alarming .
To me it seems like there are deals trying to be made to make it all go away ..something happened and it continued to happen for this many women to come forward .. how serious was the act .. well serious enough to stop this guys career until it’s resolved.. from what I read that is still in the works .. I’m all about Second chances and forgiveness but to stake out foreseeable future of this team on this situation ( with the past culture) seems very desperate and in my opinions won’t end well .. if he buys his way out of this and it happens agian ?? Russell Wilson comes with None of this ..

02-28-2022, 10:12 AM
The other funny part is even if found guilty and he still comes here and we start winning, lets see how many folks are like yeah no i am not cheering for him he wanted a hand job.

You all be at your your SB party smashing down wings and bud lights while wearing your number 4 Watson Commanders jersey telling everyone how you love him and the new name.

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