06-24-2021, 09:38 AM
First I remember JJ and yes I think he should be in but I admit I don't know why you thing Peter King is holding it up?
Peter King has said that Jacoby doesn’t deserve to be in because he gave up a couple sacks to a coked up LT in the 86 NFC Championship. He also kept Art Monk out of the Hall for years because “he was a possession receiver on a running team and didn’t have a signature play in any of the Super Bowls he was in”. Basically he’s a Giants homer who hates the Skins and was a vocal opponent of the name and uses his influence in the reporting world against the Redskins.
06-24-2021, 09:48 AM
Yeah I said he's in. But any case against him will include his .500 record and go from there. Not that it will matter though.His regular season record could have been better, and he did throw a lot of picks but his overall body of work warrants entrance. He was never given enough recognition for durability and arm strength. He never played scared and played to win. It worked with 2 rings.
Take away the 2 rings though and he's very likely not in. His regular season stats were good to pretty good over a long period of time. He was never considered to be elite. Can't take away the rings though obviously, the postseason will punch his HOF ticket.
06-24-2021, 09:56 AM
Take away the 2 rings though and he's very likely not in. His regular season stats were good to pretty good over a long period of time. He was never considered to be elite. Can't take away the rings though obviously, the postseason will punch his HOF ticket.
He should have the defensive line up there during his speech as they are the reason the Giants won those two games.
06-24-2021, 11:21 AM
He should have the defensive line up there during his speech as they are the reason the Giants won those two games.
Big part yes, as I said no one does it by themselves .You must remember it just wasn't those two games ,it was the run up to and including those games .
I hear this is the picture they're using to make his bust
https://golfdigest.sports.sndimg.com/content/dam/images/golfdigest/fullset/2019/09/17/5d8106c39ddc580008abedaa_192w85x9nl0ogjpg.jpg.rend .hgtvcom.966.966.suffix/1573230336629.jpeg
06-24-2021, 11:26 AM
Peter King has said that Jacoby doesn’t deserve to be in because he gave up a couple sacks to a coked up LT in the 86 NFC Championship. He also kept Art Monk out of the Hall for years because “he was a possession receiver on a running team and didn’t have a signature play in any of the Super Bowls he was in”. Basically he’s a Giants homer who hates the Skins and was a vocal opponent of the name and uses his influence in the reporting world against the Redskins.
I guess I missed that , I never heard him say it but as for being a Giants Homer I have to disagree with you . He voted not to induct Harry Carson in and for that reason alone he needs a body guard in the NY area.
Even if King is against Jacoby getting in or anti-Redskins which I think is nonsense, he's not the only voter.
06-24-2021, 11:30 AM
I hear this is the picture they're using to make his bust
https://golfdigest.sports.sndimg.com/content/dam/images/golfdigest/fullset/2019/09/17/5d8106c39ddc580008abedaa_192w85x9nl0ogjpg.jpg.rend .hgtvcom.966.966.suffix/1573230336629.jpeg
lol,nah. It's this one.
06-24-2021, 11:40 AM
Ironically, both SBs are clinched by his WRs making incredible catches on his questionable Grossman-style "let's chuck it as far as I can into double coverage and see what happens" throws.
https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2F38.media.tumblr.com%2Ftumblr_lyyg grmpky1ro238go2_500.gif&f=1&nofb=1