punch it in 08-18-2021, 09:40 AM Mutations are a matter of probability, the longer the disease hangs around and the more people who have it the greater the chance of future mutations. That is why the "individual choice" to take the vaccine or wear the mask is one that effects everybody. The longer this goes on the increase chance that a new variant will spring up that will not be affected by the Vaccine, then every body is back to square one.
This. Im so sick of hearing it is my choice. Fuck that. Your choice not to take your medicine because of some youtube video or paranoia is affecting us all and putting us all in harms way.
Until there is actual evidence that this vaccine is killing people (and there never will be) stfu and stop being a bitch and go get your shot. I don’t really give a fuck how that sounds because it will never sound worse than “ill just live with this and put you all at risk of dying “
SCRedskinsFan 08-18-2021, 10:15 AM "Fuck you". Now there's an intelligent take on it all. :pffff:
Unfortunately, this virus will keep mutating regardless, because that is what viruses do. The COVID vaccines will likely have to be changed regularly, just like the flu vaccines.
I'm afraid this thing is here to stay, so get used to it.
Not so. It is the unfettered spread of the virus that enables mutation into other variants. When that spread is limited, the chance of variation is limited. Had we been able to continue our aggressive vaccination rate there is a good chance that the variant would not have taken hold as it has. We only need to look at the statistics of who is seriously affected or dying from this scourge to know the answer.
So, while this virus is likely to continue indefinitely, it is not likely to be worse than the common flu, but controlled better since we know it’s exact makeup. That’s very different than what’s happening now, and the shame is that we have brought this unto ourselves through misinformation and ignorance of facts.
Chief X_Phackter 08-18-2021, 10:30 AM Oh guys... you do seem to love a good pissing contest for no apparent reason.
So we are back to its the flu? [emoji1750]
If this virus requires a yearly shot than again fuck you get it. You know why? Because the flu does not kill like covid does.
Right now though what the science and the doctors are telling us is that we can stop this thing by getting vaccinated- it will die. And you have no idea if it will keep coming back like the flu.
But if your solution is “this is the flu, and its not going anywhere so give up and live with it” well no wonder we are in this situation.
If everyone in America was vaccinated right now cases would be next to nothing, certainly deaths would be. But hey lets just learn to live with this many people dying because who wants to MAYBE get a shot once a year. [emoji35]
I never said it was the flu, I simply used the flu as an analogy with regard to the likelihood that the vaccine for COVID will have to be changed periodically...so maybe fuck you...and get back to some reading comprehension.
You clearly don't have much background in statistics. The more virus there is in the world, the more likely it is to mutate.
Let's put it this way, in which country are we more likely to see 1M or more cases of Down Syndrome:
1) India, with population of 1.36 billion
2) Singapore, with a population of 5.7 million
The fewer people that have the virus in the world, the less likely it is to mutate.
You can lay out all the statistics you want. I never said it was more or less likely to mutate - only that it will. The bottom line is that all viruses, including coronaviruses, can change over time, and we'll have to continue to adapt in order to manage the mutations.
Y'all want to follow the science, but only the science that fits your narrative.
Again, I'm not a vaccine denier or pusher, anti-vax or pro-vax... You guys are obviously pro-vax and fuck everyone else. That's awesome! You do you!
Anyway, here are a hand full of articles about the mutation of coronaviruses (spoiler alert - viruses will mutate, sometimes despite the creation of vaccines created to treat them).
"The creation of a vaccine for any new virus could also cause additional mutations."
mooby 08-18-2021, 11:01 AM And even if it did its not the flu. We can live with the flu. Even if it becomes like the flu vaccine though than it is The current situation vs a trip to the pharmacy once a year. [emoji848]
Punch, I feel like you are overreacting a bit on this one. He didn't say it was the flu, and it wasn't implied either. He said we might be facing a situation where it's similar to the flu in that we have to get a booster shot every year to kill the new variant. But he also didn't say he was opposed to that either. As far as certain people on this board go I don't think Chief is one of these extremists that will go to any length to minimize COVID's impact.
CRedskinsRule 08-18-2021, 11:03 AM Remember when the warpath locker room used to be about x's and o's, not names and blames. The good old days when preseason talk focused on the rise and fall of players' odds for making the team - not the odds of a refused jab or of whether a logo is a go or no go.
No longer do we go to a preseason game hoping the 1st team gets a td on its first drive, now we just piss or be pissed on depending on if our mask and pants are on or off.
But come on Skins fans or wft fans or howling wolves fans, the season is nearly here and the JAGs will be off the team, and some jabs will go unjabbed.
