In memory of our REDSKINS

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07-12-2020, 11:10 PM
The Redskins' new nickname "will not be announced immediately because trademark issues are pending," per the

Makes sense. This transition is going at warp speed. Still sucks though. Grrr.

07-12-2020, 11:24 PM
According to a source, the #Redskins narrowed their list of potential names down but “haven’t made a decision yet” and that decision will be “soon but not today.”


07-12-2020, 11:34 PM
Don't think I can root for the Washington Team any longer. I live in Florida so I will look at watching a local team and not have to pay through the nose for Direct TV to watch a team I won't "know" anymore.

Very sad. Only reason I kept watching from out of state was the History and memories of 50 years of fandom.

Prolly ditch the NFL altogether for fishing.

So on a positive note as the OP wanted, I got time now for my *other* passions without the BS

07-12-2020, 11:38 PM
I’ve been a fan since 1971 and this a huge deal to me and old fans. All I got to say is FUCK DAN SNYDER!! Traitor, JKC would bitch slap this POS all over the field. This never would of happen w/ JKC. Fuck politics and sports, hypocrite sponsors, and the NFL.

07-13-2020, 12:33 AM
Some smatterings of how this is hitting me tonight:

-- I turn 51 in late August. My Dad gave me two choices growing up in Louisville Kentucky. Root for and watch the Washington Redskins, or don't watch football. When you're 6 years old, it's an easy choice. (And looking back -- maybe this should have been considered child abuse ... haha .. but hey ... it's one of the few things my Dad and I can truly connect over. He just turned 80.)

-- I remember being in 1st grade in 1975, and checking out a paperback book from the library only because it had a photo of Billy Kilmer in a Redskins uniform on the cover (along with some other players I couldn't have cared less about). The book wasn't for first graders, but I didn't care. I checked it out anyway.

-- I vaguely remember the QB battles between Kilmer and Theismann. I also wondered why our guys only got to wear one bar face masks, while other QB's wore 2 bar face masks. Like that douchebag Staubach. These are great matters of concern for a 7 and 8 year old.

-- Being in Louisville meant it was a rare treat to get a Redskins game on TV. Usually we got the Bengals, or Bears, or because Paul Hornung was a Louisvillian, we got Green Bay Packers games ... completley annoying. But there's a large contingent of Packers fans here. And of course, the freakin' Cowboys were always on. Man I hate them.

-- On Sundays, I would run to grab the newspaper, to get the TV listings, to see what games were being shown. When I saw the Redskins listed, it sent a jolt of happiness through me I can't describe. I'd watch half an hour of Victory at Sea, followed by NFL on CBS, before the 1:00 Skins game .... and seeing the burgundy and gold, and those iconic helmets with the Redskin on it .... man, pure rapture.

-- I remember losing to Dallas by a point, and crying, and my Mom telling me to grow up, it's just a game, and me telling her she just didn't understand, and I was 10.

-- My love of the Redskins is only surpassed by my hatred of the Cowboys.

-- Life got MUCH better in the 80's. We got on TV more, and we won a lot more.

-- Jack Kent Cooke was godlike to me. And he delivered Super Bowls. God bless that man.

We all know our recent history, and the proliferation of TV showing all the games, made my experience of joy when I got to watch the Redskins disappear. But my love of the colors, the uni's, and especially the helmet, can all be traced to those early days, when I wasn't guaranteed to see them in any given week.

I've been a fan for 45 years.

I'll have to live to age 96, to root for whatever our new name will be, to EQUAL how much I have invested emotionally in the Redskins.

So, no matter what comes, I can realistically say, I'll still be more of a Skins fan when I pass than a whatever-freakin-name-we-get-stuck-with this season.

I want to be able to root for this team ... and see Chase Young, and Montez Sweat, terrorize Philly and Dallas and Daniel flippin Jones.

I just don't know that I will care as much as I did when I was 6 years old, running to check the TV listings in the Sunday paper, in the faint hope that I got to see my Washington Redskins play on TV.

Hail to the Redskins.

Thank you for the memories. I will miss you.

07-13-2020, 12:40 AM
Been a fan since the late 60's.
Favorite player(s) too many just to pick 1) - Sonny Jurgensen, Darrell Green, Sean Taylor, John Riggins, Dexter Manley, Art Monk, Gary Clark, Ricky Sanders, Clint Diddier, The HOGS.

Favorite Game, Super Bowl XXII and every time we beat the Cowboys....

HTTR - will still be my favorite the team

07-13-2020, 12:44 AM
the name is changing but the misery will continue until Dan Snyder sells the team

07-13-2020, 01:01 AM
Some smatterings of how this is hitting me tonight:

-- I turn 51 in late August. My Dad gave me two choices growing up in Louisville Kentucky. Root for and watch the Washington Redskins, or don't watch football. When you're 6 years old, it's an easy choice. (And looking back -- maybe this should have been considered child abuse ... haha .. but hey ... it's one of the few things my Dad and I can truly connect over. He just turned 80.)

