02-03-2022, 01:43 PM
There is a rule and some of you might know this already as it recently came up with the Lions, it states that once a team redesigns it uniforms they cant change for 5 seasons.
The lions came up as the team's GM was asked about changing the all gray color rush ones. So these aren't going anywhere for at least that long.
02-03-2022, 01:47 PM
Take the patches off problem solved
Were the patches even authentic to the time period?
I would be fine replacing the patches but keeping the rest of the design.
02-03-2022, 02:16 PM
It's the years that they put on the crest... The 83 Redskins lost in the SB. The 88 Redskins missed the playoffs and went 7-9. 92 was a 9-7 season and lost in the 2nd round to the 49ers. No one associates those teams as SB winners. Get what I'm saying?
When I see stuff like this, as well as the uniforms, it is pretty obvious that the people making decisions that's aren't from here. That white uniform is fine if you are a Cards fan. That red ain't us. That black ain't us. The core NFL teams don't mess w/ tradition. Do you see the Giants or Cowboys having all blacks? This is the shit Jacksonville does, or what college teams do. Hopefully they'll make adjustments and get it right. I doubt it. They're too stupid.
I also get the feel that they're looking to market to younger fans, which is probably smart cause most of my generation have checked out.
After yesterday I am just done. My emotions for the team are just dead. I'll still come on here cause I love talking football. But I just don't care what this team does anymore. Maybe that'll change in time but I just can't take it. I can't take Jason Wright lying to me. I can't take the Sean Taylor fuck up. I could go on and on... And most of all the losing and lack of playoff success and the inability to manage the QB position.
go commies - is already a shirt and joke as well
i 100% agree the white jerseys are fucked and i dont care for black alt's.
the alt's may grow on me but the white is garbage
The black uniforms are hideous.
straight up jim zorn in here
02-03-2022, 02:33 PM
It's the years that they put on the crest... The 83 Redskins lost in the SB. The 88 Redskins missed the playoffs and went 7-9. 92 was a 9-7 season and lost in the 2nd round to the 49ers. No one associates those teams as SB winners. Get what I'm saying?
When I see stuff like this, as well as the uniforms, it is pretty obvious that the people making decisions that's aren't from here. That white uniform is fine if you are a Cards fan. That red ain't us. That black ain't us. The core NFL teams don't mess w/ tradition. Do you see the Giants or Cowboys having all blacks? This is the shit Jacksonville does, or what college teams do. Hopefully they'll make adjustments and get it right. I doubt it. They're too stupid.
I also get the feel that they're looking to market to younger fans, which is probably smart cause most of my generation have checked out.
After yesterday I am just done. My emotions for the team are just dead. I'll still come on here cause I love talking football. But I just don't care what this team does anymore. Maybe that'll change in time but I just can't take it. I can't take Jason Wright lying to me. I can't take the Sean Taylor fuck up. I could go on and on... And most of all the losing and lack of playoff success and the inability to manage the QB position.
Dude that is such a gray area, all football seasons fall over two calendar years not sure why you are blaming the Coms on this one.
Anyone so worked up about a football team changing its name must live a charmed life.
Jason Wright lying to you??? Is he your daddy or something, i could give two fucks if he lied to me he don't know me from Adam or vice averse.
If you are so PISSED OFF GTFO no one cares i promise you no one cares especially at Commanders Park.
Wright was on with Kevin Sheehan this morning and apparently they are open to changing the years on the crest. Personally I could care less, they went with commemorating the year they won vs what season the team is associated with, but if it helps straighten out some panties out there than just do it.
02-03-2022, 02:50 PM
Wright was on with Kevin Sheehan this morning and apparently they are open to changing the years on the crest. Personally I could care less, they went with commemorating the year they won vs what season the team is associated with, but if it helps straighten out some panties out there than just do it.
I think both sides have a valid point - the games were played in the following year but they represent the culmination of the previous season.
So we were champs following the 1982, 1987, and 1991 seasons, but the games were in the following years. I lean 60/40 towards honoring the season that was played vs. the day the title was won but honestly the argument is a little irrelevant to me as I didn't witness any of it.
I think both sides have a valid point - the games were played in the following year but they represent the culmination of the previous season.
So we were champs following the 1982, 1987, and 1991 seasons, but the games were in the following years. I lean 60/40 towards honoring the season that was played vs. the day the title was won but honestly the argument is a little irrelevant to me as I didn't witness any of it.
If they had just gone with 82, 87, 91 nobody would be complaining right now, so I get it. But I also see what they were going for. The decision as to what years to put on there should have been vetted more thoroughly that's for sure.