07-09-2020, 09:12 AM
To be fair, a thread about our name change IS a purely political thread. :D
It is, but then when you start bitching about bashing Senators and other stuff, it goes wayyy off topic.
07-09-2020, 04:28 PM
Punch don't let a 19 post poser keep you away for long. Obviously he joined to stir the pot on this issue. Don't let an asshole like that bother you. Take care of yourself.
Poser? Stir the pot?
You would think I am the one insulting people.
Shit got crazy on the boards!
I'm with you Punch but you lost your shit the last couple of days.
07-09-2020, 09:38 PM
You think white supremacy doesn’t have a problem with native Americans? My point is just because something used to be racist doesn’t mean it’s ok now. We stole their land. Slaughtered them. Stuck them on reservations and called them Redskins while we were doing it. Chico it is about right and wrong not caving to the mob. Lol. There are hardly any white supremacists left. The ones who still around have zero political support. There is not one white person in a position of power who would want their name to be associated with white supremacy or a white supremacist. The accusation alone could cost him or her everything. There is no evidence that white supremacy is a thing. All of the rioting and protesting that's going on is really over a non-issue. While real issues affecting the country, specifically black Americans, are being ignored.
It's funny how you can be so hostile towards white Americans, yet here defending native Americans. Do you know that native Americans were also slave owners? I'm sure you're aware that they also slaughtered, raped, and enslaved people as well, right? Did you know they actually fought for the Confederacy during the American Civil War? My question to you is will you hold their past sins against them or do you only hate white people?
07-10-2020, 12:20 PM
Interview with Kevin Allis the Chief Executive Officer of the National Congress of American Indians on 105.7 the fan up in Baltimore. Starts around 9:12
07-10-2020, 03:36 PM
Fed Ex threatening to pull signs from Fed Ex Field if no name change.
Snyder really pissed off Fred Smith
07-10-2020, 07:21 PM
Fred Smith is a little bitch. UPS or bust.
07-10-2020, 08:38 PM
Fed Ex threatening to pull signs from Fed Ex Field if no name change.
Snyder really pissed off Fred Smith
Cry some more Fed Ex!
Fuck these flakes...for the rest of my life I’ll put “Fuck” in front of the fed ex brand. Bunch of pusses
07-10-2020, 09:17 PM
Cry some more Fed Ex!
Fuck these flakes...for the rest of my life I’ll put “Fuck” in front of the fed ex brand. Bunch of pusses
I won't use them again...
07-10-2020, 09:25 PM
Fred Smith is a little bitch. UPS or bust.
Fred Smith tried to get rid Snyder, I'll give him a pass on just about anything.