Set aside the hysterical hysteria and put on the fanatic Fandom. This team is ready to rock and roll, unless we get named the Monuments in which case we all will have to grin and bear it.
Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk
Schneed10 08-18-2021, 11:29 AM Oh guys... you do seem to love a good pissing contest for no apparent reason.
I never said it was the flu, I simply used the flu as an analogy with regard to the likelihood that the vaccine for COVID will have to be changed periodically...so maybe fuck you...and get back to some reading comprehension.
You can lay out all the statistics you want. I never said it was more or less likely to mutate - only that it will. The bottom line is that all viruses, including coronaviruses, can change over time, and we'll have to continue to adapt in order to manage the mutations.
Y'all want to follow the science, but only the science that fits your narrative.
Again, I'm not a vaccine denier or pusher, anti-vax or pro-vax... You guys are obviously pro-vax and fuck everyone else. That's awesome! You do you!
Anyway, here are a hand full of articles about the mutation of coronaviruses (spoiler alert - viruses will mutate, sometimes despite the creation of vaccines created to treat them).
"The creation of a vaccine for any new virus could also cause additional mutations."
Brother if you're not quoting scientific peer reviewed journals for your science information, you're going to the wrong sources.
"Articles" are not where you should be looking for scientific information.
The one piece you said that made any sense was that the introduction of vaccines can result in mutations of the virus. True - it's like whack-a-mole, beat one variant down with a vaccine, and another will emerge.
The part you're missing though is that variants will also emerge through random mutation, the chances for which increase as the number of infected rise.
I think you're just beyond help with this though. It's not because you're not intelligent enough to understand it, it's because you're too dumb to understand that there's a lot you don't know. Good luck to you, I hope you survive when you come across Delta.
Chief X_Phackter 08-18-2021, 11:48 AM Brother if you're not quoting scientific peer reviewed journals for your science information, you're going to the wrong sources.
"Articles" are not where you should be looking for scientific information.
The one piece you said that made any sense was that the introduction of vaccines can result in mutations of the virus. True - it's like whack-a-mole, beat one variant down with a vaccine, and another will emerge.
The part you're missing though is that variants will also emerge through random mutation, the chances for which increase as the number of infected rise.
I think you're just beyond help with this though. It's not because you're not intelligent enough to understand it, it's because you're too dumb to understand that there's a lot you don't know. Good luck to you, I hope you survive when you come across Delta.
I don't need any help man. Apparently you do though. And let's be honest, there's a lot we all don't know - you included. Maybe when (if) you come to that realization, you won't come off as being so obnoxious and petulant.
Like I said, I was only pointing out that the virus will mutate. I didn't specify how, when, or why. If you want to break it down further than I chose to, that's great, have at it. But don't discount what I said by simply expanding on my point.
sdskinsfan2001 08-18-2021, 12:06 PM Fuck COVID! Fuck Mutations!! Fuck the Dallas Cowboys!!!
This thread needs to be sent to the deepest pits of hell. What a disaster this thing has mutated into.
Schneed10 08-18-2021, 01:10 PM I don't need any help man. Apparently you do though. And let's be honest, there's a lot we all don't know - you included. Maybe when (if) you come to that realization, you won't come off as being so obnoxious and petulant.
Like I said, I was only pointing out that the virus will mutate. I didn't specify how, when, or why. If you want to break it down further than I chose to, that's great, have at it. But don't discount what I said by simply expanding on my point.
I work daily with the physician chairs and chiefs of one of the academic medical centers that sees the most severe COVID patients in the northeast.
I can quite comfortably say you don't know jack, and quite confidently say that nobody should ever listen to you on this subject, if they value their lives and the lives of their loved ones. You need all the help. All of it. Poster child for Dunning Kruger.
Chief X_Phackter 08-18-2021, 01:41 PM I work daily with the physician chairs and chiefs of one of the academic medical centers that sees the most severe COVID patients in the northeast.
I can quite comfortably say you don't know jack, and quite confidently say that nobody should ever listen to you on this subject, if they value their lives and the lives of their loved ones. You need all the help. All of it. Poster child for Dunning Kruger.
Good for you, but just because you carry their charts doesn't make you an expert in anything except maybe manual dexterity.
Say what you want, but you don't know jack shit about me. Your comments and responses are so impetuous - you can't even grasp the fact that I never claimed to be an expert - nor did I ever provide any advice about COVID that anyone on here should follow.
So why don't you get off your high horse that you have no business being on, and get back to posting some salary cap numbers - something you are actually somewhat useful for.