AnonEmouse 03-08-2021, 11:29 AM It's why the AAF and XFL folded.. I know the Rock thinks he can make it work but he won't... Nobody gives a shit about minor league football. In fact nobody really cares about that in any sport.
When was the last time you watched a Minor League baseball game?
I must admit I always find it unusual how much of a difference there is between the US and other nations when it comes to tier 2+ sport. i.e. Lower league football over here is well supported, almost as well as the Premier League, and has the revenue to support quite good salaries in the 2nd tier (Championship) and at least enough in the next level (League 1) to live off. Lower divisions do tend to have more part time players, and the lowest levels are lucky if they get expenses, but between the top 3 tiers that's 68 teams, with many players in the PL earning similar if not more money to NFL players. They play more games here obviously, so a direct comparison doesn't really make sense. But is it more a case that there are other sports competing for the audience (baseball, basketball, CFB), that a spring league professional set up couldn't; make the revenue? Or is it that the players wouldn't accept more economic salaries for the risk etc.?
CRedskinsRule 03-08-2021, 11:35 AM I wish there was more reporting on this.
What is taking so long?
Who makes the decision?
What factors are considered?
Teams have to be cap compliant in 9 days ....
Don't be surprised if the NFL and NFLPA announce a "COVID Exception" to the Salary Cap this year, to be funded by later year adjustments.
The cap won't go down 20%, maybe 10% but I also would not be surprised for the two parties work out a deal to keep the cap neutral this year.
skinsfaninok 03-08-2021, 11:53 AM I must admit I always find it unusual how much of a difference there is between the US and other nations when it comes to tier 2+ sport. i.e. Lower league football over here is well supported, almost as well as the Premier League, and has the revenue to support quite good salaries in the 2nd tier (Championship) and at least enough in the next level (League 1) to live off. Lower divisions do tend to have more part time players, and the lowest levels are lucky if they get expenses, but between the top 3 tiers that's 68 teams, with many players in the PL earning similar if not more money to NFL players. They play more games here obviously, so a direct comparison doesn't really make sense. But is it more a case that there are other sports competing for the audience (baseball, basketball, CFB), that a spring league professional set up couldn't; make the revenue? Or is it that the players wouldn't accept more economic salaries for the risk etc.?
The US has a problem that if you are not at the "Top level" of your field then nobody really cares about the rest..
skinsfaninok 03-08-2021, 12:05 PM https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Ev-B3vmXEAURz9i?format=jpg&name=small
BaltimoreSkins 03-08-2021, 12:07 PM I must admit I always find it unusual how much of a difference there is between the US and other nations when it comes to tier 2+ sport. i.e. Lower league football over here is well supported, almost as well as the Premier League, and has the revenue to support quite good salaries in the 2nd tier (Championship) and at least enough in the next level (League 1) to live off. Lower divisions do tend to have more part time players, and the lowest levels are lucky if they get expenses, but between the top 3 tiers that's 68 teams, with many players in the PL earning similar if not more money to NFL players. They play more games here obviously, so a direct comparison doesn't really make sense. But is it more a case that there are other sports competing for the audience (baseball, basketball, CFB), that a spring league professional set up couldn't; make the revenue? Or is it that the players wouldn't accept more economic salaries for the risk etc.?
The closest we have to this is baseball and hockey. Without knowing the set up of football over there, most players for baseball and hockey are drafted and signed by the major league club to either a major league or minor league deal. Most minor league baseball and hockey are big draws in attendance but no real tv revenue and only a small radio revenue. Not as many players are making what we would consider a livable salary unless they are a prospect or a role player that bounces back and forth to the major league club.
skinsfaninok 03-08-2021, 12:07 PM I would not report the Eagles have internal unanimity on Hurts as QB1 but sources say the boss, Jeffrey Lurie, has instructed his group to prioritize making Hurts successful in 2021 as opposed to creating a true competition.
Mort report
Number44 03-08-2021, 12:31 PM I must admit I always find it unusual how much of a difference there is between the US and other nations when it comes to tier 2+ sport. i.e. Lower league football over here is well supported, almost as well as the Premier League, and has the revenue to support quite good salaries in the 2nd tier (Championship) and at least enough in the next level (League 1) to live off. Lower divisions do tend to have more part time players, and the lowest levels are lucky if they get expenses, but between the top 3 tiers that's 68 teams, with many players in the PL earning similar if not more money to NFL players. They play more games here obviously, so a direct comparison doesn't really make sense. But is it more a case that there are other sports competing for the audience (baseball, basketball, CFB), that a spring league professional set up couldn't; make the revenue? Or is it that the players wouldn't accept more economic salaries for the risk etc.?
Please correct me if I'm wrong, but my understanding is that a team in the 2nd tier has the possible opportunity to move up to the Premier League, with a team that wasn't as successful moving down. That can't happen in American professional sport. I wish it could.
AnonEmouse 03-08-2021, 12:40 PM Interesting points about some of our potential FA targets. Notably Corey Davis - some have suggested going after him. I wouldn't say no to him, but I'd be looking to go after the likes of Robinson, Golladay, Samuel far in preference to Davis. And it also highlights how the market may not be as rich for Scherff as maybe he thinks.
AnonEmouse 03-08-2021, 12:44 PM Please correct me if I'm wrong, but my understanding is that a team in the 2nd tier has the possible opportunity to move up to the Premier League, with a team that wasn't as successful moving down. That can't happen in American professional sport. I wish it could.
Yes, that is a good point. In your leagues, it's more about player movement, particularly in baseball. I'd say it's also something of a restriction for CFB; the static nature of the college divisions means poor performance mainly affects the coaching/athletic staff and to a degree the players, not the institutions themselves (except maybe in revenue terms?).
Ruhskins 03-08-2021, 01:24 PM Interesting points about some of our potential FA targets. Notably Corey Davis - some have suggested going after him. I wouldn't say no to him, but I'd be looking to go after the likes of Robinson, Golladay, Samuel far in preference to Davis. And it also highlights how the market may not be as rich for Scherff as maybe he thinks.
As much as I like Robinson, I don't think he's coming here to be WR2 or even WR1B to Terry. I think we have a better chance of landing a Samuel or Davis, maybe even Golladay, although I'm wondering if he's also going to be looking to be WR1 somewhere else.