Report: New harassment allegations against the Redskins

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08-28-2020, 10:51 AM
I'm not saying it's normal. I agree he's a horrible owner and even worse human being. I even agree he is probably the worst owner in the NFL.

All I'm saying is I'm not sure it's enough to realistically expect 75% of the other owners to vote him out, because I don't think it's crazy to think others may have done the same kind of things. Maybe not to the same extent, maybe not that often, maybe not that long, maybe not that bad... but the same kind.

And they would be setting a precedent that could come back and bite them. Or a least they could be worrying about that.

Here’s what the team has done, under Snyder:

1. NO SIGNS at the games. ******post revision- this is evidently not true.******

2. Employees were instructed not to look Daniel Snyder in the eye, ever, like they were a subservient and lower human being.

3. Unpaid cheerleaders were taken on calendar shoots in other countries and MORE THAN ONE SMUT FILMS were made by using a side camera while the woman prepared for supposedly covered up topless photographs. Taken while they undressed. They were not compensated for this. The cheerleaders could not tell anyone about this because of non-disclosure agreements.

4. Unpaid cheerleaders were encouraged to perform sex with visiting “big wigs” or Snyder’s friends, during these exotic calendar shoots. It is alleged that Snyder himself asked a long-standing cheerleader to do this for a friend.

5. Employees have to sign non-disclosure agreements to work for the team. As a classic, over-bearing and vengeful team owner with billions in assets, Snyder has a Uber-aggressive legal team of lawyers that he has used to sue former employees and even fans. This has effectively silenced many who saw the problems in the franchise but were cowed by Snyder’s proclivity to sue at a moments notice.

6. The Redskins have some of the highest ticket and concession prices in the NFL, for being in the group of the worst teams in the NFL. FEDEX stadium has degenerated into one of the most run-down stadiums in the NFL. Highest prices for one of the worst team in the lousiest venue in the NFL.

7. Snyder has micro-managed the team from day one using his lackeys (like Cerrato and Allen) to give him “ plausible deniability”. He’s always around, yet when dozens of allegations of sexual harassment from over 40 different women, and a toxic, oppressive and hostile work environment surface, Snyder claims he know nothing about it!! He’s “hand off”, so he says. In reality he’s out there making many decisions on many levels , with only his idol, Jerry Jones, being more intrusive. These aren’t isolated events but a day-to-day work environment.

You may find others teams with maybe ONE of these issues, but to a MUCH LESSER degree. But NO TEAM have had the body wide cancer as the WFT. I think you will see other teams quietly make adjustments to fix any such problems because of Daniel Snyder’s example of how to destroy a honored, well-respected football franchise with the worst micro-management in the game.

What happens next?

A. NO NEW STADIUM.Daniel Snyder is now a pariah in the NFL. No politician will give him a dime, nor land, nor other concessions to the franchise for a NEW STADIUM while he is still owner.

B. With all these allegations by 42 employees, it is hard to believe that any real investigation would find NOTHING THERE. More allegations will come from other employees who aren’t intimidated by Snyder’s attack dog lawyers. Snyder is hoping for just a little jello to stick to the wall, and then to hide behind Rivera and Wright in a “new culture” and transparencies their operations. But 20 years of misdeeds and blundering isn’t easily erased. There will be more inflammatory newspaper and magazine article about the rot that took over the team in Snyder’s reign of terror.

At the end of this season, Snyder will be forced to quietly sell the team. Then he can crawl back under the rock he came from.

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08-28-2020, 10:55 AM
Here’s what the team has done, under Snyder:

1. NO SIGNS at the games

2. Employees were to not to look Daniel Snyder in the eye, ever, like they are a subservient and lower human being.

3. Unpaid cheerleaders were taken on calendar shoots in other countries and MORE THAN ONE SMUT FILMS were made by using a side camera while the woman prepared for supposedly covered up topless photographs. Taken while they undressed. They were not compensated for this. The cheerleaders could not tell anyone about this because of non-disclosure agreements.

4. Unpaid cheerleaders were encouraged to perform sex with visiting “big wigs” or Snyder’s friends, during these exotic calendar shoots. It is alleged that Snyder himself asked a long-standing cheerleader to do this for a friend.

