09-22-2021, 05:45 PM
Turner is doing a pretty good job, I though so last year too. Not sure why some fans are so down on him.1 opening drive score out of 19 games
A slow start every game.
Those are my big gripes. I think once he gets into a game he sees the defense real well and adjusts, but the offense's slow starts are simply offensive.
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09-22-2021, 05:51 PM
This was bothering me right after the game. Now my view is let the play makers earn their money. I do hope the training wheels come off a bit more against Buffalo but against a defense like the Giants I am good with it,I like that he takes what is there, he also takes the big shots when the game is on the line.
I think I said this before, but I feel like Heinicke is the anti-Kirk Cousins, so so stats during the meat of the game but crazy sharp/focused when the win is in the balance. Take the end of the NYG game for example, we are behind and need a shock he throws elite passes to McKissick and RSJ, but then we have the lead and he was goes into cruise control and made a mistake. He gets it back, and leads a crisp efficient 2 minute drill for a shot to win.
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Chief X_Phackter
09-22-2021, 07:10 PM
According to the tape he should be doing even better.
Yeah, that's to be expected after only two starts in his NFL career. I'll give him a big pass for not seeing everything at this point.
09-22-2021, 07:14 PM
Yeah, that's to be expected after only two starts in his NFL career. I'll give him a big pass for not seeing everything at this point.
If he keeps the job and runs with it, hopefully he's seeing the field better by the end of the season. Just needs experience - and to not get injured.