-- I remember being in 1st grade in 1975, and checking out a paperback book from the library only because it had a photo of Billy Kilmer in a Redskins uniform on the cover (along with some other players I couldn't have cared less about). The book wasn't for first graders, but I didn't care. I checked it out anyway.

-- I vaguely remember the QB battles between Kilmer and Theismann. I also wondered why our guys only got to wear one bar face masks, while other QB's wore 2 bar face masks. Like that douchebag Staubach. These are great matters of concern for a 7 and 8 year old.

-- Being in Louisville meant it was a rare treat to get a Redskins game on TV. Usually we got the Bengals, or Bears, or because Paul Hornung was a Louisvillian, we got Green Bay Packers games ... completley annoying. But there's a large contingent of Packers fans here. And of course, the freakin' Cowboys were always on. Man I hate them.

-- On Sundays, I would run to grab the newspaper, to get the TV listings, to see what games were being shown. When I saw the Redskins listed, it sent a jolt of happiness through me I can't describe. I'd watch half an hour of Victory at Sea, followed by NFL on CBS, before the 1:00 Skins game .... and seeing the burgundy and gold, and those iconic helmets with the Redskin on it .... man, pure rapture.

-- I remember losing to Dallas by a point, and crying, and my Mom telling me to grow up, it's just a game, and me telling her she just didn't understand, and I was 10.

-- My love of the Redskins is only surpassed by my hatred of the Cowboys.

-- Life got MUCH better in the 80's. We got on TV more, and we won a lot more.

-- Jack Kent Cooke was godlike to me. And he delivered Super Bowls. God bless that man.

We all know our recent history, and the proliferation of TV showing all the games, made my experience of joy when I got to watch the Redskins disappear. But my love of the colors, the uni's, and especially the helmet, can all be traced to those early days, when I wasn't guaranteed to see them in any given week.

I've been a fan for 45 years.

I'll have to live to age 96, to root for whatever our new name will be, to EQUAL how much I have invested emotionally in the Redskins.

So, no matter what comes, I can realistically say, I'll still be more of a Skins fan when I pass than a whatever-freakin-name-we-get-stuck-with this season.

I want to be able to root for this team ... and see Chase Young, and Montez Sweat, terrorize Philly and Dallas and Daniel flippin Jones.

I just don't know that I will care as much as I did when I was 6 years old, running to check the TV listings in the Sunday paper, in the faint hope that I got to see my Washington Redskins play on TV.

Hail to the Redskins.

Thank you for the memories. I will miss you.

Going bold by bold point:

- I like your dad
- I was born in 1983, so don't remember Staubach playing, but he played for Dallas, so he was most certainly a douchebag
- Fuck Dallas
- Never talk about another man's momma, so I'll STFU on that one

07-13-2020, 03:20 AM
The Modern NFL is just Bad .. the rules suck ..the refs suck .the commissioner is horrible .so it’s all been going bad for so long that at this point nothing surprises me . I have watched every game ( either at game , tv , vcr, Dvr radio) since 1969 ! The Glory years ! The Super Bowl win against Miami was the best .. all the cowboy wins were high points ! When Joe Gibbs first left that was end of an era ..then Snyder started his run and its been very hard to be a fan .. truth is since he took over it’s been redskin football in name only and now that has been taken away ... what’s left ?? There will be no switching teams for me .. I will still watch the new team with one eye open and will not be upset if my dvr does not record or I miss a game and at some point it will cease to be a passion of mine .. HTTR !

07-13-2020, 08:20 AM
Favorite player of all time is Sean Taylor. Anyone who lays a hit in the pro bowl like that is a winner. I’m so sad how his life ended and would love to see what he would have become if his career hasn’t been cut short.

I was born in ‘85 so I don’t remember much about our last super bowl win. However I do remember rushing home after church to scarf down lunch so I could watch my beloved Redskins.

I remember the joy of bearing the Cowboys. Every. Time. We. Best. Those. @$$holes.

I remember how the media always said the Cowboys were a super bowl contender and talking with much $h!t to Cowboys fans at school, and later at work, when they finished a mediocre 8-8, choked in December, and lost in the first round of the playoffs (if they made it that far).

I remember Tony Romo’s botched point after attempt in the first round of the playoffs. I had never been as excited.

Basically I think I‘be just always hated the Cowboys as equally as I’ve loved the Redskins because of the the boastful Cowboys fans who live in Virginia but never even been to Texas and only like the Cowboys because of their parents liking them because of the runs in the 70’s.

Whatever the new name is, I’m still going to pull for them to kick the crap out of “America’s (mediocre) Team” each and every week! HTTR!

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