07-06-2020, 07:00 PM
The Name Changers are like Marvel's Gelactus. But instead of swallowing up planets they swallow up sports teams then move onto the next one.
07-06-2020, 07:33 PM
Nerd alert
Haha. I really don't follow Marvel or D.C. I do like Spiderman tho. But for whatever reason Gelactus has stuck in my brain from when I was younger.
07-06-2020, 08:00 PM
Mooby .. that is a great reply😀😀👍
07-06-2020, 08:04 PM
all artificial peopaganda. All pc bullshit. there was never any major public outcry. They just figure if youre dumb enough to go around wearing masks, we'll change the world in one fell swoop.
punch it in
07-06-2020, 08:31 PM
As expected you are moving the discussion of your dishonesty. And if you just had facts and data..
You are the minority about the name. Nothing supports it as offensive or polls, interviews, data, etc. I’ve been told words and symbols change over time...redskins if it was offensive hasn’t been in generations. When you hear Redskins” it’s ONLY meaning is player /team for the professional Sports team in DC.
Because those Native Americans with signs that say we are not mascots don’t have a say? Come on man. Do I think it is tantamount to a swastika? No. It has falsely endeared itself into the minds of football fans. Though at one time it was. Do I think anyone of us hates native Americans? No. But if there are Native Americans who are offended by it than change it. Someone’s feelings are more important than the nickname of a football team I root for. If that makes me a snowflake liberal dick face im cool with it.
punch it in
07-06-2020, 08:49 PM
And just for the record I have known one Native American pretty well. When I lived in Tahoe. Her name was Mary. Sweetheart of a lady. Huge Skins fan. If some other sweetheart of a lady is offended by it than scrap it. Call me a bleeding heart idc. Im not going down the rabbit hole of than cowboys are offended and than we will all have numbers as names and all that bologna. Redskin does have roots in racism. I dont care how long ago. I think that taking down statues and changing names may be superficial in a way. It is actions that really count but if you are going to chop down the racist tree than chop down the whole thing roots and all. Stumps are a tripping hazard and an eye sore.
07-06-2020, 11:17 PM
Saw a good one on Facebook. Washington Possoms. Because we play dead at home and get killed on the road.
07-07-2020, 04:26 AM
As expected you are moving the discussion of your dishonesty. And if you just had facts and data...
LOL, seriously, you of all poster's???:stop:
07-07-2020, 04:42 AM
Maryland and DC are bastions of bullshit. Loudon County/Dulles AP area has all the high speed infrastructure to support the team without all the crime that comes from the RFK/ SE Washington area.
Jack Kent Cook didn't think so. You seem to forget that the deal he got from Maryland was decent but Maryland covered their ass ,if the Skins break the lease they must repay all infrastructure money and yes Danny is wealthy he can't throw money around like that and I think there is still about 5-7(not sure) years left on the lease. there is also the question of what to do with RalJon after the Redskins leave ,no College teams need it,there is a Mall across the Beltway and a Metro down the street The Redskins will never get the value they need for it Baltimore is out. Hogan has talked about letting Snyder have a Casino license for "sports betting" to stay where he is. The name change will allow him what he wants , to rebuild on the old RFK site and in Washington.