03-04-2021, 10:23 AM
Lol I love how a 24 year old signing a 150 million+ deal is dumb. What 24 year old is turning that down?
Exactly. And also you have seen this trend of the superstar player having more leverage through a slowly weakening CBA. The owners still have the leverage over 90% of their players but every team has 2 - 3 players that have set themselves in the right place financially and contractually to have a lot more say in their employment even after they sign the contract. I think as good agents learn those loopholes and structures we are going to be seeing this more often from star players, especially on teams that have dysfunctional front offices.
Watson isn't going bankrupt lol get the F outta here
03-04-2021, 10:36 AM
It is also funny how some fans are basically rooting for a Bruce Allen type move by the Texans:
A team in rebuilding mode stubbornly holding on to a player, who obviously doesn't want to play for the team anymore, and giving up compensation that can be used to rebuild the team.
I agree the Texans may be better off trading him than having the situation rot even more. But the difference is BA effed up the Kirk Cousins situation by 1) not signing him earlier 2) low balling him 3) not trading him when it was obvious he wasn't going to stay AND he was under the tag so was going to be lost for nothing.
Watson just signed a 5y contract making him the 2nd highest paid QB in the league, that gives the Texans leverage, and some legitimacy to say "we're not trading a 25 years old franchise QB we just signed to a 5yr contract".
03-04-2021, 10:41 AM
I agree the Texans may be better off trading him than having the situation rot even more. But the difference is BA effed up the Kirk Cousins situation by 1) not signing him earlier 2) low balling him 3) not trading him when it was obvious he wasn't going to stay AND he was under the tag so was going to be lost for nothing.
Watson just signed a 5y contract making him the 2nd highest paid QB in the league, that gives the Texans leverage, and some legitimacy to say "we're not trading a 25 years old franchise QB we just signed to a 5yr contract".
Tricky situation. Gun to head, I'd trade him, just to move on. But I can totally see why Texans would want to hold onto him as well. The Texans have one of the best QB situations in the league, minus him trying to force a trade.
03-04-2021, 10:45 AM
Move up and grab our guy
03-04-2021, 12:04 PM
Exactly. And also you have seen this trend of the superstar player having more leverage through a slowly weakening CBA. The owners still have the leverage over 90% of their players but every team has 2 - 3 players that have set themselves in the right place financially and contractually to have a lot more say in their employment even after they sign the contract. I think as good agents learn those loopholes and structures we are going to be seeing this more often from star players, especially on teams that have dysfunctional front offices.
Yeah plus it is not like he is going to a competitor and taking his money from Houston as well. He is holding out, not getting paid. It is the confines of the CBA. Under current constructs the CBA favors high value players and ownership. I think as long as they can keep their hold on most of their product they will tolerate a few headaches here and there. How many times has a hold out like this happened? Only a handful
03-04-2021, 12:11 PM
I agree the Texans may be better off trading him than having the situation rot even more. But the difference is BA effed up the Kirk Cousins situation by 1) not signing him earlier 2) low balling him 3) not trading him when it was obvious he wasn't going to stay AND he was under the tag so was going to be lost for nothing.
Watson just signed a 5y contract making him the 2nd highest paid QB in the league, that gives the Texans leverage, and some legitimacy to say "we're not trading a 25 years old franchise QB we just signed to a 5yr contract".
You forgot to mention signing Alex Smith to a big $ extension so BA could prove he can sign QBs to extensions. IMO that big $ extension was the cherry on $hit sundae.
03-04-2021, 12:15 PM
You forgot to mention signing Alex Smith to a big $ extension so BA could prove he can sign QBs to extensions. IMO that big $ extension was the cherry on $hit sundae.
100%, and if we're going down that road, let's not forget how Alex' trade was made without any football people being informed nor asked for advise. Let's call that the puke topping laid over the cherry on our shit sundae.
03-04-2021, 12:17 PM
Tricky situation. Gun to head, I'd trade him, just to move on. But I can totally see why Texans would want to hold onto him as well. The Texans have one of the best QB situations in the league, minus him trying to force a trade.
I'm with you, with all the reasons to keep him, I think if one team is willing to put an absolute block-buster never seen before offer, you take it rather than dragging yourself into a lose-lose situation... Because if Deshaun starts sitting games, he'll lose money, but they'll lose trade leverage.
03-04-2021, 12:20 PM
I agree the Texans may be better off trading him than having the situation rot even more. But the difference is BA effed up the Kirk Cousins situation by 1) not signing him earlier 2) low balling him 3) not trading him when it was obvious he wasn't going to stay AND he was under the tag so was going to be lost for nothing.
Watson just signed a 5y contract making him the 2nd highest paid QB in the league, that gives the Texans leverage, and some legitimacy to say "we're not trading a 25 years old franchise QB we just signed to a 5yr contract".
Regardless of the situation with Cousins or Trent, Bruce Allen was stubborn and refused to acknowledge that it was better for the team to trade both players and he didn't.
Houston may have a star QB, but have no draft capital or cap space to build around Watson.
They are either going to have a bad 2021 season with no draft capital this year and Watson sitting out during the season OR have a bad 2021 season with extra first round picks in 2022 and 2023. I'd rather have the latter.