5. Employees have to sign non-disclosure agreements to work for the team. As a classic, over-bearing and vengeful team owner with billions in assets, Snyder has a Uber-aggressive legal team of lawyers that he has used to sue former employees and even fans. This has effectively silenced many who saw the problems in the franchise but were cowed by Snyder’s proclivity to sue at a moments notice.

6. The Redskins have some of the highest ticket and concession prices in the NFL, for being in the group of the worst teams in the NFL. FEDEX stadium has degenerated into one of the most run-down stadiums in the NFL. Highest prices for one of the worst team in the lousiest venue in the NFL.

7. Snyder has micro-managed the team from day one using his lackeys (like Cerrato and Allen) to give him “ plausible deniability”. He’s always around, yet when dozens of allegations of sexual harassment from over 40 different women, and a toxic, oppressive and hostile work environment surface, Snyder claims he know nothing about it!! He’s “hand off”, so he says. In reality he’s out there making many decisions on many levels , with only his idol, Jerry Jones, being more intrusive. These aren’t isolated events but a day-to-day work environment.

You may find others teams with maybe ONE of these issues, but to a MUCH LESSER degree. But NO TEAM have had the body wide cancer as the WFT. I think you will see other teams quietly make adjustments to fix any such problems because of Daniel Snyder’s example of how to destroy a honored, well-respected football franchise with the worst micro-management in the game.

What happens next?

A. NO NEW STADIUM.Daniel Snyder is now a pariah in the NFL. No politician will give him a dime, nor land, nor other concessions to the franchise for a NEW STADIUM while he is still owner.

B. With all these allegations by 42 employees, it is hard to believe that any real investigation would find NOTHING THERE. More allegations will come from other employees who aren’t intimidated by Snyder’s attack dog lawyers. Snyder is hoping for just a little jello to stick to the wall, and then to hide behind Rivera and Wright in a “new culture” and transparencies their operations. But 20 years of misdeeds and blundering isn’t easily erased. There will be more inflammatory newspaper and magazine article about the rot that took over the team in Snyder’s reign of terror.

At the end of this season, Snyder will be forced to quietly sell the team. Then he can crawl back under the rock he came from.

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You know what ? I hope you're right.

Agree with the rest of your post.

(The sign part is not 100% accurate though, you're allowed to have signs at FedEx, I brought one, they just check what it says before letting you in... kinda the same I guess).

08-28-2020, 05:18 PM
Here’s what the team has done, under Snyder:

1. NO SIGNS at the games

2. Employees were to not to look Daniel Snyder in the eye, ever, like they are a subservient and lower human being.

3. Unpaid cheerleaders were taken on calendar shoots in other countries and MORE THAN ONE SMUT FILMS were made by using a side camera while the woman prepared for supposedly covered up topless photographs. Taken while they undressed. They were not compensated for this. The cheerleaders could not tell anyone about this because of non-disclosure agreements.

4. Unpaid cheerleaders were encouraged to perform sex with visiting “big wigs” or Snyder’s friends, during these exotic calendar shoots. It is alleged that Snyder himself asked a long-standing cheerleader to do this for a friend.

5. Employees have to sign non-disclosure agreements to work for the team. As a classic, over-bearing and vengeful team owner with billions in assets, Snyder has a Uber-aggressive legal team of lawyers that he has used to sue former employees and even fans. This has effectively silenced many who saw the problems in the franchise but were cowed by Snyder’s proclivity to sue at a moments notice.

6. The Redskins have some of the highest ticket and concession prices in the NFL, for being in the group of the worst teams in the NFL. FEDEX stadium has degenerated into one of the most run-down stadiums in the NFL. Highest prices for one of the worst team in the lousiest venue in the NFL.

7. Snyder has micro-managed the team from day one using his lackeys (like Cerrato and Allen) to give him “ plausible deniability”. He’s always around, yet when dozens of allegations of sexual harassment from over 40 different women, and a toxic, oppressive and hostile work environment surface, Snyder claims he know nothing about it!! He’s “hand off”, so he says. In reality he’s out there making many decisions on many levels , with only his idol, Jerry Jones, being more intrusive. These aren’t isolated events but a day-to-day work environment.

