PorkSkins 08-17-2021, 12:33 PM You're factually incorrect all over the place here, dumbass.
Approximately 1500 people have died from COVID, despite receiving the vaccine. Out of over 100M people who have received the vaccine. That's a success rate.
The masks do offer protection. Best explanation I've seen, if you walk around nude, and someone pisses on you, you'll get wet. If you walk around with pants on, and someone pisses on you, you'll still get wet, but not as bad. And if you walk around with pants on, and some guy walks up to you with pants on and tries to piss on you, his piss stays in his pants and you don't get wet.
Nobody has actually died from the vaccine itself, that's baloney you read on social media.
I'm more than right, punk. Believe what you want.
No reason for me to dialogue any further with you. But I have a proposition for you.... Meet me somewhere and trash talk me for no apparent reason other than you have an infantile mind, and I'll make you look like you were 10 years late for a dental appointment.
I will bust your shit.
Fights on the internet vs real life
PorkSkins 08-17-2021, 12:46 PM Fights on the internet vs real life
Haha! Nah, that's the thing..... I ain't gonna go tit for tat on the internet let alone in person. If someone wanna blatantly disrespect me for no apparent reason then dialogue is ceased, and I'd like to see that big mouth in person.
Most trash talkers on the internet are usually wussies. I also know what I'm capable of doing, and I'll leave it at that.
Be well!
punch it in 08-17-2021, 01:10 PM I'm more than right, punk. Believe what you want.
No reason for me to dialogue any further with you. But I have a proposition for you.... Meet me somewhere and trash talk me for no apparent reason other than you have an infantile mind, and I'll make you look like you were 10 years late for a dental appointment.
I will bust your shit.
You are not only wrong about thousands dying from the vaccine, but an absolute idiot for challenging people to fights on the internet. Go away.
And trust me i am the biggest strongest toughest motherfucker on this board because i said so. My name is punch for a reason. I punch the shit out of people all day everyday on the internet. Haven’t lost a fight yet.
PorkSkins 08-17-2021, 01:14 PM You are not only wrong about thousands dying from the vaccine, but an absolute idiot for challenging people to fights on the internet. Go away.
Again, believe what you want. Why don't you go away?!
You obviously feel protected by your anonymity on the internet, and feel it's alright to be disrespectful to someone. But I suspect you and the other person I got into it with are only doing it because you feel comfortably protected behind the computer. I highly doubt that you (or him) would do that in person, so now what you're trying to do is feign victim. A clever fallacious tactic, but it doesn't work on me. Some of you obviously feel you can be disrespectful and trash talk carte blanche without reaction or a form of retribution. Get real!
I've not once disrespected anyone till I was recently provoked. You deserve the energy you bring. So, I suggest you shut your mouth or get dealt with if I ever see you in person, coward.
punch it in 08-17-2021, 01:24 PM Again, believe what you want. Why don't you go away?!
You obviously feel protected by your anonymity on the internet, and feel it's alright to be disrespectful to someone. But I I suspect you and the other person I got into it with are only doing it because you feel comfortably protected behind the computer. I highly doubt that you (or him) would do that in person, so now what you're trying to do is feign victim. A clever fallacious tactic, but it doesn't work on me. Some of you obviously feel you can be disrespectful and trash talk carte blanche without reaction or a form of retribution. Get real!
I've not once disrespected anyone till I was recently provoked. You deserve the energy you bring. So, I suggest you shut your mouth or get dealt with if I ever see you in person, coward.
Hahahaha. Oh my God. This is the best post ever on here. And by best i mean the absolute silliest thing ive ever read. You win the toolbag/dipshit of the year award porky! Congratulations.
I honestly could care less what you have to say. Your posts sound like a 4th grader and you are not very smart but I believe you already tried to fight me once. Lol. I just quoted this so it will always be here for people to laugh at.
PorkSkins 08-17-2021, 01:26 PM Hahahaha. Oh my God. This is the best post ever on here. And by best i mean the absolute silliest thing ive ever read. You win the toolbag/dipshit of the year award porky! Congratulations.
Nice job projecting yourself, coward. You're an easy read.
punch it in 08-17-2021, 01:27 PM Nice job projecting yourself, coward.
Shouldn’t have edited your post. You can’t read. If you could read you would be smart, and if you were smart you wouldn’t be so ignorant.
punch it in 08-17-2021, 01:29 PM https://media4.giphy.com/media/9D7Jr7o9TjKta/giphy.gif
Schneed10 08-17-2021, 05:04 PM I'm more than right, punk. Believe what you want.
No reason for me to dialogue any further with you. But I have a proposition for you.... Meet me somewhere and trash talk me for no apparent reason other than you have an infantile mind, and I'll make you look like you were 10 years late for a dental appointment.
I will bust your shit.
I'll tie you to a fucking bedpost with your ass cheeks spread out and shit, put a hanger on a fucking stove and let that shit sit there for like half an hour, take it off and stick it in your ass slow like tssss.
Then I'll fucking lay your nuts on a fucking dresser, just your nuts laying on a fucking dresser, and bang them shits with a spiked fucking bat.
I'll pull your fucking tongue out your fucking mouth and stab that shit with a rusty screwdriver and then I'll sew your fucking asshole closed and keep feeding you and feeding you.