07-21-2020, 02:03 PM
You know things are broken and rotten when fans know the name of your (checks notes) the executive VP and chief marketing officer.
Chase Young coming off one edge and Sweat coming off the other to meet at the QB is all we need.
07-21-2020, 03:26 PM
You know things are broken and rotten when fans know the name of your (checks notes) the executive VP and chief marketing officer.
Chase Young coming off one edge and Sweat coming off the other to meet at the QB is all we need.
...and lawyer. :D
Beth Wilkinson.
07-21-2020, 05:13 PM
I know its still early .... but I feel like the skins kinda weathered the storm here. Nothing on ESPN but the Julie Donaldson hiring. Nothing on yahoo homepage. Mark Cuban is now twitter beefing w Ted Cruz. MLB started playing a few games.
Being proactive pre story drop by already firing the guys, hiring a female lawyer to do the review, quickly naming a female to replace Larry Michael.
I think DS and the skins survived as well as could be expected. Oh yeah, well hear some crumbs and be front page news for 24 hours when Beth Wilkinson's report comes out ... but
I think this went as well as it could for DS post article drop.
07-21-2020, 05:19 PM
I know its still early .... but I feel like the skins kinda weathered the storm here. Nothing on ESPN but the Julie Donaldson hiring. Nothing on yahoo homepage. Mark Cuban is now twitter beefing w Ted Cruz. MLB started playing a few games.
Being proactive pre story drop by already firing the guys, hiring a female lawyer to do the review, quickly naming a female to replace Larry Michael.
I think DS and the skins survived as well as could be expected. Oh yeah, well hear some crumbs and be front page news for 24 hours when Beth Wilkinson's report comes out ... but
I think this went as well as it could for DS post article drop.
Yes, whether through good decisions and/or luck and/or timing they pulled a fast one and got out of there. By the time the fine is levied this story will be old news. Snyder, you sneaky bastard.
07-22-2020, 01:31 PM
I know its still early .... but I feel like the skins kinda weathered the storm here. Nothing on ESPN but the Julie Donaldson hiring. Nothing on yahoo homepage. Mark Cuban is now twitter beefing w Ted Cruz. MLB started playing a few games.
Being proactive pre story drop by already firing the guys, hiring a female lawyer to do the review, quickly naming a female to replace Larry Michael.
I think DS and the skins survived as well as could be expected. Oh yeah, well hear some crumbs and be front page news for 24 hours when Beth Wilkinson's report comes out ... but
I think this went as well as it could for DS post article drop.
Well, 30 years of work finally saw results...the name change was forced. Mission accomplished...our enemies are satisfied and will move onto the next target.
The media "cares" more about racism claims than sexual assault...always has, always will. Look how much coverage the name change and how much pressure was applied to Snyder to take action there. People called for him to sell the team over it. The other story, it died off in a couple of days and no one cares if Snyder's here or not.
Pretty sickening actually, but it's nice to be out of the national headlines.
The media "cares" more about racism claims than sexual assault...always has, always will.
They are too busy raping women to report sexual assaults.
08-07-2020, 06:27 PM
Snyder suing an India based newspaper for slander re Epstein accusations. I thought it was pretty ridiculous how much traction the Epstein stuff got considering it started from a random speculation on reddit.
Might just give the false accusations more oxygen though ... I do feel bad for Snyder to have those pedophile accusations made against him