You may find others teams with maybe ONE of these issues, but to a MUCH LESSER degree. But NO TEAM have had the body wide cancer as the WFT. I think you will see other teams quietly make adjustments to fix any such problems because of Daniel Snyder’s example of how to destroy a honored, well-respected football franchise with the worst micro-management in the game.

What happens next?

A. NO NEW STADIUM.Daniel Snyder is now a pariah in the NFL. No politician will give him a dime, nor land, nor other concessions to the franchise for a NEW STADIUM while he is still owner.

B. With all these allegations by 42 employees, it is hard to believe that any real investigation would find NOTHING THERE. More allegations will come from other employees who aren’t intimidated by Snyder’s attack dog lawyers. Snyder is hoping for just a little jello to stick to the wall, and then to hide behind Rivera and Wright in a “new culture” and transparencies their operations. But 20 years of misdeeds and blundering isn’t easily erased. There will be more inflammatory newspaper and magazine article about the rot that took over the team in Snyder’s reign of terror.

At the end of this season, Snyder will be forced to quietly sell the team. Then he can crawl back under the rock he came from.

Sent from my iPhone using TapatalkYou ain't never lied,all that you say is right on point,if the team wants respect Snyder's got to go.

08-29-2020, 02:19 AM
You know what ? I hope you're right.

Agree with the rest of your post.

(The sign part is not 100% accurate though, you're allowed to have signs at FedEx, I brought one, they just check what it says before letting you in... kinda the same I guess).

Thanks for updating me on the sign issue at FEDEX. Are they just checking for cursing when they check it? Or any anti-Snyder blather?

Hell, I carried signs with my daughter to the Lincoln (called “the Linc”) Stadium for a Redskins-Eagles game, and thought I might be murdered by drunk fans there. But the funny thing was, the Redskins won and my picture (with the signs) made it into the WaPo. . I also had a Captain Chaos sign and got to meet Chris Coolie’s wife (she was a very nice person but did have a body guard - smart) who was sitting nearby. Kind of a cool day, overall!

So it really irked me when I heard there was no signage in FEDEX. Glad to hear I was wrong about that. Snyder moves up one millimeter from his current status as a bottom-sucking, tin-plated dictator. “Don’t the look at my eyes”. YGBSM!!

Unless the VAST MAJORITY of the allegations in WaPo articles are proved to be rubbish, I just don’t see him ever getting a new stadium. No politician, in either party, will touch him or help him with a 20’ pole. If the legal investigation finds out that much of the charges are true, I just don’t see how the NFL can let it slide. I still think his forced departure will be quietly done, with him making a $ billion or two to assuage his tears at losing his team. But more stories will keep coming out until the NFL does something, at the end of the season.

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08-30-2020, 04:59 AM
Thanks for updating me on the sign issue at FEDEX. Are they just checking for cursing when they check it? Or any anti-Snyder blather?

Hell, I carried signs with my daughter to the Lincoln (called “the Linc”) Stadium for a Redskins-Eagles game, and thought I might be murdered by drunk fans there. But the funny thing was, the Redskins won and my picture (with the signs) made it into the WaPo. . I also had a Captain Chaos sign and got to meet Chris Coolie’s wife (she was a very nice person but did have a body guard - smart) who was sitting nearby. Kind of a cool day, overall!

So it really irked me when I heard there was no signage in FEDEX. Glad to hear I was wrong about that. Snyder moves up one millimeter from his current status as a bottom-sucking, tin-plated dictator. “Don’t the look at my eyes”. YGBSM!!

Unless the VAST MAJORITY of the allegations in WaPo articles are proved to be rubbish, I just don’t see him ever getting a new stadium. No politician, in either party, will touch him or help him with a 20’ pole. If the legal investigation finds out that much of the charges are true, I just don’t see how the NFL can let it slide. I still think his forced departure will be quietly done, with him making a $ billion or two to assuage his tears at losing his team. But more stories will keep coming out until the NFL does something, at the end of the season.

