Wright was on with Kevin Sheehan this morning and apparently they are open to changing the years on the crest. Personally I could care less, they went with commemorating the year they won vs what season the team is associated with, but if it helps straighten out some panties out there than just do it.
Matty going full Sean Spicer defending the team!
/Not intended to be political
Swarley 02-03-2022, 05:10 PM Part of me wishes they just left the pre-Superbowl championships off and went with the Roman numeral of the Super Bowl wins. I think that would actually look really cool.
also, Swaggy chimes in on Twitter:
JackLord 02-03-2022, 05:57 PM As I said it my post it's not just the crest thing. It's everything single thing w/ them.
IMHO there are two different POVs currently running through Washington fandom.
The first places a premium on history and tradition of the franchise. Unsurprisingly, this features mostly unhappy fans as they feel a genuine loss. One catches a whiff of over sentimental tendencies, bitterness, and reluctance to embrace change.
The second is forward looking and places a premium on the future rather than wallowing in the past. Unsurprisingly, this features mostly optimistic fans who do not see this as a death, but rather as much needed rebirth. One catches a whiff of romantic expectations regarding wins and possibly a slight tinge of Stockholm Syndrome.
Both schools of thought are legitimate and have their merits. But they are largely incompatible at this time.
FrenchSkin 02-03-2022, 08:12 PM Seems to me that let's go commanders works just fine.But how do you chant it with any kind of rythme ? Like the "let's go one-two *clapclapclapclapclap* let's go one-two" that every 2 syllables team uses, or the "go one go! Go one go!" For one syllable teams ?
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But how do you chant it with any kind of rythme ? Like the "let's go one-two *clapclapclapclapclap* let's go one-two" that every 2 syllables team uses, or the "go one go! Go one go!" For one syllable teams ?
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True, but . . .
Every NFL team has a one or two syllable name. The only exceptions (49ers, Cardinals, Buccaneers, Patriots) clip their name to fit the chant (Niners, Cards or Card-nals, Bucs, Pats). I imagine ours will be clipped to C’man-ders, though I personally like Commies. This opens the door to our defense (or I suppose our offense down the road) becoming the Red Menace and Dan Snyder being That Commie Bastard.
FrenchSkin 02-03-2022, 10:17 PM True, but . . .
Every NFL team has a one or two syllable name. The only exceptions (49ers, Cardinals, Buccaneers, Patriots) clip their name to fit the chant (Niners, Cards or Card-nals, Bucs, Pats). I imagine ours will be clipped to C’man-ders, though I personally like Commies. This opens the door to our defense (or I suppose our offense down the road) becoming the Red Menace and Dan Snyder being That Commie Bastard.Yeah that's my point, every other three or more syllables team can shorten it's name to one or two syllables. Many people said it before and I didn't really understood why it was a big deal, but now that I'm trying to move on with this name and picture myself cheering for the Commanders, I realize there's no easy natural way to chant this name or a shorten version of it...
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skinsnut 02-03-2022, 10:39 PM Whoever mentioned being a fan of the team may be suffering from Stockholm Syndrome is a frickin Genius. Hats off to sports psychology of a Redskins fan.
sdskinsfan2001 02-04-2022, 12:29 AM Pigskins
3 names that are all way better than Commanders and would have had a connection to our past while still being a fresh start.
How I feel about Dan and how he feels about us fans...
sdskinsfan2001 02-04-2022, 12:32 AM They have to get rid of the solid colored pants. Especially on the home uniforms. Those all burgundy or red pants are hideous.
The home jerseys could be solid, but it looks like shit with those pants.
FrenchSkin 02-04-2022, 03:42 AM Since I won't change team, and since Jason said this was only the launching of the brand and they were going to create the rest of the identity, I gotta say I have very high expectations from both the FO and the fraction of the fan base supporting this name to come up with exciting ways to engage and support this team. For now we got a hard to shorten 3 syllables name and an AAF hashtag, but I'll wait.
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