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Well they didn't tell me what they where looking for, nor what was banned, they just told me, nice security lady actually, "I have to see what's written to let you in", so I don't know exactly what's the policy.

You reasoning makes sense. Mid to long term the situation may very well become too much for the NFL to continue putting up with it. I'm not sure we're there yet.

09-01-2020, 04:44 AM
The NFL is taking over the investigation into the allegations. What punishment can they actually impose if Snyder is found at fault?

09-01-2020, 05:34 AM
The NFL is taking over the investigation into the allegations. What punishment can they actually impose if Snyder is found at fault?

I'm not sure.
But doesn't this Jason Wright tweet ( feels pretty "Distancing myself from Dan" ?

09-01-2020, 07:40 AM
I think this is the beginning of the end for Snyder. My prediction is he sells the team at the end of the season.

KI Skins Fan
09-01-2020, 08:29 AM
Well they didn't tell me what they where looking for, nor what was banned, they just told me, nice security lady actually, "I have to see what's written to let you in", so I don't know exactly what's the policy

They're censoring signs and T-shirts that might be taken as negative toward Dan Snyder, Frenchy.

The comments on this board about the signs go back to 2009 when Dan Snyder and Vinnie Cerrato, commonly referred to as "Dumb and Dumber" at the time, were at war with their own team's fans. The following snippet from a 2009 Washington Post article should provide you with some background:

And now it’s Mike Broderick, a longtime season ticket holder, who came to the Chiefs game with Dumb and Dumber signs, attracting a security official who threatened to seize his season tickets. The guard told Broderick he could either go to the security office, leave the stadium, or hand over the signs. So Broderick asked if he could put the image on a t-shirt instead.

“That would be kind of offensive,” the security official said.

“It’s offensive to come to these games,” Broderick said he replied.

Broderick gave up the signs, and came back on Monday Night with new signs hidden under his jacket, and with t-shirts to match. The signs were about to be taken, as NFL Network cameras rolled live, and Broderick showed the security guy the team’s old policy, printed in his telephone yellow pages, which he had brought as proof. Policy’s been changed, he was told. Eventually, he said, security also made him turn his t-shirt inside-out, calling P.G. cops in for support. He said I could use his name, because his frustration overwhelms any fear of losing his seats.

“I’m to the point where I can’t even give the stupid tickets away because people are so frustrated,” he said.

09-01-2020, 08:36 AM
They're censoring signs and T-shirts that might be taken as negative toward Dan Snyder, Frenchy.

The comments on this board about the signs go back to 2009 when Dan Snyder and Vinnie Cerrato, commonly referred to as "Dumb and Dumber" at the time, were at war with their own team's fans. The following snippet from a 2009 Washington Post article should provide you with some background:

And now it’s Mike Broderick, a longtime season ticket holder, who came to the Chiefs game with Dumb and Dumber signs, attracting a security official who threatened to seize his season tickets. The guard told Broderick he could either go to the security office, leave the stadium, or hand over the signs. So Broderick asked if he could put the image on a t-shirt instead.

“That would be kind of offensive,” the security official said.

“It’s offensive to come to these games,” Broderick said he replied.

Broderick gave up the signs, and came back on Monday Night with new signs hidden under his jacket, and with t-shirts to match. The signs were about to be taken, as NFL Network cameras rolled live, and Broderick showed the security guy the team’s old policy, printed in his telephone yellow pages, which he had brought as proof. Policy’s been changed, he was told. Eventually, he said, security also made him turn his t-shirt inside-out, calling P.G. cops in for support. He said I could use his name, because his frustration overwhelms any fear of losing his seats.

“I’m to the point where I can’t even give the stupid tickets away because people are so frustrated,” he said.

Yeah I definitely guessed it was that kind of things they were looking for. But I didn't have the detailed policy of what's allowed or not.
You know what, thinking about it, it's actually a sign that Dan does care being hated... so could it lead to him caving and selling the team without the NFL having to actually force him to ?
Sheehan has been making the argument that he must not be having a lot of fun owning this team anyway, because of how despised he is, and many have responded "well Dan doesn't care about being liked"... well apparently it hurts him enough to ban "offensive" signs...

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